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Things to Do Instead of Watching Netflix in the Evening


By Isaac OsahPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

British figures showed that adults spend an average of five hours and forty minutes watching TV and online video content. To increase productivity and happiness, it is important to have a set of tools and alternative activities that you can rotate between. These include taming tomorrow's triggers, clearing your head of 'open loops', and not letting your mind eat junk media. By doing these activities, you can learn what positively fuels your energy, brainpower, and relationships, and go to bed with a rested mind and a smiling heart. The most important details in this text are to resist the urge to mindlessly distract yourself all evening, introduce board game night, call a friend you're texting, read something fun and not work-related, and let them wait. Reading fiction is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress, while texting creates an illusion of closeness and decreases a relationship's stability and satisfaction. Reading fiction is also important because it gives you room to exist beyond the reality you're given. The most important details in this text are that it is important to take back the power over your availability, remove the TV from your bedroom, and write one line a day. These activities can help you to spend less time on your devices and more time investing in relationships, rest, and focus. Additionally, the author offers a free 'Dethrone Your Phone Guide' to help readers learn the secret to spending less time on their smartphones.

Don't Allow Your Mind to Consume Junk: Reality TV, talk programs, and celebrity gossip are brain junk food. It's low quality, heavily processed, and we consume it despite knowing how terrible it is. Stopping consuming what author Paul Greenberg refers to as 'junk media' was one of the smartest moves I made a few years ago. Instead, I watch a fantastic movie or documentary and subscribe to a few YouTube producers that provide high-quality content. If I do decide to watch something in the evening, this sort of information leaves my brain in far better shape than if I had gorged myself on junk media.

Resist the urge to mindlessly distract yourself throughout the evening: Our evenings are rarely as restful as they should be. We keep ourselves busy after a long day at work by checking social media, reading the news, and watching television. Rather than relaxing our minds, we are disturbing them with additional input, knowledge, and stimulation from our gadgets. I understand that eliminating all technology from your evening is unrealistic, and I don't believe you should. There's nothing wrong with letting your hair down and having some thoughtless fun. However, low-quality leisure should not be prioritized above high-quality leisure. At the conclusion of the evening, you want your mental clarity and vitality to have progressed rather than regressed.

Start a Board Game Night: If your family's after-dinner routine consists of withdrawing into your various realms of the house and disappearing into your own virtual reality, consider establishing one night per week when you'll play a board game as a family. Playing board games, according to Digital Detox specialist Tanya Gooding, puts you in a flow state – a meditative condition in which your brain can recover and your breathing and heart rate drop down. Furthermore, while you are in a flow state, your brain creates rewarding neurotransmitters, making it a wonderful experience and a joyful way to spend some time in the evening.

Contact the Person You're Texting: According to research, while texting offers the idea of intimacy, it really diminishes the stability and enjoyment of a relationship. Use texting for logistics and phone calls or face-to-face contact for emotional exchanges.

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