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7 days Machame route

7 days Machame route

By Burigi Chato Safaris LTDPublished about a year ago 5 min read

7 days Machame route Tour overview of each approach from the mountain's southern flank. The shira and lemosho roads come from the west. Near Kenya, the Rongai Road is approaching from the north. All roads descend through Mweka, excluding Marangu and Rongai. the Macame Route to Mount Kilimanjaro

The machame path, also known as the whisky way, is one of the most scenic and well-known routes on Kilimanjaro. This popular path route winds through magnificent trees before reaching a ridge that continues through moorlands to the Shira plateau. It then passes the southern ice fields' glacial cliffs to join the barafu path to the summit. Because it can be done for a longer period of time and the tilt is easier to manage, the peak's success rate is substantially higher.

WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO CLIMB KILIMANJARO? April and May The "major" rainy season starts in late March and lasts until mid-May. Tanzania experiences its coldest start to the year in April. These months see significantly less climbers than the rest of the year, but you may expect to hike in the rain at this time of year.

June and July Rainfall frequency steadily declines. The weather on Kilimanjaro is dry and clear these months, but the nights are still frigid. June is often calm, bright, and, in our opinion, underestimated as a climbing month. Because of the beautiful weather and your climbing group's practically secret routes, you should plan your excursion around June. The number of climbers grew throughout the year. Most routes will be quite congested beginning in July.

Another season that is sometimes ignored is October: The beautiful weather lasts until mid-October, and the number of climbers lowers substantially, allowing you to experience the Kilimanjaro hikes nearly alone. The weather begins to shift at the end of October. As long as you're prepared to deal with the occasional downpour, this shouldn't be an issue.

The "small" rainy season begins in November. Rain may fall until the middle of December. Temperatures will drop and fog will cover the mountain, making your ascent more difficult and exciting, but also more challenging and pleasurable. Although November is not the ideal month for weather, it does provide an excellent opportunity to photograph the mist-covered Mount Kilimanjaro and its snow-capped peaks. Kilimanjaro's second season runs from December through January, including Christmas and New Year's.

The peak climbing season. Although heavy rain and clouds are more common at lower elevations of Kilimanjaro, traffic is extremely busy. Climbers flock to the area from mid-January to mid-March. Completely balanced

The weather is neither too hot nor too humid. Although there is some rain, the days are mostly dry. Rain becomes more likely in the second half of March as the "heavy rain" season approaches. Another season that is sometimes ignored is October: The beautiful weather lasts until mid-October, and the number of climbers lowers substantially, allowing you to experience the Kilimanjaro hikes nearly alone. The weather begins to shift at the end of October. As long as you're prepared to deal with the occasional downpour, this shouldn't be an issue.

The "small" rainy season begins in November. Rain may fall until the middle of December. Temperatures will drop and fog will cover the mountain, making your ascent more difficult and exciting, but also more challenging and pleasurable. Although November is not the ideal month for weather, it does provide an excellent opportunity to photograph the mist-covered Mount Kilimanjaro and its snow-capped peaks

From December until January Christmas and New Year's is Kilimanjaro's second busiest climbing season. Although heavy rain and clouds are more common at lower elevations of Kilimanjaro, traffic is extremely busy. Climbers flock to the area from mid-January to mid-March. The weather is perfectly balanced: it is neither too cold nor too humid. Although there is some rain, the days are mostly dry. Rain becomes more likely in the second half of March as the "heavy rain" season approaches.

December to January. The second busiest climbing season on Kilimanjaro is between Christmas and New Year. Despite the fact that severe rain and clouds are more common at Kilimanjaro's lower elevations, traffic is exceptionally high. For climbers, mid-January to mid-March is a highly busy time. Weather that is perfectly balanced: It is neither too hot nor too cold. Though there is sporadic rain, the days are often dry. As the "heavy rain" season approaches, the likelihood of rain rises in the second part of March.

The weather is neither excessively hot nor excessively humid. Despite intermittent rain, the days are mainly dry. As the "heavy rain" season approaches, rain becomes more likely in the second half of March. KILIMANJARO TEMPERATURE Kilimanjaro's temperature corresponds to four distinct climatic zones.

The rainforest zone (800-3,000 meters) is hot and humid. This zone contains dense green vegetation, an elevation of 2,900 meters, and an average temperature of 12-15 degrees Celsius (20-25 degrees Celsius during the day). Depending on the route, he'll spend the first day or two of the ascent here. The low mountains (3,000-4,200 meters) are semi-arid. The greenery becomes sparser as you ascend. You will spend 1-2 days at 3,600m, depending on the route, with an average temperature of 5-10°C (15-20°C during the day).

The 4,200- to 5,000-meter alpine region resembles a desert. He spends his fourth and fifth days on the mountain here, putting the finishing touches on his ascent to these heights. At 5,000 meters, the average temperature is close to freezing, yet on sunny days, it's still warm and cozy.

Kilimanjaro's summit is located in a glacier environment (about 5,000 meters above sea level), with an average temperature of around -6 degrees Celsius. All summit efforts, however, are normally initiated at midnight in order to reach Uhuru's summit by sunrise. When the temperature dips below -20°C at night, you should relocate. When the wind blows, temperatures can fall below -40°C. It's worth fighting the cold to witness one of the nicest images you'll ever see in the light of the rising sun at the summit.

About Machame Route: Because of the lengthier itinerary's greater flexibility, it is thought to be one of Kilimanjaro's less difficult routes. The Barranco He Wall and a nighttime ascent up the summit are still required of hikers, nevertheless. Although it is not necessary to be an expert climber, moderate fitness is highly advised. On the Kilimanjaro Training Program page, you may learn more about how to prepare for the climb up Kilimanjaro.

The Machame Route journey is approximately 62 kilometers (37 miles) from the trailhead to the summit of Mweka Gate. The Machame journey requires a least of 6 days, but it takes 10 days when the arrival and departure days are combined. However, because this is a significantly longer approach path, it is best completed over 7-8 days. At the conclusion of a successful shift.

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