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You will not be able to save your Data from these Hackers

Most Dangerous Hackers part 1

By Zayn Published 2 years ago 3 min read

Hacking is the act of breaking into a computer system,www, or network with the objective of stealing sensitive information. It’s one of the most commonly used crime in the world that causes substantial damages to companies. There are several hackers who can do this, but we will be specifically focusing on the most dangerous hackers in the world.

Kevin Mitnick

Kevin Mitnick is an American computer security consultant and author. As a teenager, he was the first person to break into the computer system of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). He spent several years undetected in the computer systems of major corporations and government agencies, including the United States Secret Service, placing himself within the upper echelons of their networks.

Mitnick was a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) from 1973 until 1975. He became a fugitive from justice after breaking into computers owned by AT&T, MCI Communications Corporation and Sprint Corporation; he also gained unauthorized access to computer networks operated by NASA, The Pentagon and the California Department of Transportation. After his capture on May 3rd 1995, Mitnick was convicted on five counts including conspiracy to commit computer intrusion and grand theft for stealing $50,000 worth of equipment during his time with SLA.

Adrian Lamo

Adrian Lamo is a hacker and computer security expert. He worked as an employee at several technology companies, including Sun Microsystems and HP. In 2001, Lamo revealed himself as "the person who broke into the computer systems of the United States Department of Defense" on the front page of The New York Times.

Adrian Lamo was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in May 1971. He graduated from high school in 1990, then enrolled at Tulane University where he studied mathematics and computer science. After graduating with a bachelor's degree in 1992, he began working for Sun Microsystems on their network security team.

In 1996, Lamo left Sun to work as a freelance computer hacker. He was eventually arrested for hacking into NASA computers and stealing sensitive information about spy satellites being built by Lockheed Martin.

In 2002 Adrian Lamo gave an interview with Wired Magazine where he discussed his hacking activities and said that he had helped hack into military computers but that "I never looked at any classified information."[2] He explained that his motivation for hacking was curiosity: "I just wanted to find out how people did what they did."

Albert Gonzalez.

Albert Gonzalez, a 23-year-old computer science student at the University of Illinois, was arrested in September on charges relating to the hacking of the social media accounts of celebrities, politicians and other public figures.

Gonzalez is alleged to have been part of a group of hackers who stole personal information and other digital goods from more than 100 million users of MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter and other popular websites.

The FBI alleges that Gonzalez and his co-conspirators stole passwords from websites and used them to gain unauthorized access to personal user accounts on those sites. In many cases, the hackers would then use this access to obtain sensitive information related to the victims' personal lives, including addresses and phone numbers. They also allegedly stole credit card numbers from victims' bank statements.

In addition to illegal hacking activities, Gonzalez allegedly attempted to extort money from victims by threatening them with exposure unless they paid him ransom or relinquished control over their accounts. The FBI says that Gonzalez demanded $2 million in exchange for not releasing the stolen data publicly through WikiLeaks or other means.

Michael Calce

Michael Calce is a hacker who is regarded as one of the most dangerous and notorious hackers in the world. He has been arrested for hacking into several government systems and stealing classified information. Michael Calce was born in 1985 in New York City, United States.

Michael was fascinated with computers since he was a child, and he started hacking while he was still in high school. He became very good at it, and soon found his way into hacking websites of banks and government agencies. In 2000, Michael hacked into NASA’s website and stole an entire database of secret information from them, including passwords to bank accounts and other sensitive data. He sold this database online for $5 million dollars to other hackers.

Michael was caught by U.S. Secret Service agents when he tried to hack into their computer system again after being released from prison for another hacking crime in 2002. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison for hacking into military computers and stealing classified information from them which included war plans, military strategy, communications codes etc..

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