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What do we expect the world to look like?

what do we expect the world to look like?

By Paidamoyo SharlenePublished about a year ago 8 min read

As a generation of teenagers grows up in the digital age, they have to make decisions about their future that will shape their lives. To get an understanding of what young people expect out of life after school, researchers asked 15 year olds around the world one simple question: What job do you expect to have as a 30 year old? The answers these teens gave can tell us how they see the world and how their expectations compare to their peers.

Research conducted in 2000 found that medical doctor was the most popular job choice among teens worldwide, with decorator and athlete also appearing frequently. However, when researchers simplified the responses into broader categories, they found that nearly half of all 15 year olds expected to do one of only ten jobs. Fast-forward to 2018 and researchers asked the same question again. While the top answers were still doctor, lawyer, and athlete, the list of other interesting job choices had expanded significantly. When researchers simplified this list, half of all teens expected to do the same ten jobs as before.

However, one thing had changed from 2000 to 2018: in 2000 only 14% of kids didn’t name a job, but in 2018 that percentage had jumped to 25%. This could be a problem, as ambition at an early age plays a huge part in people’s professional outcomes. For example, one study tracked thousands of 8th graders starting in 1988 and found that those with science-related ambitions were far more likely to get a science or engineering degree even though they weren’t as good at math.

Additionally , the PISA survey also asked if kids expected to attend college and found that among those who expected to have a job that required a college degree, 1 in 5 had no plans to attend. This phenomenon is called misalignment - when teens expect to do one job but don’t plan on getting the proper education or experience for it. One study of Australian teenagers found that misalignment at 15 led to twice as much unemployment and lack of school attendance at age 25.

Researchers who study career pathways have a few solutions to this problem: young people need to explore various careers, either by visiting workplaces or through part-time work and volunteering. Unfortunately, only 40% of students in the survey said they had participated in job shadowing or worksite visits, and the same percentage had participated in job fairs.

What’s more, the research found that among the most affluent kids only about 1 in 10 were misaligned, but among the poorest kids about 1 in 3 were misaligned. This reinforces inequality that already exists in society and suggests that teens need more support when it comes to making decisions about their future. By helping young people make informed decisions now, we can set them up for success later.

The implications of teenagers’ job expectations go beyond just academic achievement; they can also have a huge impact on future earnings. A study tracking American 15 year olds found that those students who were aligned or over-aligned (meaning they planned to get more than enough education for their expected job) had higher wages throughout their career compared to misaligned teens. This is especially important considering the fact that 40% of teens expected to do a job at risk of automation in their country.

When we were 15, many of us had an idea of what we wanted to be when we grew up. But for today’s teenagers, this question takes on even more importance as the world changes rapidly around them. It’s time to give youth the support they need to make informed decisions , both now and in the future.

The implications of teenagers’ job expectations affect not only their academic success, but also their future earnings. It is essential that young people have access to the resources necessary to make informed decisions at an early age. It is also important for them to explore various career options and gain experience in the workplace as much as possible. However, this is often not the case; only a small percentage of students in the survey said they had participated in job shadowing or worksite visits. This points to an urgent need for schools and other organizations to provide more support and guidance for young people when it comes to career planning. By helping young people make informed decisions now, we can set them up for success later.

Another way to help young people make informed decisions about their future is by providing guidance on the jobs that are at risk of automation. In the survey, 40% of 15 year olds indicated they expected to do a job at risk of automation in their country. It can be challenging for teens to identify which jobs will still exist when they graduate and which ones won’t. By educating teens on which jobs are at risk of being replaced by automation and robotics, they can make informed decisions about choosing a career path that will be relevant in the future.

When we were 15, it was relatively easy to answer the question of what you wanted to be when you grew up. But for today’s teenagers, this question takes on even more importance as the world changes rapidly around them . It’s time to give youth the support they need to make informed decisions, both now and in the future. This means providing resources, guidance and experiences that will help them understand their career options and plan for the future. By doing so, we can set teens up for long-term success.

One way to get students more involved in career planning is by providing information on the types of jobs that are available and will remain relevant for years to come. Students should also have access to data that can help them gain an understanding of the job market, such as employment trends, salary ranges and job availability. This will equip them with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their future.

It is also important to ensure that young people have access to the resources necessary to explore their career options. Worksite visits, job shadowing and job fairs can all help teens gain insight into what different jobs entail and how they can prepare for them. Furthermore, providing mentorship opportunities with professionals in their desired field can give students a better understanding of what it takes to succeed in that role.

Finally, it is essential that teens have access to quality career counseling. This will give them the opportunity to discuss their interests and goals with an experienced professional who can help guide them in making the right decision for their future. Career counselors can provide valuable advice on what courses to take, which jobs are likely to be in demand, and how to prepare for job interviews. They can also offer invaluable support and advice during the job search process.

When teenagers are given access to the resources they need, they can make informed decisions about their future. By providing guidance on career options, helping them explore workplaces, and offering quality career counseling, we can give young people the support they need to plan for a successful future.

To ensure that young people are well-equipped to make informed decisions about their future, it is important to provide access to resources such as job search tools and career advice. Career development websites can be a useful starting point for teens interested in finding out more about different job roles and the skills they need to succeed. Additionally, providing access to mentorship programs with professionals in the field can give teens insight into what it takes to get ahead in their chosen career path. Finally, students should have access to quality career counseling that can provide them with the advice and support they need to make the right decisions for their future.

It is also beneficial to provide students with information on the job market and employment trends in their area. Knowing which jobs are in demand and which ones are likely to be replaced by automation can help teens make informed decisions about their career path. Additionally, providing access to salary data and benefits can give students a better understanding of

In order to ensure that teens are making informed decisions about their future, it is important to help them understand the importance of education and training. Encouraging young people to pursue further education or gain skills in a particular field can set them up for long-term success. Additionally, providing access to apprenticeship and internship programs can give students real-world experience and an opportunity to explore different job options.

Finally, it is essential to ensure that young people have access to resources such as job search tools and career advice. Career development websites can be a useful starting point for teens interested in finding out more about different job roles and the skills they need to succeed. Additionally, providing access to mentorship programs with professionals in the field can give teens insight into what it takes to get ahead in what they can expect from their chosen profession.

Another way to support young people is to provide access to quality career counseling. Career counselors can provide valuable advice on what courses to take, which jobs are likely to be in demand, and how to prepare for job interviews. They can also offer invaluable support and advice during the job search process.

Overall, providing teens with the resources they need to explore their options and make informed decisions about their future is essential. By offering access to job search tools, career advice, and qua

To ensure that young people are well-equipped to make informed decisions about their future, it is important to provide access to resources such as job search tools and career advice. Additionally, providing access to mentorship programs with professionals in the field can give teens insight into what it takes to get ahead in their chosen career path. Furthermore, helping teens explore different job roles and gain skills in a particular

lity career counseling, we can help young people make the best choice for their future.

Providing teens with the opportunity to explore their options and learn more about different job roles is key. For example, encouraging them to participate in job fairs or shadowing can help them gain experience and get a better understanding of what they would like to pursue. Additionally, schools should strive to offer classes that give students exposure to different trades or industries so they can gain valuable work-related skills .

Finally, it is important to provide teens with access to quality career counseling. Career counselors can provide valuable advice on what courses to take, which jobs are likely to be in demand, and how to prepare for job interviews. They can also offer invaluable support and advice during the job search process. By providing teens with the resources they need to explore their options and make informed decisions about their future , we can give them the best chance of achieving success.


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    PSWritten by Paidamoyo Sharlene

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