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The unfortunate event of being a 20 something.

Based on an actual story.

By Georgia MichaelidouPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Ever stop but wonder...How on earth did I end up here? The transist between college life to professional life is a conspiracy that will never be understood, by anyone, ever.

Over the last five years I have watched people from working so hard to enter their dream colleges, universities; to adults with no will to live or work. I could not stop but wonder what happened in between their dreams to cause, the dispair found in their eyes when I take a glance at everyone at university libraries and classes.

The structure, pressure, uncertainty of all has gotten the best out of almost everyone I came across to. The real question is why?

"I can't do this anymore", " I am so close of dropping out", I could perhaps give an award to these two lines as the most heard of during my education years. I have done my absolut best to guide anyone who came in my way with advice on how tos and not tos in order for them to make it. And then I stop. "Why don't they know these things?" The sad answer is that the institutes most people attend, focus on academic excellence, a perfect attendance score and a brilliant pupil. Archaic musts for the 'perfect' candidates.

Take a look on the device you are reading this on the numerous opportunties of apps, programs and dreams compressed in a small square box. Now try to imagine one course that is dedicated in the breaking of this new era ( besides coding and computer sciences). That is correct! None. Everything and everyone has evolved but higher education has not. Think of the acts universities have taken during the first outbreak of the pandemic. Completely unprepared, to shift into the digital scope even if it had happened in 2020. Should they not be the ones to lead the way into this transit? Unfortunately, no, nope, negative.

The education offered is based on books, academic journals and words of people who were probably alive during jesus' birth. There is no adaptation to the needs of the market and whatsoever, leaving thousands of recent graduates completely unprepared for what they need ahead.

Let's take me for example: Hi I am a recent marketing graduate from a great institute in London. I am currently looking for roles that fit my experience and knowledge obtained over the course of THREE years. BUT. There is none! No company wants a Pestel maker, a reading books and collecting information editor or ever a marketeer that has no clue on how to use any of the hundreds of apps needed to make it.

When I first started applying, the dispair I saw on others reflected in my mirror. I felt lost and helpless as I could not figure out how to learn what I was already supposed to know. The take this had on my mental health in a combo deal with the pandemic has been a whole new saga. It is so hard to imagine working so hard to enter an institute only to leave as scared( and more) as you entered.

Dear institutes, KINDLY EVOLVE. Thank you.

A need for contemporary institutes is in need, with new spaces and creatitivity( on all sectors). Innovative programs that are tailored to the needs of the market each year and education designated to the requirements of excellence in future careers. Encouragament for brain storms, night schedules( for the night owls), and most of all support for pretty much everyone. Recent graduates shape the market of tomorrow if we are not nurtured how will we create the next flying cars, find cancer cures and all the high excpecations set from generations before us.

Kind regards,

Every student, Ever.



About the Creator

Georgia Michaelidou

Business student in my 20's with a strong keen of fashion and desire to speak up my mind. Big love for the world in all its colours, forms or shapes. Every tomorrow I try to be better than the me of today.

-London based

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