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7 Relationship Affirmations to Strengthen Any Connection

seven of the best relationship affirmations

By Happy Life OfficialPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The power of positive affirmations can't be overstated.

The right affirmations can bring you closer to your goals, improve your relationships and make you feel more positive about life.

When it comes to building healthier relationships with others, especially your romantic partner, a few relationship affirmations can help make things stronger and more rewarding both now and in the future.

Here are seven of the best relationship affirmations to consider when trying to improve connections.

Express appreciation

Appreciation is crucial in every relationship.

Expressing appreciation for your significant other or family members regularly shows that you're not taking them for granted and reminds them how much they mean to you.

Whether it's a heartfelt thank-you card, a spontaneous I love you, or planning a date night, show your gratitude by telling them exactly what they mean to you regularly.

Support and feedback are essential for any relationship; everyone wants to feel cared about and heard.

And if there are things that need fixing, communication is key—be open with each other to come up with an effective solution together!

Enjoy each other's company.

This can be as simple as spending time together, going on a date, or hanging out with friends.

Focus on each other: This means focusing not only on what you like about your partner but also on what you would like to change.

Be friendly and kind, and respect your partner's opinions: Disagreements will always be no matter how much you love each other.

In a healthy relationship, both people know that you can disagree with someone without hating them for it or vice versa.

Please respect each other's needs and limits: Everyone has boundaries, whether personal physical boundaries or limits regarding intimacy in their relationships.

It is up to both partners to honor these boundaries for a relationship to remain healthy and strong.

Put yourself in their shoes.

One of the most effective relationship affirmations you can practice is taking a moment to put yourself in your partner's shoes.

Think about what they're thinking and feeling, mainly when they act in a way that confuses or frustrates you.

This deep consideration will help you understand them more and react less.

Your partner will appreciate your effort and reciprocate!

Every relationship needs work, but it doesn't have to be hard work if you have these affirmation tools.

Work toward common goals

When you're in a relationship, it's not always clear what each person wants or needs.

You may have radically different ideas about where you want to live when you want to marry and how many kids you want.

The result is that one of you feels pushed away, misunderstood, or overlooked. Suppose you can agree on significant goals (money, family plans, and overall vision) when life gets a lot easier.

For example, if you both want to get married but don't know when, set a goal for six months from now—and create an action plan for achieving it.

Once your big-picture dreams are defined, you can make small steps toward them.

This will help keep your relationship strong and allow for compromise—something relationships need more than anything else!

Pick your battles

Arguing with a partner can be like solving a Rubik's cube—it's not impossible, but it might seem that way.

The key to resolving conflict is to recognizes that you can't fix everything, so pick your battles.

If you ask your spouse or significant other why they don't put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher and they respond because I want them where I can see them, there may be no way to change their answer.

Similarly, if they constantly come home late from work and refuse to adjust their schedule, it may be pointless for you to try and convince them otherwise.

Become the life of their party

Few people are more fun to be around than those who accept themselves, aren't too critical of themselves and others, and have a positive outlook on life.

By letting go of negative thoughts, you'll be more friendly and be a better judge of character because you won't make assumptions based on their appearance or behavior.

If you can find things about other people that make them unique – appreciate these qualities instead of saying they should lose some weight, or that outfit looks cheap.

Being more positive will also help your body feel more relaxed, translating into less stress, better sex drive, and generally feeling healthier in mind and body.

Start with I statements.

I'm sure you've heard that practicing I statements instead of you is suitable for your relationships.

What do they mean?

Well, I-statements are not blaming someone else.

An example of blaming information would be: You are always late! Or You never call when you say you will!

Condemning statements put others on defense and ignite defensiveness. They can even lead to arguments.

On top of that, we tend to speak in absolutes (such as always and never) more often than we realize, leading other people to become discouraged and lose confidence in our ability to solve problems effectively.

However, when we use I statements, we take responsibility for our feelings and behaviors.

This helps us remain open-minded while also allowing room for compromise.

For example: When you are late without calling me first, it makes me feel like you don't respect my time because it wastes my day.

This way of speaking acknowledges that it is only one person's behavior at fault—the speaker's—and does not place blame on anyone else.

It also allows both parties to focus on solutions rather than who is right or wrong.

The next time you have an issue with someone, try starting by saying something like: I feel...or I am feeling...instead of what you did wrong.

It may seem awkward at first, but practice makes perfect!


About the Creator

Happy Life Official

I write about relationships, health, happiness, and much more to ease your life routine.

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