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10 Strategies for Resolving Arguments

A Practical Guide to Effective Conflict Resolution

By Patrick FerriolPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
 10 Strategies for Resolving Arguments
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

In the diverse tapestry of human relationships, both personal and professional, disagreements and arguments are an inescapable reality. They often spring forth from misunderstandings, a clash of viewpoints, or conflicts of interest. However, the crux of the matter lies not in the argument itself but in the way we navigate these turbulent waters. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the top 10 strategies for effectively resolving arguments and maintaining harmony in your relationships.

Stay Calm:

Keeping a cool head in the heat of an argument can feel like a Herculean task, particularly when emotions are heightened. Despite this, maintaining composure is vital for effective dialogue. By staying calm, you afford yourself the ability to think clearly, articulate your points logically, and steer clear of impulsive remarks that you may regret later. Various techniques such as deep breathing exercises, counting to ten in your mind, or momentarily stepping away from the situation can be instrumental in managing your emotions and maintaining a level-headed demeanor.

Listen Actively:

Active listening transcends the act of merely hearing the spoken words of the other party. It involves a genuine understanding of the underlying message they are attempting to convey. This process necessitates refraining from interruptions, providing thoughtful feedback, and summarizing what you've comprehended. By adopting this approach, you validate the other person's viewpoint and signal your genuine interest in achieving a resolution, rather than seeking victory in the argument.

Communicate Clearly:

Clear and articulate communication forms the cornerstone of any conflict resolution process. It is crucial to convey your thoughts and emotions in an unambiguous manner, evading vague language that could breed further misunderstandings. One effective strategy is utilizing "I" statements to express personal feelings without pointing fingers at the other individual. For instance, instead of accusing, "You never take my feelings into account," you could say, "I feel overlooked when my feelings are not considered."

Show Empathy:

Empathy entails a profound understanding and sharing of another's feelings. When you exercise empathy in an argument, you illustrate to the other party that their feelings and perspective are valued, despite any disagreement. This act of validation can help to de-escalate the argument and pave the way for a reasonable compromise.

Avoid Blame:

Casting blame on the other party during an argument can fan the flames of disagreement, hindering any potential resolution. Rather than concentrating on what the other person did wrong, focus your energy on finding a solution to the problem at hand. Utilizing problem-solving language, such as, "What steps can we take to prevent this from recurring in the future?" encourages a spirit of collaboration and resolution.

Seek Common Ground:

Within every disagreement, there is typically at least one point of consensus between the involved parties. Identifying these common areas can help to diffuse tension and foster a sense of unity. This shared understanding can serve as a stable platform for tackling the larger disagreement and working towards a solution.

Agree to Disagree:

There are situations when finding a common resolution or compromise seems like an insurmountable challenge. During such times, the most viable strategy might be to agree to disagree. This doesn't signify a concession of defeat, but rather a recognition that differences of opinion are a natural and healthy part of human relationships.

Take Breaks:

When emotions are surging, disagreements can quickly escalate and spiral out of control. Taking a timeout allows both parties to cool down, gather their thoughts, and revisit the disagreement with a refreshed perspective. Remember, the ultimate goal is to resolve the argument, not to emerge as the victor.

Use a Mediator:

In certain situations, the involvement of a neutral third party can be extremely beneficial in facilitating clear communication and mutual understanding. This individual can help keep the conversation focused and fair, ensuring that both parties have an equal opportunity to express their feelings and perspectives. Mediators can range from professional counselors and conflict-resolution experts to trusted friends or family members.

Apologize When Necessary:

If you recognize that you've made a mistake or contributed to the escalation of the argument, it's crucial to apologize. An apology is not an admission of total blame, but an acknowledgment of your part in the disagreement. It demonstrates humility, maturity, and a willingness to mend the strained relationship.


While arguments can put a strain on our relationships, they also provide invaluable opportunities for growth, understanding, and improved communication. As the renowned American author, Thomas S. Monson, wisely stated, "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved."

By incorporating these ten strategies into your daily interactions, you'll be well-equipped to navigate any disagreement that crosses your path, thereby strengthening your relationships and fostering a culture of respect and understanding. Remember, it's not about determining who's right or wrong, but about understanding each other better and finding common ground.

Arguments are not the enemy. In fact, they can be the catalysts that propel your relationships toward greater depths of understanding and empathy. So the next time you find yourself in the midst of a disagreement, take a deep breath and remember these strategies. By doing so, you'll transform these seemingly negative experiences into opportunities for growth and connection. And isn't that what relationships are all about?


About the Creator

Patrick Ferriol

I am a loving husband and father. I'm an entrepreneur and an aspiring DIY enthusiast. I share my journey through content while inspiring others along the way.

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