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The Magic Strength of Leadership

Honoring a man who I hope knows the extent of which he has impacted generations for the BEST of human kind

By Luis Ruben Miranda VizcainoPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
One of Many Examples of the Man, the Myth, the Legend himself with Students

Pointless, Boring, Lost, Invisible, Fake, Ordinary, Average, a Background Character. These are all words among other synonymous ones that I would use to describe the vision and interpretation of my life through my youthful and validation-hungry stained lens. Like many others I later came to know and meet, I was living a life that externally represented the societal and culturally accepted view and definition of success while allowing it to conflict with my internal feelings and thoughts of authentic and genuine intention and Source.

I come from in immigrant walk of life, where my mother and father came to an agreement that it would be in my best interest for me to grow up in the United States of America. A choice that beyond my conscious control at the time, would shape and tell the story of the man you know of today. Because I remember what it was like to go to public education where there was NO SUCH THING as Gyms, Computer Labs, Cafeterias, much less modern or proper equipment or "services" to provide for an all-inclusive approach to families who were at a socio-economic disadvantage.

What that translates to in regards to where we are with this young man, I remember going to school with my American peers around the age of nine. I started in fourth transitioning into fifth Grade in a "Hood" of a Metropolitan Midwest city. Not knowing what my role or place in this abruptly introduced environment was or would be, with the feeling that both sides of my family have great expectations of me and have endured sacrifices so that I may be one of the few fortunate ones at a better life, I began my quest.

As I navigated the socio-political learning journey that is the Public Education Scholastic Experience, I quickly learned that despite my gapping of the initial language-barrier that had stifled my initial assimilation and adaptation to American lifestyle, my 60's decade sort of upbringing and mentality had not transferred over quite as smoothly. My Frank Sinatra type of view on relationships of the romantic nature, my appreciation for the smallest of privileges such as having food to eat that day, a roof over your head, and family/friends still with you in this Life, my love and trust in thy brother and sister along with a sense of community stuck out among my peers in a way that made me often a background character in many of my own life's recollection of events. That was until I met a man that made me look at my past in a different light, but more importantly, see the reality of how impactful every decision I made, BOTH internally AND externally, truly was.

Enter the man that I will always revere as an inspiration and a gift that I am grateful to have come across because it made me Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually PIVOT my life and way of thinking/feeling in a direction that allowed me to manifest my best life and help others do the same along the way. Out of respect and honor of this great American Veteran and Mentor, I will address this magnanimous of a Man worthy of representing a will to Serve and Better the quality of life of all those he comes into contact with in the pursuit of a life full of Liberty, Equality, and Prosperity for none other than 1st Sgt. Brown.

Where to begin on the positive impact and influence this mentor and Philoctetes of Leaders, Innovators, and Positive-Change-Bringing Warriors. 1st Sgt. Brown was my first example and reassurance that Men like the ones that my father was and raised me to be still existed and were upholding the virtues and strengths that reminded me why we all want to be a part of this Land of Opportunity and Prosperity even in unfair circumstances when it's in the midst of a divide that will someday result in the unity of those who truly want to see EVERY person living a free, peaceful, and abundant life.

1st Sgt. Brown may not be on the Forbes cover of Entrepreneur's most famous or the talk of every Financial Authority Committee or any such matter. He is much more than that. 1st Sgt. Brown is a Star in the Stripes and Proud Colors that has seen and felt so much and is asking that we don't forget why we fought so hard and what we claimed to become Independent of. This man is a living legacy in a time when technological and socio-economic/political advancements and changes simultaneously unite and divide us all on a societal, political, spiritual, and cultural level.

He has inspired, mentored, and trained multiple generations of undervalued and underappreciated members of our society with so much perspective, potential, value, and LOVE for our fellow American Brothers and Sisters. He is a force of Love and Peace to be reckoned with, an All-Out Warrior of Liberty and Equality as well as Excellence and Honor in his guidance of the generations that will (thanks in great part to 1st Sgt. Brown) LEAD this Nation into the better and brighter future that many before us have fought, died, suffered, hurt, learned, and now, begin to understand, evolve, and make amends.

1st Sgt. Brown was a father figure and role model for me when my dad could only support and love me from another country. He once brought me into his office where we had a brief conversation that reminded me of the value that I have to offer and the amazing gift of Life that God (or whatever your beliefs may be) gave us. He was my Army JROTC Instructor and Mentor. I held this man and still hold him not so much on a high-pedestal but as a Guide and Reference Point for how I want to in my own way impact my life and those around me for the better.

So here I am in this Honorable Man's office. He sees that something is clearly bothering me. I knew he knew too and had no fear or intention of hiding it. Despite having the respect and support/praise from my fellow cadets, along with most of the staff and instructors at my High School, I felt inauthentic. Like a great actor portraying this persona or character of what success was supposed to look like but was missing ME. I somehow verbalized my troubles to 1st Sgt. Brown and after several moments of ponder and consideration, he spoke to my soul and revealed to me that I had a Gift. Although I had been praised and told before from others that I would amount to great things and what not (still much appreciated), this felt different. I felt SEEN for ME and like I materialized in a rather holographic world. He told and explained to me that I had the Gift of Gab. That when I spoke, others listened. I commanded a voice and example of Leadership through Action and Guidance. After that, along with countless memories and reminders of how I can achieve anything I set my mind to, as well as experiences that will forever expand my understanding and appreciation for the human experience, I've never doubted that I had a calling to use my abilities to communicate and express for the bettering of humanity. I plan and vow to do this for as long as I breathe to remind us all that we can make a living from providing our own unique set of skills, passions, and interests to serve and cultivate a better and brighter world.

A Forever Student and Forever Mentor in the everchanging affairs of this World

- Luis Ruben Miranda Vizcaino


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    LRMVWritten by Luis Ruben Miranda Vizcaino

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