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What is the maximum salary that can be expected to be earned with AWS in India?

AWS Salary in India

By Aswin JoePublished about a year ago 3 min read
What is the maximum salary that can be expected to be earned with AWS in India?
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

The average AWS salary in India is around Rs. 6,07,000 per annum, with salaries ranging from Rs. 3,83,000 to Rs. 12,10,000 per annum. Experienced professionals with expertise and a lot of experience can earn significantly more than the average salary. In the United States, AWS Cloud Architects earn US$154,156 p.a. on average according to ZipRecruiter.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing service provided by Amazon. It is widely used in businesses and organizations all over the world. In India, AWS has become very popular, and many professionals are opting for a career in this field. With the growing demand for AWS, many people are curious about the potential earning opportunities. In this article, we will explore the maximum salary that can be expected to be earned with AWS in India.

AWS is a vast field that offers various roles, including Cloud Architect, Cloud Engineer, Cloud Administrator, Cloud Developer, DevOps Engineer, etc. The salary range for each role may vary depending on various factors like experience, location, company, etc. However, we can estimate the maximum salary by considering the average salary range and other factors.

According to various job portals and surveys, the average salary for an AWS professional in India is around INR 12-15 lakhs per annum. However, the maximum salary can be as high as INR 50 lakhs per annum, depending on various factors.

Experience: Experience plays a crucial role in determining the salary of an AWS professional. A person with a few years of experience in AWS may earn around INR 8-10 lakhs per annum. However, someone with over ten years of experience can earn up to INR 50 lakhs per annum. As the experience increases, the demand for the professional also increases, leading to a higher salary.

Location: The location of the job also plays a significant role in determining the salary of an AWS professional. The salary range may vary depending on the city, state, or region. For instance, AWS professionals working in cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, and Hyderabad may earn higher salaries than those working in smaller cities. This is because the cost of living in these cities is higher, and the demand for AWS professionals is more.

Certifications: Certifications in AWS can add significant value to the resume and increase the chances of getting a high-paying job. AWS offers various certifications, including AWS Certified Solutions Architect, AWS Certified Developer, AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator, etc. An AWS professional with multiple certifications may earn a higher salary than someone with no certification.

Company: The salary of an AWS professional may also depend on the company they work for. Big companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and IBM may offer higher salaries than small or mid-sized companies. This is because these companies have more resources and are willing to pay more to hire the best talent.

Skills: An AWS professional with multiple skills like programming, scripting, database management, security, and networking may earn a higher salary than someone with limited skills. This is because having multiple skills makes the professional more versatile and valuable to the employer.


In conclusion, the maximum salary that can be expected to be earned with AWS in India is around INR 50 lakhs per annum. However, this may vary depending on various factors like experience, location, certifications, company, and skills. AWS is a rapidly growing field with enormous potential, and professionals can expect to earn a competitive salary if they have the right skills and experience. If you are interested in pursuing a career in AWS, it is advisable to get certified, gain relevant experience, and develop multiple skills to increase your chances of getting a high-paying job.


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Aswin Joe

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