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Visual Studio Code Setup Guide

Get Started with the Ultimate Code Editor

By Jeevanantham SPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Visual Studio Code Setup Guide: Get Started with the Ultimate Code Editor


Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a powerful and versatile code editor developed by Microsoft. It offers a wide range of features, customization options, and an extensive ecosystem of extensions. This setup guide will walk you through the steps to install and configure Visual Studio Code, enabling you to start coding efficiently.

Now You can Start your coding ....

Step 1: Download Visual Studio Code:

Visit the official Visual Studio Code website at and navigate to the "Download" page. Choose the appropriate installer for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux) and click on the download link.

Step 2: Run the Installer:

Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded installer file and run it. Follow the on-screen prompts to start the installation process.

Step 3: Select Installation Options:

During the installation, you'll have the opportunity to customize certain options. The default settings are generally suitable for most users, but you can choose a different installation location if desired. You may also have the option to add Visual Studio Code to your system's PATH, allowing you to run it from the command line or terminal.

Step 4: Launch Visual Studio Code:

After the installation is complete, launch Visual Studio Code. You will be greeted with a welcome screen.

Step 5: Familiarize Yourself with the Interface:

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Visual Studio Code interface. The editor consists of a sidebar on the left for file navigation, a central editor pane for code editing, and various other panels and tabs for different functionalities. Spend some time exploring the menus and toolbar to get a sense of the available features.

Step 6: Install Useful Extensions:

One of the strengths of Visual Studio Code is its vast collection of extensions. These extensions add extra functionality, language support, themes, and more. Click on the extensions icon in the sidebar (represented by four squares) to open the extensions marketplace. Search for and install extensions that suit your programming needs. Some popular extensions include "ESLint" for JavaScript linting, "Python" for Python development, and "GitLens" for Git integration.

Step 7: Configure Preferences:

Visual Studio Code provides a wide range of customizable preferences. To access them, click on "File" in the menu and select "Preferences" and then "Settings." You can modify settings related to the editor's behavior, appearance, language-specific configurations, and more. Take some time to review and adjust the preferences according to your preferences and workflow.

Step 8: Start Coding:

With Visual Studio Code set up and customized to your liking, you are now ready to start coding. Open a file or create a new one, select the appropriate programming language, and begin writing your code in the editor. Take advantage of the various features, such as auto-completion, linting, and debugging, to enhance your coding experience.

Some Common Myths about VS code:

  • Visual Studio Code is Only for Microsoft Developers: One common myth about Visual Studio Code is that it is exclusively designed for Microsoft developers. However, VS Code is a highly versatile code editor that supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. It is not limited to Microsoft technologies and can be used effectively by developers working on various platforms and languages, including JavaScript, Python, Java, C++, and many more.
  • Visual Studio Code is Resource-Intensive:Some people believe that Visual Studio Code consumes significant system resources and is not suitable for low-end machines. While it is true that VS Code is a feature-rich editor, it is designed to be lightweight and efficient. It has a small footprint and can run smoothly even on modest hardware configurations. Additionally, users can customize the editor's settings to optimize its performance based on their specific needs.
  • Visual Studio Code is Only for Web Development: Another myth is that Visual Studio Code is primarily targeted towards web development. While it indeed offers excellent support for web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, VS Code is not limited to web development alone. It supports a vast array of programming languages and frameworks, making it suitable for a wide range of application development, including mobile, desktop, and cloud-based applications.
  • Visual Studio Code Lacks Advanced Features: Some developers mistakenly believe that Visual Studio Code lacks advanced features compared to more heavyweight integrated development environments (IDEs). However, VS Code offers a rich set of advanced features that can enhance productivity. It supports powerful debugging capabilities, integrated source control, intelligent code suggestions, extensions for testing frameworks, and more. Its extensibility allows developers to tailor the editor to their specific needs and incorporate additional features as required.
  • Visual Studio Code is Complex to Set Up: There is a misconception that setting up Visual Studio Code is a complex and time-consuming process. In reality, installing and configuring VS Code is straightforward and user-friendly. The official website provides easy-to-follow installation instructions, and the default settings are suitable for most users. Additionally, the extensive marketplace of extensions and themes enables users to enhance their development environment quickly.


Setting up Visual Studio Code is a straightforward process that allows you to unlock the full potential of this powerful code editor. By following this setup guide, you can install and configure Visual Studio Code according to your needs, install useful extensions, and customize preferences to optimize your coding workflow. Visual Studio Code's versatility and extensive feature set make it an ideal choice for developers across various programming languages and platforms. Start exploring its capabilities and enjoy a productive coding experience with Visual Studio Code.

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Jeevanantham S

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  • Jeevanantham S (Author)about a year ago

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