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The dumbing down on public education

What went so very wrong?

By Bob SmithPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Do you have a student in, or going into, public education? If you do then you should be just a little worried. I am going to try to describe something that I have been witnessed in public school. Remember when you went to school? Depending on your age this brings up thoughts and images of a different time. Today school is a much different place.

When I started my educational/teaching journey it was what most people imagine. Classrooms, teachers, good kids, bad kids, learning, desks... that kind of thing. I also saw, through teaching and subbing at various schools that middle schools were... different, wild, hormone filled and exciting. High schools were a proving ground for making it or... not making it. High school was where you finally got your... stuff together or you got weeded out. This you probably remember or experienced.

Let me explain what I saw, in broad strokes. 15 years ago students in the average classroom were roughly separated into three categories: Okay, On the fence and Difficult.

Okay, or good: Pretty mentally stable, come from homes with loving caring adults, did their homework and maybe played sports. This section made up roughly 60-70% of students.

On the fence: Relatively mentally stable, relatively good good grades, might do sports, might not, just kinda floating through school, not heading in a particular direction (this was me). This section is roughly 10-20%.

Difficult, went to the dark side, or troubled: These are the ones that need help, mental issues, money issues, adults in life issues, drug issues... lots of issues. This last section was the roughly the last 5-10%.

These three areas make or brake a classroom, they determine the overall feel, how much time a student gets with the teacher, how safe are ideas and thoughts, can you speak your ideas and grow your mind.

Fast forward 10 years and these three groups have shifted. You have roughly 50% "Okay", 50% "Difficult" and a flowing mass of the "On the fence" sloshing around in the middle, adding it's numbers to one side then the other. This is were technology and the internet is really starting to dig its way into schools and daily life. Education and to a larger degree parenting is shifting away from the 1950's idea of education to more of an apocalyptic hellscape... well almost; and, schools are getting attacked.

Lets fast forward to today. Today you have 10% "Okay", 50% "On the fence" and roughly 80% "Difficult". I know your reading this and saying, "Wait, that's not right, your reasoning is all wrong... bla, bla, bla..." Fine, you go out and talk to any teacher you can find and ask them what teaching is like.

How many students in your classes? What is your yearly budget? How much of your money do you spend, monthly? How many hungry kids do you feed on a daily basis? How many counselors are at their school? Do they have a School Resource Office (SRO) there on a daily, weekly or monthly basis? How is discipline at the school? Do you have a supportive union? Do you like contacting parents? If you knew then what you know now, would you still have become a teacher?

I am not writing this to scare anyone, or change your mind. I am planting a seed, a little insignificant seed that will hopefully foster and grow to the point that you have to know... is this guy right? Is public education on the verge of a very big shift away from educating students. Here are some things to think about, ask questions about, talk to your friends, talk to your kids...

I could go on and on and might add more later. Here is what I want you to think about. If you have one of those "Okay or Good" kids that gets good grades, is respectful and realises that an education will get them so much farther in life, you should feel blessed. Now consider, for a min, what if that kid is in a classroom or school or school district that is made up of 80% of the "Difficult, went to the dark side, or troubled" students? Is your student getting the education they deserve? Are they having their education stripped away by students that could care less about school. Or worse, are harassed, intimidated, threatened, and bullied because of "New" discipline rules/laws that aren't working.

What I want is to look back on this and think that I was naive, crazy and flat wrong. That would be nice. But just for a minute think... what if I am right and public education is sliding down hill to a place where the "Good" kids are the minority.

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About the Creator

Bob Smith

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