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Why the carnivore diet is a bad idea

In the last few years, more people have begun following the so-called carnivore diet in an effort to lose weight and improve their overall health. On this diet, you consume only meat, fish, and eggs, while avoiding all plants and plant-based proteins such as legumes and nuts. Proponents of the diet suggest that it’s easier to stay healthy on just meat than on a mixed diet with vegetables and grains, but there are many downsides to this approach that make it far riskier than most people realize.

By Nilesh HendalkarPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Why the carnivore diet is a bad idea
Photo by Drew Taylor on Unsplash

About the carnivore diet

The carnivore diet plan allows you to eat only animal-based foods. The idea behind it is that, because humans are technically omnivores, our bodies were not designed to process plant-based foods. Proponents of the carnivore diet suggest that many health problems can be solved by eliminating all plant-based ingredients from your daily eating routine. But while some people say they’ve experienced health benefits after making meat their exclusive source of food, others claim its adverse effects are worse than feeling cranky and bloated every now and then. If you’re considering going carnivorous for a week or longer, it may be best to talk with your doctor first.

How extreme this eating plan is

There's nothing particularly extreme about eating only animal products—unless you're severely limiting your food options. Eating only meat comes with risks, including consuming too much saturated fat and protein and not enough fiber, which can make it difficult to maintain healthy digestion. The carnivore diet also tends to be fairly low in carbohydrates, and since carbs are an important energy source for working muscles, athletes who choose to follow it may fatigue easily. If you’re thinking about trying out one of these extreme diets, talk to your doctor first. He or she can advise you on what’s safe for your body type and also suggest other ways of limiting carbs from day-to-day meals that won’t hinder performance in training.

The potential health risks of this diet

The carnivore diet (also known as Zero Carb or Ketogenic Diet) might seem like a good way to lose weight quickly, but one of its biggest downsides is that it can result in dangerous deficiencies in essential nutrients. Plus, it may not be sustainable for everyone, as some people are unable to maintain ketosis—wherein your body burns fat for energy—for prolonged periods of time. Eating nothing but meat can also mean consuming large amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol; two things that promote chronic disease and should be limited on any healthy eating plan. In addition, switching from burning carbohydrates to burning fat for fuel means you’re likely going to experience a reduction in physical performance over time. In short: It’s just not worth it! If you're looking for an effective long-term approach to losing weight, focus on adopting a balanced lifestyle that includes plenty of whole foods (including fruits and veggies), high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs. And remember: You don't need special foods or diets to be healthy!

Why Reasons you should avoid this way of eating

You’re already eating enough meat. Your body isn’t designed to eat large amounts of meat in one sitting, so you could cause digestive issues like constipation or upset stomach. The Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab at UCLA found that people with more carnivorous diets have higher rates of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, so it may be best to avoid eating so much meat. Eating lots of red meat can increase your chances of getting cancer. Red meats such as beef and pork can lead to colorectal cancer; research has also suggested that high consumption of red and processed meats could increase your risk for cancers of the pancreas, breast and prostate gland. If you do decide to try out a ‘carnivore diet,’ make sure you get all of your nutrients from other sources. There are plenty of other foods (such as vegetables) that contain nutrients such as vitamins A and C, calcium and iron. Make sure to get these nutrients from plant-based sources if possible. If not, consider taking supplements when following a ‘carnivore diet.'

Carnivore diet and weight loss

People following a carnivorous diet lose weight, but not because they're eating more meat. When it comes to weight loss, protein consumption doesn't matter nearly as much as fat and carb intake. For example, you could eat 10 grams of protein in one day while on a low-fat vegetarian diet, or you could eat 70 grams of protein on a high-fat carnivorous diet that's rich in bacon and eggs. According to research published in Nutrition Journal , meat isn't necessarily fattening if it's low in carbs and high in fat. And while there are some people who feel better when they consume only animal products, most would benefit from adding more plant foods into their diets. In other words, cutting out all plant foods wouldn't be healthy for most people. Instead of trying to follow an extreme diet plan like the carnivore diet, focus on reducing your overall calorie intake by choosing nutrient-dense whole foods that are both high in protein and low in sugar . You'll get all of your nutrients without putting yourself at risk for nutrient deficiencies . You might even find that you naturally gravitate toward consuming less meat than before!

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About the Creator

Nilesh Hendalkar

I am a passionate publisher who want to provide diet plans, weight loss tips and health & lifstile

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