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21 Questions For A New Relationship

Questions For A New Relationship

By Abhishek SainiPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
Questions For A New Relationship

21 Questions For A New Relationship

A new relationship, as much as it can be exciting, can get apprehensive enough with the evolving process that it involves. Getting to know a person, and deciding how it is going to shape your life in the coming times can seem daunting to many. These 21 questions for a new relationship are a comprehensive guide that can make the growth process a tad bit easier for the both of you while laying a foundation of what you can expect with your partner.

More often than not, these 21 questions for a new relationship can be conversation starters to break the ice and pave way to getting to know each other on a much intense level. However, be advised not bombard your partner with these all in one sitting – you may scare him/ her off! And also remember, an answer you do not like or agree with does not mean an end to the relationship. Look for similarities or differences in your likings and preferences that can make the relationship work for you.

21 Questions For A New Relationship – Casual Questions

1 – What does friendship mean to you? – 21 Questions For A New Relationship

Any relationship is based on respect and mutual understanding. Especially in a romantic relationship, being friends with your partners is equally important for the long haul. You will learn about how they value their friendships and what you may expect as a friend within your partner. Bonus tip – getting to know their friends will also help strengthen the bond between you both too!

2 – Where have you always wanted to travel?

Travel has long been known to be a great way to bond for couples. Knowing about your partner’s preferences and liking will push you to go beyond your comfort zone and live some new experiences, and the other way around. Where do they literally want to go in life? Would you want to go with him/her, or take him/her with you? An amazing way to understand how your partner looks at life, this one has to on your list of 21 questions for a new relationship.

3 – What inspires you the most?

What is the one thing that really ignites the passion within your partner? Knowing an answer to this question of your 21 questions for a new relationship will also help you with a guideline on how to cheer your partner when they feel low. Having someone light you up on a gloomy day is one of the most loved feelings ever!

4 – What do you enjoy doing on a rainy day, literally? – 21 Questions For A New Relationship

Getting to know of each other’s interests and how you both spend your leisure time is a significant step of being with each other for the long term, especially if you both have contrasting personalities. Inspiring each other to explore the unchartered zones of your personalities together can be fun and make up for some exciting times and memories to cherish in the days to come.

5 – What do you usually do to take care of yourself?

How either of you destress – mind and body can have an impact of each other and the relationship. Answering to this one of the 21 questions for a new relationship, you can get to know their self-care routines, the activities they involve in to keep their well being. Whether it is yoga, reading a good book, or watching comedy movies – knowing what it is that de-stresses your partner is a great tip to have handy!

6 – What do you say is your biggest guilty pleasure?

A funny or an embarrassing moment, this one of the 21 questions for a new relationship is sure to make for an interesting conversation over a casual date over drinks. Giving some insights into your partner, you will get to know some deep hidden secrets that your partners guards close to heart!

7 – If you have a million dollars to spend, how would you spend it? – 21 Questions For A New Relationship

Think that your partner won a lottery while together, it would be fun to know what would they do with it. Giving you some major understanding into their thinking process as well as perspective on life in a rather subtle and fun way, it would be great to know how your partner would deal with joint finances in the future, and how it would affect your life personally.

21 Questions For A New Relationship – Personal Questions

8 – Are there any ex-es still in the picture?

An absolutely crucial question when starting out a new relationship, it is essential you know where you and your partner both stand individually. Is the relationship meant for revenge or as a coping mechanism, or whether it is genuine – it is better to know the answer to this of the 21 questions for a new relationship sooner than later.

9 – How do you define cheating in a relationship? – 21 Questions For A New Relationship

Although somewhat uncomfortable, it is essential you and your partner talk about this and lay some ground rules for both to avoid any misunderstandings in the future. Would you both rather have an open conversation rather than going behind the other’s back, should it ever happen, having a defined line will avoid emotional trauma for both of you.

10 – What does an ideal, healthy relationship look like from your perspective?

Understanding and knowing the steps you both need to take to maintain your relationship, it is important to know the priorities and deal-breakers for any relationship. This one of the 21 questions for a new relationship will make sure you lay everything on the table and are honest with each other.

11 – Could you share one secret about yourself that you have not told me yet? – 21 Questions For A New Relationship

Seemingly personal, this question can turn either way to being a fun conversation too! However, remember to always be supportive of your partner and to understand their perspective without being judgemental. Appreciate their willingness to open their heart to you with some of their best-kept personal secrets.

12 – Are you in this for the long term? OR Are you looking for commitment?

Cutting straight to the chase, this one of the 21 questions for a new relationship is clear indicator your standing – whether is a booty call or an item. Consider this a very important question before entering a committed relationship as you will invest your complete self. Knowing where your partner stands, you can then make a decision on how you want to move forward with the relationship.

13 – What is your love language?

Not two people can be the same, and so would their love languages be! More often than not, your partner will love in a language that is different than yours. The answer to this one of the 21 questions for a new relationship will help you know the exact things that make your partner feel loved the most. Loving each other in their love language is essential for a healthy relationship.

14 – What is the longest relationship you have had so far and why did you part?

An answer to this question can reveal a lot of about how you partner has dealt with relationships in the past and an understanding of their maturity level. This will also tell you about their relationship experience, their ways of dealing with tough times and what you may expect when with them.

15 – Do you want kids? OR What is it like for you to be around kids?

Reserve such questions for a deep intense conversation a little into your relationship – at a point where the relationship is still new, but not brand new. As much as you do not want to scare your partner with this rather creepy question, it would be good to know their thoughts on the topic and how they feel about having such hyper kid energy around in case your relationship matures to move to the next level in the coming future.

16 – Do you believe in God?

This question in your list of 21 questions for a new relationship is one that could be very personal and specific, however, needs to be heard without judgement. Do ask this question to know where does your partner stands on this, and if starkly opposite as compared to you, this might need more discussion in depth as to lay some ground rules on how this will work for both of you, without hurting anyone’s sentiments.

17 – How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

One of the most influential relationships in the lives of most people, this relationship can reveal a lot about your partner’s personality. The relationship of a boy with his mother will give you an overall glimpse of how he treats the women in his life, while for a girl, it can influence her thought process.

18 – Who is the closest person to you in your extended family?

Get your partner talking about some other healthy relationships they have in the their life. Have them speak about a favorite memory they had with this person. It will not only give you an insight into the patterns of healthy relationships your partner has, but also what they enjoy doing with their loved ones.

19 – For what in your life do you feel the most grateful?

Bring a positive vibe to any conversation with your partner by asking him/her this question as a part of your 21 questions for a new relationship. Get them to talk about the mushy stuff in life and the overall attitude towards their blessings and life, in general. Being thankful and content for the life we live is a positive emotion that can go a long way and affect all other aspects of their, and eventually your life.

20 – If you could, what would you have changed about your childhood?

A question that dives into your partner’s insecurities as a person, this question will give you insights of the childhood your partner experienced, any trauma they underwent, and their mental state today overcoming that trauma if at all. You may also get your partner to share some happy memories of their childhood so you know what it is that makes their heart sing!

21 – Why did you cry the last time you did so?

This could be one of the most personal questions on your 21 questions for a new relationship list, but it is a good one to get to know your partner’s soft spots. What it is that triggers their inner most emotions and drives them so passionately – ask this question with compassion rather than mockery. This will also give you a heads up about the boundaries you need to steer clear of for a happy and healthy relationship.


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    ASWritten by Abhishek Saini

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