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What happens to your body on steriods?

Taking Steroids: Weighing the Benefits and Risks

By Lillian FormelováPublished 9 days ago 6 min read
What happens to your body on steriods?

There are two distinct narratives surrounding steroids. One is a tale of hope, while the other revolves around excessive use and addiction. Certain types of steroids have the potential to be life-saving. However, when taken in excessive amounts without the guidance of a medical professional, they can also be fatal. Which specific type of steroids should never be introduced into your body? At a fundamental level, steroids are artificially produced hormones that are naturally produced by the adrenal glands in the body. Hormones act as chemical messengers, instructing cells on which biological processes to carry out. For instance, insulin, a hormone, prompts cells to absorb more sugar from the bloodstream and convert it into energy. Throughout a person's life, hormones like testosterone and estrogen also signal various physiological changes. These hormones can also contribute to muscle growth, which will be relevant later on. Corticosteroids are the most commonly prescribed steroids by doctors due to their anti-inflammatory properties. They have numerous applications and can aid in the recovery from various medical conditions. On the other hand, anabolic-androgenic steroids are a more perilous type of steroids. Bodybuilders and athletes use these steroids to enhance muscle strength and performance. It is these particular steroids that can be hazardous if used improperly. Firstly, let us comprehend why steroids, when used correctly, can benefit and even save lives. It is crucial to remember that most steroids require a doctor's prescription to ensure the appropriate dosage and type of steroid is administered. Doctors may prescribe steroids for various reasons, often to alleviate uncomfortable conditions that are not life-threatening. Without them, individuals would experience significant pain and discomfort.It is important to note that taking steroids prescribed by doctors may have certain side effects, including increased appetite, mood changes, and difficulty sleeping. These effects are a result of the chemical composition in the body being altered by the steroids and the processes they initiate. It should be remembered that steroids mimic hormones, which signal changes to occur in the body's cells. While steroids may be utilized for their anti-inflammatory properties, they also impact the chemical levels in the body, inevitably affecting multiple organs and tissues. This leads us to the extremely harmful effects that steroids can have on the body. It is commonly known that individuals who misuse steroids may experience a decrease in sperm count or sudden outbursts of anger. While these side effects are valid, there are much more severe consequences that stem from steroid abuse. Anabolic-androgenic steroids, often referred to as AAS, are the type of steroids that are frequently misused. AAS are utilized to boost metabolism and increase muscle mass. They are typically a synthetic form of testosterone, a hormone responsible for growth in the body. Although AAS can lead to muscle growth, the process is far from healthy. Misusing anabolic-androgenic steroids can result in serious repercussions, making it crucial to reconsider before using them. Performance-enhancing drugs like AAS are prohibited in the majority of sports and competitions. Athletes caught using steroids face hefty fines and are stripped of their right to compete. Hence, the utilization of steroids appears irrational due to the significant risks outweighing the benefits. Nevertheless, this practice remains prevalent. As an athlete fixated on increasing muscle mass to outperform competitors, you diligently train but reach a plateau. Subsequently, you opt for steroids to enhance your performance. Post each workout, your muscle fibers endure strain or damage. The body naturally repairs this damage, leading to muscle growth. By deceiving the body into perceiving growth simultaneously, muscle development can be accelerated. You engage in intense weightlifting to break down muscles, followed by consuming an energy drink infused with steroids. These steroids circulate in your body, binding to muscle cells and stimulating protein production for muscle repair and strengthening. Concurrently, they induce cell division, prompting the body to generate more muscle cells. These processes may disrupt hormone balance, resulting in undesired physical changes and affecting brain chemistry. Both muscle growth and adverse effects do not manifest immediately, often taking weeks to materialize. Anabolic-androgenic steroids are estimated to enhance strength by 5 to 20 percent, driving their misuse. With each steroid intake, protein synthesis in your cells intensifies, crucial for muscle growth but potentially leading to excessive development of male characteristics. This phenomenon occurs in both male and female individuals using anabolic-androgenic steroids. As cells work harder, they demand more energy, explaining the heightened appetite experienced. The sensation of hunger is simply a signal from your brain indicating that your body requires additional nutrients to generate more energy. Anabolic-androgenic steroids also stimulate the breakdown of fat stores in the body, utilizing the fuel within them to enhance muscle mass and facilitate growth. As a result, individuals who take steroids experience a significant reduction in body fat. Additionally, these steroids prompt the body to produce more red blood cells, aiding in the delivery of oxygen throughout the body and increasing energy production. While these effects may initially appear beneficial, it is the subsequent consequences that should be of concern. Anabolic and androgenic steroids consist of a combination of various chemicals. The ratio between the anabolic and androgenic chemicals determines the specific impact of the steroid on the body. Anabolic chemicals promote and signal muscle growth, while androgenic chemicals stimulate the development of male sexual characteristics. For a steroid to be effective, it must possess both of these properties. For instance, a steroid containing solely anabolic chemicals will not facilitate muscle growth at the desired rate, as other hormones and proteins are necessary to support the process, which can only be triggered by androgenic chemicals. Furthermore, the ratio of androgenic to anabolic steroids can lead to certain adverse reactions within the body. The use of steroids elevates blood pressure and heart rate, as the body needs to circulate nutrients more rapidly to meet the demands of cells that are now producing proteins and dividing more frequently. Unfortunately, heightened blood pressure and heart rate can potentially result in heart disease or stroke. Hence, the instructions given by steroids to your body can potentially be fatal. Anabolic-androgenic steroids, such as those that mimic testosterone, can also have mental side effects. One of the consequences of elevated testosterone levels, particularly in males, is increased aggression and mood swings. This is a result of chemical imbalances caused by the steroids, which stimulate protein synthesis and other cellular processes. These changes in biochemical proportions affect neural pathways and the composition of brain chemicals. When these symptoms escalate, they can lead to a loss of rational thinking and aggressive behavior, commonly referred to as roid rage. Additionally, there appears to be a connection between steroid use and body image disorders. The chemical imbalances caused by anabolic-androgenic steroids can distort one's perception of their own body, leading to an obsession with losing nonexistent fat and gaining more muscle. This creates a harmful cycle, as the brain convinces individuals that they need to take more steroids to achieve an unattainable body image. Consequently, steroid abuse becomes prevalent, especially among those who do not consult their doctor before using AAS. In such circumstances, steroids not only disrupt biochemical processes but also become an addictive substance. While anabolic-androgenic steroids themselves may not be classified as addictive, their impact on brain chemistry can create a strong craving, similar to that of a drug addiction. . As muscle mass increases and the body's biochemical processes are altered by steroids, there are also harmful side effects taking place. Steroids can put a strain on the liver, as those who misuse them do not allow the liver to rest or recover, potentially leading to liver complications or failure in the future. This is when the use of steroids becomes life-threatening. The development of larger muscles through anabolic-androgenic steroids becomes insignificant if liver failure occurs. Additionally, there are noticeable side effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids, such as unwanted facial hair growth in females, deepening of the voice, decrease in breast size, enlargement of the clitoris, and irregular menstrual cycles. These side effects are a direct result of the chemical and hormonal imbalances caused by taking anabolic-androgenic steroids. In males, there are even more peculiar physical side effects, as steroid abuse can lead to hypogonadism, a condition that disrupts the production of sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone. This can result in testicular shrinkage in males and infertility in both sexes. Once again, this highlights how steroids can enhance muscle growth but come with serious concequences


About the Creator

Lillian Formelová

Learning how things works is one of my favorite hobby and i decided to share my knowledge with you,so i hope you learn something new!!:3

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Comments (1)

  • Jane Katt9 days ago

    nice read!

LFWritten by Lillian Formelová

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