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What If We Dumped Our Trash Into Volcanoes?

What If We Dumped Our Trash Into Volcanoes?

By Wayne Published 10 months ago 6 min read
What If We Dumped Our Trash Into Volcanoes?
Photo by Yosh Ginsu on Unsplash

simulate things that no one has ever done before like dropping millions of tons of trash into a volcano dropping phone cases down into the Mariana Trench shooting all the world's plastic out into space and more where are we getting these crazy ideas well a couple of weeks ago we asked you the what if Community where you wanted us to dispose of the world's trash and you guys delivered some wild ideas now we're going to show them to you like never before but before we get to that we're gonna drop this into melted glass at over 1 000 degrees Celsius this is about as hot as lava which should give us a pretty good idea of what might happen if we were to throw our garbage into a volcano so this is copper but if I actually threw my garbage in here or my phone case which is made of plastic it would just fill the room with all the fumes from the chemicals that make it and we would probably die okay that was pretty cool but what if we were to do this in an actual volcano with way more trash using our super cool video effects team let's find out this is you your trash not you are trash your trash the amount of trash you create in one year and we're about to throw it into a volcano but wait I don't see a volcano VFX team that's better The lava inside this volcano is over 1200 degrees Celsius, and this is 680 kilograms of garbage. If you don't know how large that is, imagine a polar bear made of garbage.

if you were to drop this much waste into a volcano well you're looking at a big explosion you see since the lava inside the volcano is so hot and our trash is relatively cool well that equals boom the trash would hit the lava and trigger a reaction of pressurized and acidic Steam that was pretty intense but we're not going to stop there we've got a whole lot more trash to get rid of let me talk to Marina about this the animation you made of one person's trash really good but I'm thinking up it quite a bit more than one person okay what do you have in mind like 20 million people seriously okay New York City's trash for a year we roll it all up into a ball and throw that into a volcano okay how much trash is that 14 million tons I'll need some time to figure it out can you give me some time and I'll get back to you I can give you a couple more minutes because there's only a few minutes left in the video yeah go ahead thanks okay perfect while we wait for that let's jump over to the other side of the world

But first, why are we doing this? The world has a trash problem: plastic in the ocean food wastes hundreds of tons of it. The garbage reality is bigger than you might think, and our friends at Taste if I have been working hard to solve it. More on that later, but for now we're going to take a stab at it. That's why we challenged you to help us determine the best way to get rid of trash, from food waste to plastic packaging to phone cases. This one asserts Hey Peter, how do we get rid of the garbage in the ocean? Perhaps by dumping it in the Mariana Trench. I like your creative thinking. Over 14 million tons of trash end up in the ocean every year, which is over 8 trillion pieces of plastic, and over 1.5 billion old phone cases are discarded annually, so we need to find a way to dispose of them. Since the Mariana Trench is the deepest point on Earth, dumping 1.5 billion phone cases should be nothing for this ocean cavern. In theory, the Mariana Trench could hold over one trillion phone cases. I question what would happen if we sent it into space, but more on that later. Regardless, that was a poor concept. I think I've figured out a better way to dispose of our old phone cases, but first let's check in on the giant ball of trash going into the volcano. It looks like they're still working on it, so let me tell you what we're going to do to fix our phone case waste problem. If I ever have to throw out a phone case, I'll give it to case defy because they have the world's largest phone case recycling program. This video would not be possible without case defy, so please support this channel so that we can make more videos like this in the future. Check out case defies's website to learn more about how to upcycle your old phone case. You can get a new, cooler case like this one. Yeah, I'm never throwing this out. Oh cool, it looks like our massive pile of trash is ready to be thrown into the volcano. Now let's drop it in. Instead of causing an explosion inside the volcano, this trash ball will cause an explosion hundreds of meters in the air. This amount of garbage dumped into a heated volcanic lake would emit toxic vapors for hundreds of meters.

this doesn't appear nice

Okay, that was a terrible idea, but I'm going to give you guys a second chance. We're going to see what would happen if we brought our garbage into space and launched it into the Sun. However, instead of our garbage, let's move our plastic waste. About 40 million tons of plastic are discarded each year in the United States alone. What do you think about simulating this for us? No, I believe we can, but I'm going to need your assistance. Can you go collect a bag of plastic trash and determine how much it would weigh?

Well, I'm out picking up trash, so let's see what other ideas you guys have come up with: stomach acid ah no, as strong as stomach acid is, it wouldn't be able to dissolve all our trash and how would you even get that much stomach acid for it to do anything? a black hole yep, but it's theoretically impossible and it would kill everyone involved, so could we send it back in time? that would just make the world even more chaotic.

Okay Marina I believe I have enough okay how much is it well it's pretty heavy well I need an accurate measurement right of course I'll send you the specifics of how much it weighs okay so how do we do let's see sending our plastic into space would require one million bags full of any plastic trash and to get that up into the sky would require 640 000 Rockets and exploding a rocket in the sun isn't as simple as it sounds the only way we'd be able to get our Rockets

Oh no, that's not a good notion

Um, it looks like these crazy ideas aren't going to work. Perhaps the best thing we could do would be to recycle. I know it sounds too good to be true, but recycling really does work, and if everyone did it, we would see less pollution and more vibrant natural resources. Recycling can also be used to make some pretty cool phone cases.

In lieu of squandering a lot of money or endangering our lives with these insane notions, all you have to do is this..... subscribe for more curiosity

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About the Creator


Am wayne, a writer from kenya specified in research and article writing. I love doing research on natural things, football updates and updating what going on in the world

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