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Why Parents Should Choose a CBSE School for Their Child

Being a parent is probably the most valuable responsibility in the world. All parents want and want the best for their children.

By aavishkarschoolPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The present and future of a child depends on his good upbringing and strong foundation. The foundation needs to be strong and rich. Schools are the institutions that form the foundation; therefore, it is important for parents to choose the right school for their child. When choosing the right school for your child, along with general matters like educational standards, faculty, infrastructure, etc., the school that the school is affiliated with should also be taken into consideration. For example, English medium schools have various affiliated boards such as - CBSE, ICSE or state board. As you know, most of the top schools in the country are CBSE schools.

Choosing a CBSE board will be the best decision you can make for your child's holistic development. The curriculum of all CBSE schools in Gujarat is designed on the national guidelines of the Board. The versatile and comprehensive curriculum focuses on the holistic development of the students.

We've listed 5 features of the CBSE board and why you should choose a CBSE affiliate school for your child.

The Central Board of Secondary Education or CBSE has a globally recognized curriculum in which 21 countries partner with the CBSE Board. The mainstay of their curriculum is well-rounded education for students. This approach is inclusive, where sports, activities and social awareness are as important as academia, resulting in a globally aware and confident person. The CBSE board covers the entire sub-continent and many other countries, making it easy for students to make the transition from their parent's post to post transfers. There are about 8000 CBSE affiliated schools in India, which makes the curriculum more inclusive and progressive in its approach.

Qualified Faculty

Schools ensure the best training of highly qualified teachers, with a curriculum equivalent to that of the global education community, as per the Board's guidelines. Based on these guidelines, an ideal CBSE board school in Ahmedabad has a friendly and safe environment. Our teachers teach and nurture students by giving them space to express themselves, to develop a sense of inquiry and confidence, to be kind to others, and to be aware of the world and other cultures. Hard work and discipline are the cornerstones of success and our teachers encourage students to study and work hard without fear of failure. A very balanced obscure environment where all students are equal and are encouraged to consider each other equal.

Balancing Academic and Co-curricular activities

CBSE's well-researched and designed curriculum focuses on helping the child to become a self-determined, educated, confident human being. Co-curricular activities are designed to develop multiple aspects of the human mind, resulting in a broader perspective and approach to study, social interactions and life in general, and their natural talents. Each activity has been carefully selected for this purpose.


CBSE schools regularly have excursions for students both inside and outside the city. Tourism helps bring out their sense of adventure and wonder. By connecting with nature, our culture and history we were making them more self-reliant and independent.

Curriculum and Marking System

CBSE Board being a central board has a relatively flexible marking system than other boards. The partnership with NCERT plans to make well-revised and curated curriculum books, educational curricula easier to teach and understand.

In today's fast paced world where numbers and victories seem to have become the most important, the individual is often overlooked. An ideal school should establish a strong foundation for achieving the essential human need of satisfaction and happiness for the child. At the best CBSE School in Ahmedabad, we build solid foundations and global citizens who can stand out in the world as confident and well-rounded, educated human beings.

high school

About the Creator


Aavishkar – a CBSE Affiliated School was established in the year 2015, under the aegis of A-ONE Group of Institutions. Aavishkar School is the Best CBSE School in Ahmedabad.

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