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Ways To Help Your Kids Overcome Their Fear And Nervousness

Mental health is one of the most significant unspoken challenges that children face, particularly those who are new to preschool.

By Amit KumarPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Mental health is one of the most significant unspoken challenges that children face, particularly those who are new to preschool. Children lack expressiveness, and early childhood is a time when a child's mental state is malleable and can swing either way. No parent wants their children's mental health to be unstable or to experience fear or stress. Children are vulnerable and require special care and treatment; otherwise, any fear or stress can have long-term consequences. If your child is afraid of the dark or hesitates to use the restroom, this is normal until it becomes a source of concern. Dealing with fear is also a life lesson that children should learn, and parents should try to instill the spirit of fighting from their own fear in their children's daily lives. You can't just tell a child to stop being afraid of things; there should be a process in place to completely remove the child's fear and nourish him/her with mental peace. Preschool understands what children go through while learning and experiencing new things, which is why they have actions and activities planned for everything.

Tips to help your kids in overcoming fear

Talk about the fear and clear misconceptions

Children are unaware of many things around them, and their first impressions of anything can have a negative impact on their minds. Several facts must be cleared, and it is the parents' responsibility to do so. Parents must ensure that their children do not form a misconception that develops into fear. For example, children are afraid of the dark because they have some misconceptions created by their parents solely for amusement. But such things stay with children, and they always have the impression that there is something in the dark. To alleviate fear, parents should ask their children what exactly is threatening them in a particular location and answer all of their questions. Preschools work on basic concepts and provide logistics for every child's curiosity so that they are not left with any misconceptions that cause stress or fear.

Let them Live in a Real World

Unless it is a phobia, fear is the result of imaginary stories that children create in their heads. Even phobias are fictitious, but they become ingrained, which is why they become a health concern. The imaginary world is created by the stories that parents tell their children. Most of the time, parents create imaginary scenarios to scare their children into staying out of mischief or misbehavior. It may work well for parents in the short term, but it quickly turns into fear as children take it seriously. Parents can enroll their children in nursery schools to learn techniques that will keep them away from mischievous habits rather than attempting to scare them.

Involve them in Activities they fear

Avoiding activities and places that make the children afraid will increase their fear and make it a part of their mindset. Parents should stay with them and encourage them to participate in such activities until the fear is gone. Parents can try to make the activity more comfortable and engage them normally to alleviate the stress and fear it provides. For example, if a child is afraid of the dark, parents should sit with the child in the dark and tell them about some of its beautiful aspects. It not only removes fear, but it also keeps the mind fresh and healthy, which improves learning abilities. It is a process that may take some time, but once they begin to settle in, the fear will fade and they will never be afraid of the particular activity or thing again. Preschools emphasize such things and require children to participate in activities related to their fears.

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About the Creator

Amit Kumar

Full-time thinker & part-time writer...

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