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Unemployment is an evil

Analysis unemployment in Nigeria

By Augustine Ekele Published about a month ago 6 min read
Unemployment is an evil
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

Youth unemployment in Nigeria is a critical issue that poses a significant threat to the nation's socio-economic stability. According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the unemployment rate rose to 33.3% in the first quarter of 2023, translating to approximately 23.2 million people, the majority of whom are young individuals. These figures highlight a severe problem that extends beyond mere numbers. It represents millions of educated, energetic young Nigerians trapped in an endless cycle of job hunting, often hindered by systemic issues like bureaucracy and nepotism. This paradox leaves many either overqualified or underqualified, creating a frustrating and perplexing scenario.

However, it is not too late to address this issue. Nigeria’s youth, rich in creativity and untapped potential, represent the country's greatest asset. To harness this resource, we must bridge the gap between the skills our youth possess and those required by the labor market. This involves more than just superficial training; it calls for comprehensive vocational programs and an education system aligned with market needs. Collaboration between the government and the private sector is essential to ensure young people acquire the necessary skills for meaningful employment.

Reforming the Education System

One critical area to focus on is the reform of the education system. The current system often fails to equip students with practical skills that match the needs of the labor market. Educational institutions should integrate vocational training and skill acquisition programs into their curricula. This approach will prepare students for the realities of the job market, making them more competitive and reducing the skills mismatch that currently plagues many industries.

Moreover, entrepreneurship should be encouraged as a viable alternative to traditional employment. In a highly competitive job market, fostering young entrepreneurs can unlock new opportunities and drive economic growth. Nigerian youths have countless innovative ideas waiting to be realized. With government support, access to funding, and mentorship programs, these ideas can blossom into successful enterprises. The government can play a crucial role by creating an enabling environment for startups, providing grants and low-interest loans, and offering tax incentives for young entrepreneurs.

Leveraging the Tech Sector

Additionally, Nigeria's burgeoning tech sector holds significant promise. The digital realm is teeming with opportunities for those with the right skills. Investing in technology infrastructure and creating a supportive environment for innovation and startups is vital. Providing training and mentorship in technology can empower young people, opening doors to new and diverse career paths. The government should also promote digital literacy and support initiatives that enhance tech skills among the youth. This will not only address unemployment but also position Nigeria as a competitive player in the global tech industry.

Support Systems for Job Seekers

Another aspect that requires attention is the creation of robust support systems for job seekers. This includes the establishment of career counseling centers, job placement agencies, and online job portals that provide up-to-date information on available opportunities. These support systems can guide young people in their job search, helping them navigate the complexities of the job market and connect with potential employers. The government can also partner with private sector companies to create internship and apprenticeship programs that provide hands-on experience and improve employability.

Addressing Structural Issues

Furthermore, the government should address the structural issues that contribute to unemployment. This includes tackling corruption, streamlining bureaucratic processes, and ensuring transparency in the recruitment process. Efforts should be made to eliminate nepotism and favoritism, ensuring that employment opportunities are based on merit. Creating a level playing field will restore faith in the system and encourage more young people to pursue their career goals.

Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation

In addition to these measures, there is a need for continuous monitoring and evaluation of unemployment programs and initiatives. This will help identify what works and what doesn’t, allowing for adjustments and improvements. Engaging with stakeholders, including young people, employers, educational institutions, and civil society organizations, can provide valuable insights and foster collaboration towards sustainable solutions.

Harnessing the Potential of Youth

Addressing youth unemployment requires a holistic approach that encompasses education reform, entrepreneurship promotion, technological empowerment, and robust support systems. By investing in these areas, Nigeria can defuse the ticking time bomb and unlock the extraordinary potential of its youth. This not only benefits the young individuals directly but also contributes to the overall socio-economic development of the country.

The path to resolving youth unemployment is undoubtedly challenging, but it is not insurmountable. With concerted efforts from the government, private sector, and civil society, Nigeria can turn this crisis into an opportunity for growth and development. The youth are the future of the nation, and their well-being is crucial for sustainable progress. It is imperative to act now, implement effective strategies, and create an environment where young Nigerians can thrive, contribute meaningfully to society, and build a prosperous future for themselves and the nation.

Economic Impact of Youth Unemployment

Youth unemployment also has significant economic implications. An idle workforce means lost productivity and a decrease in the overall economic output of the country. Moreover, high unemployment rates can lead to increased dependency on government welfare programs, putting additional strain on national resources. Conversely, engaging the youth in productive activities can stimulate economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness on a global scale.

Social Consequences

Beyond the economic impact, the social consequences of youth unemployment are profound. Unemployed youths are more likely to engage in criminal activities, join militant groups, or fall into substance abuse as a means of coping with their frustration and despair. This not only affects the individuals involved but also poses a threat to societal stability and security. Addressing youth unemployment is thus not only an economic necessity but also a critical component of maintaining social harmony and reducing crime rates.

Global Perspective

Looking at the issue from a global perspective, many countries have successfully tackled youth unemployment through various innovative approaches. For instance, Germany’s dual education system, which combines classroom learning with practical on-the-job training, has been highly effective in reducing youth unemployment. Similarly, countries like South Korea and Singapore have invested heavily in technology and innovation, creating a thriving ecosystem for startups and young entrepreneurs. Nigeria can learn from these examples and adapt best practices to its unique context.

Policy Recommendations

To effectively combat youth unemployment in Nigeria, several policy recommendations can be made:

Comprehensive Education Reform:

Align the education system with market needs by integrating vocational training and skill acquisition programs into school curricula. Ensure that students graduate with the practical skills required in the job market.

Support for Entrepreneurship:

Provide financial support, mentorship, and an enabling environment for young entrepreneurs. This includes access to low-interest loans, grants, and tax incentives to encourage startup growth.

Investment in Technology:

Promote digital literacy and invest in technology infrastructure to create opportunities in the tech sector. Support initiatives that enhance tech skills among the youth, preparing them for the digital economy.

Robust Support Systems:

Establish career counseling centers, job placement agencies, and online job portals to assist job seekers. Create internship and apprenticeship programs in partnership with the private sector to provide hands-on experience.

Address Structural Issues:

Tackle corruption, streamline bureaucratic processes, and ensure transparency in recruitment. Implement merit-based hiring practices to restore faith in the system and encourage fair competition.

Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation:

Regularly assess the effectiveness of unemployment programs and initiatives. Engage stakeholders to gather insights and make necessary adjustments to improve outcomes.


Youth unemployment in Nigeria is a pressing issue that demands urgent attention and comprehensive action. By focusing on education, entrepreneurship, technology, and support systems, we can address the root causes of unemployment and provide young people with the opportunities they deserve. The stakes are high, but the potential rewards are even greater. Let us not allow this ticking time bomb to explode. Instead, let us harness the incredible potential of our youth and pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for Nigeria.

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    AEWritten by Augustine Ekele

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