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The History of Computer


By AbarnaPublished about a year ago 7 min read


The history of computers dates back several centuries, with the development of the first mechanical devices for performing calculations. However, the modern era of computing began in the mid-20th century, with the development of electronic computers.

Here is a brief overview of the key events and milestones in the history of computers:

The abacus:

This ancient device, used for counting and basic arithmetic, dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Chinese.The abacus is an ancient device used for counting and performing basic arithmetic calculations. It dates back to at least the 2nd century BCE and is believed to have been invented in Mesopotamia or Egypt. The abacus consists of a frame with wires or rods on which beads or stones are placed. The rods represent place values, and the beads or stones are used to represent numbers. By moving the beads or stones along the rods, users can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations.The abacus was widely used in ancient China, Japan, Korea, Greece, and Rome, among other places. It was also used by merchants, traders, and accountants in Europe during the Middle Ages. In some cultures, the abacus was considered a sacred object and was used in religious rituals.Although the abacus has been largely replaced by electronic calculators and computers, it is still used in some parts of the world, particularly in Asia, for teaching mathematics and for rapid mental calculations. The abacus is also considered a useful tool for developing hand-eye coordination and enhancing mental agility.

Mechanical calculators:

Beginning in the 17th century, various inventors developed mechanical devices for performing calculations, including the Pascaline, the Difference Engine, and the Analytical Engine. Mechanical calculators come in various forms, from simple handheld devices to large, complex machines. The earliest mechanical calculators were invented in the 17th century, with the first commercially successful machine, the Arithmometer, being developed by Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar in the mid-19th century.

The use of mechanical calculators reached its peak in the early 20th century, with several companies manufacturing and selling these devices to businesses, governments, and individuals. However, the widespread availability of electronic calculators in the 1970s and 1980s led to the decline of mechanical calculators.Despite their obsolescence, mechanical calculators are still used by some people, particularly collectors and enthusiasts. They are also occasionally used in situations where electricity or batteries are not available, or in contexts where the durability and reliability of mechanical components are preferred over electronic ones.

First electronic computer: The first electronic computer, the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), was developed in the United States in the 1940s. It used vacuum tubes to perform calculations.


In the 1950s, the invention of the transistor (a tiny electronic device that can amplify and switch electronic signals) enabled the development of smaller and more powerful computers.

The first electronic computer was called the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), and it was built between 1943 and 1945 by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC was designed to perform calculations for artillery firing tables, and it was a huge machine that weighed about 30 tons and took up a large room. ENIAC used vacuum tubes to perform calculations, and it was capable of performing about 5,000 additions or subtractions per second. ENIAC is considered to be the first general-purpose electronic computer, and it paved the way for the development of modern computers.

IBM and mainframe computers:

In the 1960s and 1970s, IBM dominated the computer industry with its mainframe computers, which were large, expensive machines used by businesses and government agencies for data processing. A mainframe computer is a large, powerful computer that is designed to handle massive amounts of data processing and computing tasks. Mainframes are typically used by large organizations such as banks, governments, and corporations that require high-speed data processing and complex applications.IBM introduced its first mainframe computer, the IBM System/360, in 1964. The System/360 was a revolutionary product that offered a range of compatible models with different processing speeds and capabilities. This made it easier for businesses to upgrade their computer systems as their needs evolved.

Personal computers:

The development of microprocessors in the 1970s enabled the creation of the first personal computers, including the Apple II and the IBM PC. The first personal computer was the Altair 8800, introduced in 1975. However, the PC market really took off in the 1980s with the introduction of the IBM PC and its clones. These machines ran on the MS-DOS operating system, and they were popular among businesses and home users alike.In the 1990s, the introduction of the Windows operating system and graphical user interface (GUI) made PCs more user-friendly and accessible to a wider audience. This helped to further popularize personal computers, and they became a staple of modern life.

Graphical user interface:

In the 1980s, Apple introduced the Macintosh computer, which featured a graphical user interface (GUI) that made computers easier to use. A graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices and software using graphical elements such as icons, windows, and menus. GUIs are designed to make it easier for users to interact with computers and software, and to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

The first GUI was developed by Xerox Corporation in the 1970s as part of its Alto computer system. This GUI featured a mouse, windows, and icons, and it served as the basis for the GUIs that would later become standard on personal computers.The introduction of the Macintosh computer by Apple in 1984 brought the GUI to the mainstream, and it quickly became the standard interface for personal computers. Microsoft introduced its own GUI, called Windows, in 1985, and it has since become the dominant operating system for PCs.

World Wide Web:

In the early 1990s, the World Wide Web was developed, making it possible for people to access and share information over the internet. The World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is a system of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs, and accessible via the Internet. The Web was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, while he was working at CERN, the European particle physics research organization. The first web page was hosted on a NeXT computer at CERN in 1991.The Web has since become a ubiquitous and indispensable part of modern life, providing a vast repository of information and enabling communication and commerce on a global scale. The Web has transformed many aspects of society, including education, entertainment, journalism, and politics, and it has given rise to many new industries, such as e-commerce, social media, and online advertising.

Mobile devices: In the 2000s, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets became increasingly popular, revolutionizing the way people use computers and access information.Today, computers are used in virtually every industry and aspect of modern life, from business and education to entertainment and communication. The history of computing continues to evolve, with new technologies and innovations constantly being developed.

Mobile devices are electronic devices that are designed to be portable and easy to use on the go. Examples of mobile devices include smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices such as smartwatches. These devices have become increasingly popular over the past decade, and they have had a significant impact on the way we communicate, work, and access information.

One of the key features of mobile devices is their mobility. They are small and lightweight, making them easy to carry around and use wherever we go. This has made it possible to stay connected and productive on the go, whether we are checking our email, browsing the web, or working on a document.

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