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Where is the educational system lacking?

Is our education system good?

By BUISNESS GUYPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Is the education system good? I don't think so. I know most people think that every country's educational system has pros and cons, but it always depends on what type of pros and cons are in a particular educational system. I realize that every country has their jurisdiction and has different parameters to set what type of education is to be given.

Here most students are not ready to grab the concept but instead just need marks to get passed. And these students constitute around 60% of all students. Those who want to learn something have the pressure of showing marks to their family, colleagues and this judgemental society. It has also been noticed that most Indian education systems are tougher if we compare the basic necessary subjects like mathematics, physics and chemistry, they are more like tougher and are taken more seriously mostly in the elementary level and are so scared with these subjects till they reach their professional, engineering or higher level. Now they try to get rid of these subjects or just want to pass these subjects to focus more on their core subjects which are somehow dependent on these three subjects if we see the technological sector professions, excluding others like finance, humanities and many other fields. Those who love studying, will not be able to continue that love much longer and somehow becomes the sheep of a crowd. In these kinds of issues, I believe parents also play an important role here. Most are positive and always wanted to do good for their children, but they didn't understand whether it is really good for their child's or not. Does their child also want to do what they think he/she might have some other fields of interest? Teachers also play the most important role in an educational system. They are often considered as the second parents of the children, so teachers also should be given world-class training, so that they can give quality education to their students. It's not like that teacher doesn't teach well but if the teaching will not develop the habit of gaining knowledge in students then there is no point in teaching.

People also blame the teacher if their child doesn't do well in an exam or get fewer marks, but they never try to teach their child at home, this is the biggest problem or we can say the most common mistakes done by parents. We are not saying to give freedom to their children and let them do parties, hang out with friends, then they'll not study at all. Just let them choose what career they want to or they love to serve for the rest of their life. It is also observed that here all subjects will get the same status equally. Like for people subjects are also divided in the hierarchy like science, commerce, humanities, then other courses. This problem is not mainly with the present generation because they don't care what you are studying but they focus more on socialism, working together. Nowadays people, for example, working in a software firm have to consider everyone as a team because no one is doing the whole job individually, every single project is subdivided into different categories and is worked on separately later on merging the whole projects. Every department is following it, but if it is followed correctly then the productivity of work can be increased, but this technique can also increase the chances of corruption in that company or organization.

People also blame the teacher if their child doesn't do well in an exam or get fewer marks, but they never try to teach their child at home, this is the biggest problem or we can say the most common mistakes done by parents. We are not saying to give freedom to their children and let them do parties, hang out with friends, then they'll not study at all. Just let them choose what career they want to or they love to serve for the rest of their life. It is also observed that here all subjects will get the same status equally. Like for people subjects are also divided in the hierarchy like science, commerce, humanities, then other courses. This problem is not mainly with the present generation because they don't care what you are studying but they focus more on socialism, working together. Nowadays people, for example, working in a software firm have to consider everyone as a team because no one is doing the whole job individually, every single project is subdivided into different categories and is worked on separately later on merging the whole projects. Every department is following it, but if it is followed correctly then the productivity of work can be increased, but this technique can also increase the chances of corruption in that company or organization.

The best way to tackle this type of problem is by showing unity among us and every student should be free to choose his/her career in whatever field they want to pursue.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest". - Benjamin Franklin


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