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Top 6 Reasons to Learn Game Design and Development

Are you thinking of becoming a Game Designer/Developer? or are you just wondering how game design/development works? In this article, we’ll be giving you 6 reasons to learn game design & development.

By Whistling Woods InternationalPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The online entertainment industry continues to grow. Because of this, many young people are interested in studying game design and development courses to be part of the great organizations that create their favorite games.

Would you like to know more about this course and how it will help you grow as a professional? In the following article - we show you 6 reasons to study video game design!

1. You will have the ability to solve problems

When designing and developing a video game, you have to take into account the different circumstances in which a player can be found and how to address them with the right resources. Therefore, this specialty requires specific problem-solving skills.

You can start by learning programming languages ​​like Java, C++, Python, and JavaScript. After knowing the fundamentals, be encouraged to solve basic questions of programming, data structure, and algorithms. In this way, you could participate in coding contests to gain experience together with other developers.

As you grow in this industry, you will learn about different elements of video game design, such as 3D models, the creation of characters, and the elaboration of scripts. Here you will also see how physics, math, and coding work together.

2. You will improve your design skills

Once you've mastered programming, you'll be able to fuse it with design to replicate the real world on a screen or create an entirely new universe. Remember that, after all, a successful video game must not only have good graphics, but also an attractive design.

Designers spend much of their time designing environments and other elements that work accordingly, as this is one of the most important aspects of video game development.

For example, in PUBG you can customize everything from the appearance of your character to the smallest objects, such as a pen or a grenade. This is called dedication!

3. You will turn your passion into a job

A few years ago, many gamers believed that it was impossible to turn their passion into a profitable job. However, thanks to technological advances and the great demand that exists in the sector today, you can make your dream come true!

After learning to create video games, you will be able to upload them to app distribution platforms, such as Google Play and the App Store, to make them available to the public for a reasonable price. Also, you can design video games for others and get paid for them.

And if you are one of those who prefer to work in a team, you will also have the opportunity to develop video games for the largest companies in the industry. Tencent, Riot Games, and Naughty Dog are waiting for you!

4. You will learn to work as a team

As we mentioned in the previous point, many people choose to work as a team to distribute project tasks, obtain better results and learn from other professionals. Creating a video game by yourself will take years and be stressful; you need a full team to design non-design tasks like graphics and sound.

When you play a video game, having the help of other players or characters within it will allow you to achieve your goals more efficiently. The same is true in this and many sectors of the industry. Collegiality is important, and most companies appreciate that their staff can collaborate with others in harmony.

5. You will create more attractive portfolios

By mastering the skills of a video game designer, you will be able to let your imagination run wild and create an interactive portfolio. It will give you more control over your first impression in a job interview and make you stand out from the competition.

The video game industry is quite competitive, but the demand for tech-savvy professionals is growing with it. Take the time to craft your resume in the most creative way possible and secure your position in this industry.

6. You will develop complementary skills

Video game developers design almost everything from scratch, including characters, stories, and formats. They also need to know how to choose or create the right sound effects for a scene, present the game's plot, or write the plot.

These complementary skills will allow you to take on the role of a programmer, sound designer, or digital artist, opening doors to countless opportunities.

Now you know the 6 benefits of learning video game design and development! This discipline may seem complicated to some, but you must remember that every challenge will help you grow. And the more you grow, the closer you will be to fulfilling your dreams. We hope we have helped you!


About the Creator

Whistling Woods International

Whistling Woods International is one of the top film schools in Mumbai and the best film institute offering diploma & degree programs in India.

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