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The Importance of Video for Marketers

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By Jonathan David LevinPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Importance of Video for Marketers
Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

video is so important for In the world of digital marketing, video has become an essential tool for businesses looking to reach their audience in new and engaging ways. With video content becoming more and more popular, it's important for marketers to understand why it's so vital to their overall strategy.

1. Video Boosts Engagement

One of the primary reasons that marketers is that it can significantly boost engagement levels. Studies show that viewers are more likely to engage with video content than they are with other forms of media, such as text or images. This is because video is more immersive and can convey information in a more compelling way. By using video in your marketing efforts, you can increase the likelihood that your audience will take action and engage with your brand.

Some other ways that video can boost engagement include:

Increased time on site: When viewers watch your video content, they are more likely to stay on your website for longer periods of time. This can help boost your overall site metrics and improve your search engine rankings.

Improved social media engagement: Video content is more likely to be shared on social media, which can help increase your brand's reach and visibility.

2. Video Builds Trust

Another reason why video is so important for marketers is that it can help build trust with your audience. By providing valuable information in an engaging and entertaining way, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry and build a loyal following of customers and fans.

Some other ways that video can help build trust include:

Humanizing your brand: Video allows you to put a face and a personality to your brand, which can help make it more relatable and trustworthy.

Showcasing your products or services: With video, you can demonstrate the value and benefits of your products or services in a way that is easy to understand and digest.

3. Video Improves Conversions

One of the most compelling reasons why video is so important for marketers is that it can significantly improve conversion rates. Studies show that including video on your landing pages can increase conversions by up to 80%. This is because video can help convey information in a more persuasive way, and can help overcome objections or concerns that your audience may have.

Some other ways that video can improve conversions include:

Increasing trust and credibility: As we mentioned earlier, video can help build trust with your audience, which can make them more likely to convert.

Providing more information: With video, you can provide more detailed information about your products or services, which can help address any questions or concerns that your audience may have.

4.tile Video is Versa

Another reason why video is so important for marketers is that it's a versatile medium that can be used in a variety of ways. From product demos to explainer videos, there are countless ways that video can be used to convey information and engage your audience.

Some other ways that video can be used include:

Brand awareness campaigns: Video can be a great way to introduce your brand to new audiences and increase brand awareness.

Customer testimonials: Video testimonials from satisfied customers can be a powerful way to build trust and credibility.

Event coverage: If you're hosting an event or conference, video can be a great way to capture the highlights and share them with your audience.

5. Video is Mobile-Friendly

Finally, video is an incredibly mobile-friendly format. With more and more people accessing the internet on their smartphones and tablets, it's important for marketers to create content that is optimized for these devices. Video is perfect for mobile because it can be easily viewed on a small screen, and can be consumed quickly and easily.

Some other ways that video is mobile-friendly include:

Auto-play: Many social media platforms now feature auto-play video, which can help increase engagement and views.

Vertical video: With the rise of Instagram Stories and other vertical video formats, it's never been easier to create content that is optimized for mobile.


As you can see, video is an incredibly important tool for marketers looking to engage their audience and improve their overall strategy. Whether you're looking to boost engagement, build trust, improve conversions, or simply create more versatile content, video is a medium that should not be overlooked. By incorporating video into your marketing efforts, you can take your brand to the next level and reach new audiences in exciting and innovative ways.

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About the Creator

Jonathan David Levin

I always strive to excel in everything I put my mind to, whether it's hiking, research, copywriting, product reviews, fintech, block chain technology, or anything else that helps humanity gain insight.

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