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Three useful psychological trivia

Life will be better.

By sojuPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Hello, I am going to discuss three psychological miscellany that will improve your lives.Please read on!

1-Negative aspects of backup plans.

Research conducted at the University of Pennsylvania highlights the potential downside of relying on a backup plan. In their study, volunteers tasked with certain activities performed less effectively when they entertained the idea of a backup plan compared to those who didn't. Moreover, the researchers observed a notable decline in motivation among participants when they became aware of alternative options.This phenomenon can be understood through the lens of Expectancy Theory, a concept developed by Victor H. Vroom in 1964. According to this theory, an individual's motivation is intricately tied to their anticipation of success. When a backup plan is considered, it inherently suggests a lack of confidence in achieving success initially.While planning ahead is undoubtedly valuable, researchers caution against becoming overly fixated on backup plans. They emphasize the importance of striking a balance and avoiding excessive preoccupation with details, which could inadvertently sabotage one's chances of success. Therefore, while it's prudent to have contingency measures in place, it's equally important to maintain confidence in the primary plan and remain focused on execution without being overly deterred by the possibility of failure.

2-It Takes Five Positive Things to Outweigh A Single Negative Thing

One commonly suggested practice for maintaining a balanced perspective in life is to begin and end each day by reflecting on a series of things that we are grateful for. This simple yet profound habit serves as a powerful antidote to the Negativity Bias—a cognitive tendency deeply ingrained within us, predisposing us to focus more on negative events and experiences than on positive ones. Dwelling excessively on negative thoughts or events often proves fruitless and can have detrimental effects on our mental and emotional well-being. Instead, striving to achieve a of five positive experiences or thoughts for every negative one can serve as a potent tool for cultivating resilience and fostering a more optimistic outlook on life. By actively seeking out and acknowledging the positive aspects of our lives, we not only counteract the impact of negativity but also create a ripple effect of positivity that can permeate various facets of our existence. This intentional shift in focus not only enhances our overall satisfaction and happiness but also lays the groundwork for the manifestation of even more wonderful experiences and opportunities.In essence, by embracing gratitude and consciously cultivating a mindset oriented towards positivity, we empower ourselves to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and grace, ultimately unlocking the door to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.

3-We Unintentionally Believe What We Want to Believe

Our propensity to unconsciously embracebeliefs that align with our preconceptions is known as Confirmation Bias. This cognitive bias leads us to interpret facts and information in a manner that reinforces our existing convictions. This phenomenon is often evident in the realm of politics, where individuals with specific ideological leanings tend to favor news sources that echo their viewpoints.Not only does this bias drive us to actively seek out information that supports our beliefs, but it also inclines us to disregard contradictory evidence or perspectives.In essence, Confirmation Bias acts as a filter through which we process information, inadvertently reinforcing our existing beliefs while undermining our receptiveness to alternative viewpoints. By acknowledging the influence of this bias, we can strive to cultivate a more open-minded and discerning approach to information consumption, thereby fostering greater intellectual humility and critical thinking skills.

The author of this sentence is Japanese, so please forgive me even if there is a mistake in English.Thanks for reading.Please read the next installment

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About the Creator


A little story that will help you in your life.

Japanese living in Japan. Please forgive me if my English is wrong.

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