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The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

The One Thing explains the success habit to overcome the six lies that block our success, beat the seven thieves that steal time, and leverage the laws of purpose, priority, and productivity.

By safrasPublished about a year ago 8 min read

What Is Being Said In Detail

One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan is an excellent book on how to get more done in less time by following a simple premise: you can’t get more done if you don’t get less done.

The book has three parts and 18 chapters.

The first section discusses the five lies that prevent us from achieving success. Lies like multitasking, a disciplined lifestyle, an opinion on work-life balance, and willpower are just a few of the myths that have been debunked. These lies are explained in great detail by the authors, allowing readers to have a better understanding of them.

The second section is the most important since it provides a practical framework to follow in order to be highly productive. This chapter shows us how to use the focusing question in our daily lives so that we can finish our tasks more efficiently.

The third part is about making sure your thoughts match your dedication, purpose, and priorities so you can get great results.

In summarizing, the content is well-written and well-organized with quotes and statistics, and it helps us be more productive by explaining the key concepts on which successful people rely.

The ONE Thing

Chapter 1 argues that if you want to have the best chance of succeeding at anything, you should always take the same approach: keep it small. This can be accomplished by understanding that amazing results are directly proportional to how narrow your focus can be adjusted. To achieve meaningful goals, we must prioritize.

The Domino Effect

Chapter 2 explains that achieving extraordinary results requires a domino effect. The goal is to identify the most significant focal point in every aspect of your life. After identifying the objective, determine the “dominoes” that must be set up and knocked down. Remember to start small. Success is created progressively and over time.

Success Leaves Clues

Chapter 3 explains how every person has one area of expertise or interest that they thrive in. Even if you’re terrible at other things, you’ll always have a unique skill that sets you apart from the rest. We are all good at something, and the goal is to discover what it is.

Everything Matters Equally

Chapter 4 discusses the importance of prioritization and the Pareto Principle. This principle urges us to prioritize our tasks and goals. Those 20% that areas are responsible for 80% of the results. After that, we take those 20% and cut them down even more, until you’re left with just one “domino” to focus on.


Chapter 5 debunks a second myth: that multitasking is beneficial. We cannot do two things at the same time because it naturally distracts us, yet multitasking involves moving back and forth between incomplete tasks, which eventually results in a loss of time and productivity.

Myth: A Disciplined Life

Chapter 6 describes the third lie he’s encountered: discipline is all you need to succeed. Discipline implies consistently doing something until it becomes a habit or routine. It’s all about teaching your mind to perform things until they become automatic. To achieve that, create habits one at a time.

Willpower Is Always On Will-Call

Chapter 7 focuses on the fourth lie, which is that willpower is always present and accessible. Instead, he explains that willpower is like a battery, and it will ultimately run out. In that instance, willpower should be controlled to complete the most crucial and challenging work while also recognizing when it has been drained. You can’t give up your willpower for things that aren’t important. Willpower also requires you to be at your best, so eat well and don’t let anything slip.

Myth: A Balanced Life

Chapter 8 discusses the fifth lie, which is the concept of having a “balanced life.” This results in an issue with productivity because when we try to strike a balance, we tend to find a middle ground in which we give equal attention to everything. This means that we can only provide a minimal level of input in those areas, which will lead to average results. Instead, we should focus our efforts on the most important aspects of our lives.

Myth: Big Is Bad

In Chapter 9, the sixth lie he analyzes is that “big is bad.” When we are hesitant to dream “large,” we lose sight of our genuine limits, restricting our potential. When deciding what to accomplish next, set your sights higher and bigger because doing so will allow you to surpass your original goal. Don’t limit yourself to the possibilities that are readily available to you. However, if you want to succeed, you must be daring and quit being afraid of failure because amazing outcomes are based on failures as well as achievements.

The Focusing Question

Chapter 10 discusses how, in order to achieve something remarkable, we must ask questions along the road, because excellent questions lead to equally incredible solutions. Questioning will help you find the first domino to success. The question you ask is known as a “focusing question,” and it is made up of two parts: the “big picture” question and the “small-focus” question. The first helps you in creating a vision for your life and moving forward in the right way, while the second helps you focus on what is most valuable to you.

The Success Habit

Chapter 11 explains that in order to make that ONE item a part of your habit, the very first step is to accept it after comprehending it. It’s also necessary to ask the focusing question at every chance to make things simpler. If you ask yourself these kinds of questions on a frequent basis, it will become ingrained in your mind. Remember to keep doing it no matter how long it takes. To ensure that you don’t lose track of the key question, you may put up a few reminders. Finally, surround yourself with people who have a positive influence on your life.

The Path To Great Answers

Chapter 12 explains the three types of responses to the focused question: achievable, stretchable, and possible. For the best results, you must accept the fact that your answer will be beyond your comfort zone. Setting yourself a goal is another way to think about a good focus question. Be aware that an easy goal may just be a way to check something off your list, while a hard goal may push you to grow beyond what you can do now.

Live With Purpose

Chapter 13 explains how to be happy, you must have a purpose for your life. Our goals may differ, but when you ask yourself what motivates you every day, the answer is easy to spot. In the book, the writers refer to this question as the “Big Why,” and it explains why you’re doing the things you are. To get things done, you don’t need a complicated or weighty stated purpose; all you need is a single motivating factor.

Live By Priority

Chapter 14 examines goals and priorities. When you have a goal in mind, you have a better idea of what needs to be done and how to go about accomplishing it. You make ONE thing your priority. Even if you have a lot on your plate any given day, it’s always a good idea to check in with yourself and figure out what your top priorities are. In addition, you may define future objectives with priority and find the most significant goal.

Live For Productivity

Chapter 15 explains that it’s easy to know what you want to do if you have a clear goal and set priorities to help you achieve that goal. Everything else is a matter of getting started and completing the task at hand. Analyzing your ideas continually is the greatest way to get the ONE thing to work for you.

The Three Commitments

Chapter 16 emphasizes the importance of narrowing your focus and working hard to become an expert in one specialized area. If your goal is to be the best at something that really matters to you, then you’re already on the right track. For this reason, you should start out to achieve mastery with a specific goal in mind, because achieving mastery without a specific goal can limit your ability to think creatively and open yourself up to new opportunities and beginnings. Even if you succeed or fail, you must take full responsibility for your actions.

The Four Thieves

Chapter 17 highlights the importance of productivity. However, the four robbers that threaten to steal our productivity are all around us:

The inability to say “no” – If you’re continually being asked to do something that takes you away from your ONE thing, you should be able to say “no.” The more you say yes, the less productive you’ll be since you’re giving up something else in the process.

Fear of chaos – Pursuing your ONE thing might cause inevitable chaos because you’re ignoring everything else but your main goal. But if you achieve your main goal, you should be able to deal with these smaller problems.

A lack of vitality or poor health – Don’t put yourself in a position of stress by taking on too much. If you don’t take care of your body, it will affect your health, which is vital to achieving your goals.

The wrong people – Make sure you associate yourself with individuals who are supportive of your goals.

The Journey

Chapter 18 concludes by stating that in order to live a great life, your dreams must be converted into actions. The author instructs us to write on a piece of paper your salary and multiply it by whatever number you like, such as 2, 3, or 4. Ask yourself if your present lifestyle and actions can help you meet your goal in the next five years. If yes, multiply that amount till it doesn’t match; if it does, you’ve lived large! However, you may also use this in other aspects of your life besides money. It’s important to stick with just one thing and keep going until you’ve accomplished it.

Most Important Keywords, Sentences, Quotes


“When you want the absolute best chance to succeed at anything you want, your approach should always be the same. Go small.”

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