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The Health and Skin Benefits of Alkaline Water: Why Filtered Water Matters.

How alkaline water can benefit one`s health and skin.

By Spencer Taylor Jr (USMC Veteran)Published 12 months ago 4 min read

Water is essential for our overall health and well-being. We've all heard the advice to drink eight glasses of water a day, but have you ever considered the quality of the water you consume? Alkaline water, specifically filtered to remove impurities and increase alkalinity, can offer numerous benefits for your health and skin. In this article, we will explore why it is important to drink filtered water that removes 99.9% of impurities, including radioactive materials, and how it can increase the alkalinity up to 9.5. Let's dive in!

The Importance of Filtered Water:

Tap water often contains impurities that can have adverse effects on our health. To ensure we are consuming the purest and healthiest water possible, filtering our water is a crucial step. By removing contaminants such as chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, and bacteria, filtered water provides us with a safer and cleaner drinking experience. Furthermore, filtering water to eliminate radioactive materials is particularly important in areas where contamination might be a concern.

Alkaline Water and Its Health Benefits:

Alkaline water is water that has a higher pH level than regular tap water. It typically has a pH level of 8 or 9, compared to the neutral pH of 7. The alkaline properties of this water can have positive effects on our health:

Enhanced Hydration: Alkaline water molecules are smaller in size, making it easier for them to penetrate our cells and hydrate our bodies more effectively. Proper hydration is vital for various bodily functions, including digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation.

Balancing Body pH: Our modern diets, which often include processed foods, can cause our bodies to become more acidic. Drinking alkaline water helps to balance our body's pH levels, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting overall well-being.

Improved Digestion: Alkaline water can aid in digestion by neutralizing stomach acid and reducing acid reflux symptoms. It can also promote the production of digestive enzymes, making the absorption of nutrients more efficient.

Detoxification: Our bodies accumulate toxins from various sources, such as pollution and processed foods. Alkaline water acts as a natural detoxifier, flushing out toxins and supporting our body's natural cleansing processes.

Alkaline Water and Its Skin Benefits:

In addition to its positive impact on our overall health, alkaline water can also benefit our skin. Here's how:

Hydrated and Radiant Skin: Proper hydration is key to maintaining healthy skin. Alkaline water's smaller molecule size allows for better absorption, leading to improved skin hydration and a radiant complexion.

Anti-Aging Properties: The antioxidants present in alkaline water help combat free radicals, which contribute to premature aging. By reducing oxidative stress, alkaline water promotes youthful-looking skin and can potentially slow down the aging process.

Soothing Skin Conditions: Alkaline water's gentle and hydrating properties can alleviate skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It helps to maintain the skin's natural moisture barrier, reducing inflammation and itchiness.

Cleansing and pH Balancing: Using alkaline water to cleanse your face can help remove impurities and balance the skin's pH level. This can lead to fewer breakouts, improved skin tone, and a healthier complexion overall.


Choosing the right water for consumption is crucial for our health and well-being. Alkaline water, filtered to remove impurities and increase alkalinity, offers numerous benefits for our bodies, both internally and externally. By hydrating us more effectively, balancing our pH levels, and aiding in detoxification, alkaline water supports our overall health.

Moreover, alkaline water can work wonders for our skin. It hydrates and nourishes our skin cells, promoting a radiant and youthful appearance. By combating free radicals and reducing oxidative stress, it helps slow down the aging process and keeps our skin looking healthy and vibrant.

Filtering water to remove 99.9% of impurities, including radioactive materials, is of utmost importance. Radioactive elements can find their way into water sources through natural occurrences or human activities, posing potential health risks when consumed. By investing in a high-quality water filtration system, we can ensure that the water we drink is safe and free from harmful contaminants.

When it comes to alkaline water, it is essential to consider the ideal pH level. A pH level of 9.5 is often recommended as it falls within the range that promotes optimal health benefits. However, it is important to note that individual needs may vary, and consulting a healthcare professional or a nutritionist can provide personalized guidance based on your specific requirements.

Incorporating alkaline water into your daily routine is relatively simple. You can start by replacing regular tap water with alkaline water for drinking and cooking purposes. Additionally, using alkaline water to wash your fruits and vegetables can help remove pesticide residues, ensuring a healthier diet.

There are various ways to enjoy alkaline water, such as investing in a water ionizer or purchasing bottled alkaline water from reputable sources. While a water ionizer may require an upfront investment, it offers long-term convenience and allows you to customize the alkalinity of your water based on your preferences.

Remember, alkaline water should complement a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. It is not a magical solution or a substitute for medical treatments. However, incorporating alkaline water into your daily routine can certainly contribute to your overall well-being and promote a healthier, more vibrant you.

In conclusion, drinking filtered alkaline water can provide a range of health and skin benefits. By filtering out impurities, including radioactive materials, we ensure that the water we consume is safe and free from potential contaminants. The alkaline properties of this water can enhance hydration, balance our body's pH levels, aid in digestion, and support detoxification processes. Additionally, alkaline water can improve skin hydration, combat aging signs, soothe skin conditions, and promote a healthy complexion.

Investing in a water filtration system and opting for alkaline water can be a valuable step towards optimizing our health and well-being. Remember to consult with professionals and make informed choices based on your unique needs. So, why not raise a glass of refreshing alkaline water and toast to a healthier you? Cheers to a brighter, more vibrant future!

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About the Creator

Spencer Taylor Jr (USMC Veteran)

Hello, I`m a Tech Entrepreneur and Consultant for multiple industries including Online Marketing, Health and Wellness, Offline Marketing and Branding, AI, Tangible Assets Solar Energy and Affiliate Marketing. I enjoy sharing valuable info!

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