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What Kinds of Problems Can Be Solved Using the Singapore Math Method?

Solving math problem

By Tiffany YoungPublished about a year ago 4 min read

You may have heard from teachers, friends, or others about the merits of the Singapore math method. That could have you wondering: what is “Singapore math,” and how can it be used in my child’s classroom?

As the name implies, the Singapore math method is based on the successful teaching modes used in Singapore. Developed in the 1980s, schools in Singapore began using this specific method to teach math and saw significant results. In 1998, the Singapore math method started being used in U.S. schools and has taken off in recent years.

One of the reasons this math curriculum was brought to the U.S. was the stellar test results found in classrooms in Singapore. The Singapore math method has made Singaporean students the top math performers globally. Singapore consistently has more than 20% of its students achieving the highest proficiency levels year after year. This impressive performance caused other countries, like the U.S., to take notice.

What are the Foundations of the Singapore Math Method?

The main component of the Singapore math method is the three-step learning approach. Students are introduced to concepts with the “CPA” method: concretely, pictorially, and then abstractly. This means students are first taught the concept using concrete objects, usually items they would see or use in their everyday life, like pencils or food items. Next, the child is given pictorial representations of the concept, like models, which they use to solve a problem. Finally, students use abstract representations, like numbers or tally marks, to solve problems.

While the “CPA” approach is the central piece of the Singapore math method, other elements include:

  • Number bonds to show the relationship between numbers and how parts make a whole
  • Bar modeling to understand concepts like percentages and fractions
  • Mental math to encourage developing a “number sense”

Why is the Singapore Math Method so Valuable?

The Singapore math method aims to equip children with the confidence and competencies needed to solve real-world problems. It focuses on the mastery of concepts rather than the rote memorization of equations. In essence, the Singapore math method is designed to train students to “think mathematically” to apply math concepts to the world outside their math lessons.

What Makes the Singapore Math Method Difference from Other Teaching Methods?

The big difference between the Singapore math method and other teaching methods is its focus on the underlying logic of a concept. Students are introduced to each new math concept with

the “CPA” approach so they can get to know it from a few different angles. Other methods simply teach a formula or equation for students to memorize and plug numbers into to solve. The Singapore math method builds concepts on one another, ensuring a deep understanding of the why and how before moving to the next concept.

What Types of Problems Can be Solved Using the Singapore Maths Method?

The Singapore math method is designed to be used with almost any math problem. Since the method focuses on foundational learning of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division concepts, it can be translated to use in any problem requiring these concepts. That being said, the Singapore math method is very useful in solving:

  • Word problems
  • Fraction, percentage, and ratio problems
  • Time problems
  • Money math problems

It is the concentration on understanding the logic of a concept that makes the Singapore math method so versatile.

How Does the Singapore Math Method Prepare Students for the Future?

While there is overwhelming evidence that the Singapore math method helps improve test scores, that is not the central goal of the method. The goal is to set students up for success in real-world problems that require math. Students taught via the Singapore math method can transfer the concepts they learn outside of school and into their daily lives.

Another valuable skill the Singapore math method teaches is rigor. This method teaches students to put effort and perseverance into solving problems, helping them to keep going even when something is challenging. This sense of “trying” is stronger in students learning the Singapore math method because they are less likely to get frustrated when a problem doesn’t look exactly like the samples they solved with their teacher’s guidance. This sense of rigor is especially helpful in making math approachable to students who previously found it challenging.

Where Can I Find Out More About the Singapore Math Method?

More and more schools in the U.S. are integrating the Singapore math method into their curriculum. However, not all teachers are well-trained in teaching Singapore math, and it can be challenging for a veteran teacher to transition to a new method. Many parents find it helpful to get a dedicated Singapore math tutor to help their child grasp this new method.

If you want to learn more about the Singapore math method, talk to your child’s teacher or contact your school district office to find out how they use the curriculum. If your district doesn’t have the information you need, a quick online search can help connect you with information and resources to learn more about this innovative math method.

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About the Creator

Tiffany Young

Tiffany Young can usually be found watching her favorite Twitch streamers, playing Breath of the Wild, or binging the latest Netflix original. She enjoys writing about everything from vintage vinyls to nerdy collectibles.

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