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What Teachers Really Say to Students About the Coronavirus

Coronavirus is spreading like a wildfire.

By AshleejeanPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Today, with the world fearing the new deadly disease, Coronavirus is spreading like wildfire. Majority of the people are taking it on a lighter note because they aren't aware of its effects. Yet, several institutes have initiated the act of spreading awareness in the form of basic facts and history about the virus. If we look at it closely, youngsters mostly school going students are prone to getting infected, including older aged people. Both of them tend to be less careful and are more exposed to germs. For students, teachers around the UK are trying to educate them and teach them about basic preventive measures.

But before we delve into what professors have to say about this contagious coronavirus, let's first understand what it is.

Coronavirus Disease

Coronavirus has let the world come to its knees. It comes from a clan of viruses that starts with minor flu leading to Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). The virus that has become a global challenge now. This Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new stress all continents cannot find a cure for and was never found among humans before. Know that it is zoonotic, meaning it is transmitted among humans. Unlike SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, COVID-19 appears to be more severe and spread faster and more quickly.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

The initial signs include cough, fever, shortness of breath, respiratory problems which if not cured, can spark a viral-induced fire in a person's organs. In more severe cases, an individual might catch pneumonia, respiratory syndrome or even death. The studies and researches conducted shows the Navel Coronavirus to be 23 times more fatal than the seasonal flu. So, the first step is to avoid anyone who is coughing or sneezing and limit social interaction.

How to Educate the Students about the Virus?

As much as adults are dreading the infection, it must be a hard time for the kids too. Their schools and other institutes are closing down, parents are storing all household supplies and there is extreme fear among the citizens. They become more agitated when they only hear half of the story. Thus, being a teacher, it is your responsibility to aware the students about the Coronavirus and discusses its preventive measures.

Be Vocal about the Issue

Become that person who filters all the news for the children. Whenever you get a chance to teach them, educate them about the disease and its severity. Put forward all the facts and figures and ensure to keep the child informed. Your goal should be to reassure them that the things they hear from their friends or family are true. Yet, sooner or later, everything is going to be okay. Children must know about the precautions because this virus could be deadly only if not taken seriously. So, turn out they will be more careful from now and keep themselves up to date with fact-based information.

Stick to a Routine

Now that most of the schools are off and children are restricted to stay at home, it's better to set a schedule for them. It will help them spend their days according to a proper plan and eat and sleep on time. This is one way to keep them happy and healthy. However, you can also limit their outside leisure activities time to prevent them from catching any sorts of germs and disease.

Focus on What You Are Doing

Youngsters often get offended when they see that the advisors themselves are not following the measures. By telling them your daily routine and what you are doing to keep yourself safe can encourage them to be proactive and extra cautious too. If they see someone wearing a mask, state the main reason behind it. This may inspire them to buy one as soon as they get home. You can also convey messages from experts and professionals to them, emphasising the safety precautions and preventions.

Reassure and Be Developmentally Appropriate

In the rave of wanting them to know all about the virus, its spread and effects, you volunteer too much information. Sometimes, this information has a reverse effect on their mentality, and they might end up being more afraid or careless. So, it's better to only reassure them about the betterment of the situation and try to answer them clearly and honestly. You can also relate your child's take on the coronavirus and examine the preventions accordingly.

Communicate the Preventive Measures

Children are more prone to catching viral diseases which is why they are advised to stay at home. Also, there are no vaccines to cure the virus; the least you could tell them is to:

- Avoid close contact with one another. Maintain at least a minimum distance of 6 feet.

- Avoid shaking hands and meeting people who have a cough or sneeze.

To maximise protection, you can suggest the following measure.

Wash Hands Often

- It is advised to wash hands with soap after every 10 minutes for 20 seconds at least before stepping out of the toilet.

- In case of unavailability of soup, use sanitizers which contain at least 60% of the alcohol.

- Avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose with unwashed hands.

Cover Sneezes and Coughs

- Use a tissue or a piece of cloth while coughing or sneezing to prevent the germs from transmitting to others.

- After sneezing or coughing, immediately wash hands.

- Throw the tissue paper or the cloth in the bin.

Wear a Mask

- Even if you are not sick, make a habit for at least a few months to wear a mask until the virus is not completely eradicated.

- In the case of positive corona results, one must cover their mouth and nose at all times when around people.

Well, yes children are sometimes more egocentric, and the spread of the coronavirus may worry them. By informing them about the above-mentioned steps, you can aware them about how rare the coronavirus is and help them stay protected.

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