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Time into direction and destination

The concept of time had always captivated

By Michael KingPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The concept of time had always captivated

Ella. She cherished exploring how it moved, how it worked in the background of existence, and how it might be controlled. But there was one aspect of time that she had never been able to grasp: its direction.

Ella made the decision to act independently one day. She took a seat at her desk and started going over her research and notes. She stayed there poring over papers and making notes for hours before discovering what she was looking for.

Among piles of other research, she discovered a tiny, handwritten note that she had composed years earlier. "Time can flow in any direction if the correct shove is given," was the short statement. Knowing that this was the key to unraveling the enigmas of time, Ella grinned.

She got to work right away, creating a device that would give her control over how time would move. A odd, blazing crystal served as the source of electricity for the complicated machine's gears and connections. But, Ella was a genius, and she quickly got the gadget working.

She began by testing out simple things with it. She may turn a clock around or cause a flower to bloom earlier than expected. Yet as her self-assurance in her powers grew, she started to test her theories on bigger objects.

She made the decision one day to push her machine's capabilities. She pushed the button after setting the dials to "max" and watched as time passed her by slowly. As she moved across the frozen landscape, Ella giggled, experiencing a thrill of joy.

Yet, she became aware of a problem as she continued to move. She wasn't frozen, but the world around her was. She was still able to breathe and move. As Lena became aware of what she had done—stopped time—her heart began to race.

Ella remained stunned for a little period of time. She now understood what this meant though. She was capable of anything and everywhere. She had the ability to traverse time itself.

Ella worked on her device for the following few weeks, making modifications and enhancements until she felt comfortable manipulating time in any direction. She gathered her belongings into a little bag, put her coat on, and entered the machine.

As she adjusted the knobs, she felt a startling jolt as time sped up all around her. She closed her eyes and felt the universe whirl and sway before finally settling. She sat up and gasped when she opened her eyes.

She was surrounded by people, noise, and bright lights as she stood in the heart of a busy city. But there was a problem. The buildings were unusual, almost old, and the inhabitants were dressed in strange, out-of-date attire.

Ella had gone in the past.

She was admiring the sights and noises as she strolled through the streets. She observed gas lamps, horse-drawn carriages, and people walking while wearing bonnets and top hats. It felt as though I had entered another era or an other world.

Ella, though, wasn't content to watch. She desired exploration and a wider view of the globe. She then entered her device again and turned the dials once more.

When she opened her eyes this time, she found herself in a lush, verdant forest. The aroma of pine and the sound of birds singing filled the air. Ella grinned as she experienced a wave of tranquility.

She just had a short time to relish it though. She heard rustling in the underbrush and looked up to see a group of men approaching her while carrying bows and arrows. Ella's heart began to accelerate as she comprehended what had happened: she had returned to a period when people still hunted and fished for food.

When she considered leaving, something inside of her urged her to stay. She went up to the males.


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    MKWritten by Michael King

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