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Why most educated people are poor

Formal education and its drawbacks

By derek joPublished about a year ago 8 min read

The conventional wisdom tells us that education is the key to financial success. After all, isn`t that why we make investments a lot money and time into getting a degree? Unfortunately, this notion that education leads to wealth is far from the truth. In fact, it is not uncommon to find that many educated individuals are struggling to make ends meet, and in some cases, are even living in poverty.In this article, we are able to discover why knowledgeable human beings are poor.

Education as a barrier to employment

One of the biggest reasons why educated people may find themselves struggling financially is because of the mismatch between their qualifications and the job market. Many industries and companies have specific hiring criteria that require a certain level of education or experience, which can make it difficult for individuals who do not meet those criteria to secure employment. Unfortunately, this means that many educated individuals who may have invested years of their lives and thousands of dollars into their education can end up being unable to find suitable employment.

Additionally, the rise of automation and artificial intelligence has resulted in many jobs becoming obsolete, which means that even those with high levels of education may struggle to find work. For example, the use of self-checkout machines in grocery stores has led to the elimination of many cashier positions, which were previously entry-level jobs that did not require a college degree. As automation continues to become more prevalent, it is likely that more jobs will be lost, and this will have a disproportionate impact on those with higher levels of education.

Student loan debt

Another significant factor that contributes to the financial struggles of many educated people is the burden of student loan debt.

The value of better training has risen extensively in current years, and plenty of college students are compelled to take out loans to pay for his or her training.

Unfortunately, the repayment of these loans can take decades, and the interest can add up quickly. This means that many graduates are left with a significant financial burden that can impact their ability to save for the future, purchase a home, or even meet their basic living expenses.


Furthermore, the burden of student loan debt can also limit the job choices of many graduates. In some cases, individuals may be forced to take a job that pays well but is not aligned with their interests or passions because they need to make enough money to pay off their loans. This can lead to a sense of dissatisfaction or unfulfillment in their career, which can exacerbate the financial struggles that they may be facing.

Lack of financial education

Another potential reason why educated people may struggle financially is because of a lack of financial education. Despite the fact that individuals may have spent years studying and obtaining degrees in their field of choice, many are never taught the basic principles of personal finance. This means that they may not know how to budget effectively, save for the future, or invest their money wisely.

Moreover, many individuals may be under the impression that their high level of education means that they do not need to worry about financial planning. This can lead to a false sense of security that can prevent individuals from taking the necessary steps to secure their financial future. For example, they may not have a retirement plan in place or may not have an emergency fund to fall back on in case of unexpected expenses.

By Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Lack of social capital

Finally, the lack of social capital can also contribute to the financial struggles of many educated individuals. Social capital refers to the connections and networks that individuals have with others in their community or industry. This can include personal relationships, professional networks, and even social media connections.

Unfortunately, many educated individuals may lack the social capital necessary to advance in their careers or secure higher-paying jobs. For example, they may not have the same opportunities to network or meet influential people in their field because they did not attend a prestigious university or come from a wealthy family. This can limit their access to job opportunities.

Additionally, the lack of social capital can also impact an individual's ability to access resources that can help them manage their finances effectively. For example, individuals with strong social networks may be able to learn about job openings or investment opportunities through their connections, whereas those who lack social capital may not have access to this information.

Moreover, social capital can also impact an individual's ability to obtain loans or financing. Banks and other financial institutions often take an individual's social connections into consideration when deciding whether to grant a loan or credit. For those without strong social capital, this can make it difficult to obtain the funding they need to start a business, purchase a home, or invest in their future.

The impact of discrimination

Finally, it is important to acknowledge the impact that discrimination can have on the financial well-being of educated individuals. Despite the fact that education is often touted as the great equalizer, individuals from certain racial or ethnic backgrounds may still face discrimination in the job market or financial industry. This can limit their access to job opportunities, promotions, or financing, which can ultimately impact their financial stability.


Furthermore, individuals from low-income or disadvantaged backgrounds may face additional challenges that can impact their ability to succeed financially, even if they have a high level of education. For example, they may not have access to the same resources or opportunities as those from more privileged backgrounds, which can limit their ability to build wealth or secure their financial future.

By Susan Q Yin on Unsplash

Education does not necessarily guarantee financial success. There are many factors beyond education that can impact an individual's financial stability.

The job market may not have enough high-paying jobs for the number of educated individuals seeking employment, resulting in a mismatch between qualifications and job opportunities.

Student loan debt can be a significant burden for educated individuals, particularly those who pursued advanced degrees.

Many educated individuals lack financial education and may struggle with managing their finances effectively.

Social capital, or lack thereof, can also impact an individual's ability to access resources and opportunities that can improve their financial situation.

Discrimination in the job market and financial industry can limit opportunities and hinder financial success for educated individuals, particularly those from marginalized backgrounds.

Individuals from low-income or disadvantaged backgrounds may face additional challenges that can limit their ability to build wealth and achieve financial stability, regardless of their level of education.

Addressing these issues may require policies and initiatives that make education more affordable and accessible, provide financial education and support, and work to combat discrimination and inequality.


Here are some more points on why educated people can be poor:

The cost of living in certain areas can be prohibitively high, making it difficult for even well-educated individuals to make ends meet.

In some cases, individuals may have to take low-paying or part-time jobs in order to gain the necessary work experience to advance in their career, which can contribute to financial struggles.

Health problems, disabilities, and other factors beyond an individual's control can also impact their ability to work and earn a stable income.

Educated individuals may face unique challenges in certain industries, such as the arts or humanities, where job opportunities may be limited or unpredictable.

Individuals who are self-employed or work in non-traditional industries may struggle with irregular income or inconsistent work opportunities.

Some educated individuals may have unrealistic expectations about their earning potential or the ease with which they will find employment, leading to disappointment and financial struggles.

Finally, the financial impact of unexpected events, such as natural disasters or personal emergencies, can be particularly devastating for individuals who are already struggling financially, regardless of their level of education.

Overall, it is important to recognize that education is just one factor among many that can impact an individual's financial stability. Addressing the root causes of poverty and providing support and resources to those who are struggling financially is essential if we want to create a more equitable society.


In conclusion, the notion that education leads to financial success is a myth that is far from the truth. Many educated individuals are struggling to make ends meet and live in poverty for a variety of reasons, including the mismatch between their qualifications and the job market, the burden of student loan debt, a lack of financial education, the lack of social capital, and discrimination.

As a society, we must work to address these issues and provide support and resources to individuals who are facing financial struggles, regardless of their level of education. This may include policies that make higher education more affordable and accessible, as well as initiatives that provide financial education and support to those who need it most. Only by working together can we ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to achieve financial stability and success.


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About the Creator

derek jo

I try to provide tons of value to people through my work.The stories will mostly be about health,wealth,tech. and self help.

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