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Thinking a Little Different

By Brother Lawrence Luke

By Lawrence LukePublished about a year ago 3 min read
WhatsApp: +265996655810

As Brother Lawrence Luke, a renowned thinker and researcher, I often find myself pondering the power of thinking a little differently. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, it's more important than ever to be able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems.

One of the key ways to think differently is to challenge assumptions. Too often, we accept things at face value without questioning whether or not they are true. By questioning assumptions, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and perspectives.

Another important aspect of thinking differently is to look for inspiration in unexpected places. Sometimes the best ideas come from sources that we wouldn't normally consider, such as nature, art, or even our dreams. By keeping an open mind and being willing to look in unconventional places, we can discover new and exciting ideas.

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But perhaps the most important aspect of thinking differently is to be willing to take risks. Many of the most groundbreaking and innovative ideas were met with skepticism and resistance at first. But by having the courage to pursue these ideas, their creators were able to change the world.

One great example of someone who thought differently was Professor Patrick Lumumba. He was a Kenyan lawyer, academic and politician who was known for his contributions to the field of law and politics. He was a strong advocate of pan-Africanism, and believed that Africa had the potential to be a great economic and political power. He was also a strong advocate for the rights of the poor and the marginalized. He believed that by thinking differently, he could change the world for the better.

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In conclusion, thinking differently is a powerful tool that can help us to come up with creative solutions to problems and make a positive impact on the world. By challenging assumptions, looking for inspiration in unexpected places, and being willing to take risks, we can change the way we think and see the world.

Strategies for Thinking a Little Different

As Brother Lawrence Luke, the founder of 360° Thinking Research Consultancy, I know a thing or two about thinking a little different. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, it's more important than ever to challenge the status quo and come up with innovative solutions to the problems we're facing.

The key to thinking a little different is to adopt a 360° perspective. This means looking at problems from all angles, considering all possible solutions, and being open to new ideas. It's about being willing to step outside of our comfort zones and explore uncharted territory.

One strategy for thinking a little different is to surround yourself with diverse perspectives. The more diverse the group of people you interact with, the more likely you are to encounter new ideas and different ways of thinking. This can be achieved by collaborating with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and disciplines.

Another strategy is to actively seek out new information and knowledge. Whether it's reading books, attending workshops, or listening to podcasts, it's important to constantly expose yourself to new ideas and perspectives. This will help you to broaden your horizons and see things in a new light.

A third strategy is to be curious and ask questions. Instead of accepting things at face value, it's important to question assumptions and dig deeper to understand the underlying causes and effects of a problem. This will help you to identify new opportunities and come up with more effective solutions.

Finally, it's important to take action. Simply thinking a little different is not enough, it's important to put those thoughts into action. This means experimenting with new ideas, testing new approaches, and being willing to fail. It's through taking action that we can truly make a difference.

WhatsApp : +265996655810

SEO Keywords: thinking differently, creativity, challenging assumptions, inspiration, risks, Brother Lawrence Luke, pan-Africanism, economic power, political power, rights of the poor, marginalized communities.

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About the Creator

Lawrence Luke

Meet Lawrence Luke, Founder and CEO of 360 Thinking Consultancy, an expert in Research and decision making. He helps organizations and individuals make better decisions through research and analysis. Follow him on WhatsApp +265996655810.

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