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The 6 Essential Codes of Conduct for Professional Programmers That Will Boost Your Career!

Tips based on "Clean Coder" and "The Passionate Programmer" to help you become a better programmer and build a successful career.

By Alex CadencePublished about a year ago 3 min read

As a professional programmer, there are certain codes of conduct that should be followed to ensure the highest quality of work. In this article, we will explore some key takeaways from two notable books in the software development world: "Clean Coder" by Robert C. Martin and "The Passionate Programmer" by Chad Fowler.

1. Test-Driven Development (TDD)

According to Robert C. Martin, all code must be covered by tests. If it is not possible to cover all code with tests, it indicates weaknesses in the system design. This is the essence of Test-Driven Development (TDD): first, write the tests, then write the system itself. Unit tests are written by programmers for programmers and verify the technical ability of the system. Acceptance tests, on the other hand, are written by business people for business people and verify the application's ability. By following TDD, programmers can ensure that their code is functioning properly and meets the requirements of both technical and business stakeholders.

2. Solid Understanding of Technologies and Tools

As Chad Fowler notes, having a solid understanding of the technologies and tools you use is essential. If you use Python, for example, you should understand how the language works, how code is converted to machine instructions, how to use external libraries, and so on. By having a deep understanding of the tools you use, you can write more efficient and effective code.

3. Strive to be the worst in the team

As noted by Chad Fowler, an important code of conduct for professional programmers is to strive to be the worst in their team. Being the least experienced member of the team means working with people who are more skilled than you, and consequently learning and growing to their level. By surrounding themselves with individuals who are more knowledgeable and experienced, programmers can learn from their colleagues and improve their own skills. This code also emphasizes the importance of humility and a willingness to learn, which are essential traits for success in the software development industry.

4. Saying "No"

As Chad Fowler points out, it's important to know how to say "no" in the workplace. There must always be a specific answer - yes or no - to any question. If you are asked if you can complete something by a certain date and you know you cannot, then you should answer accordingly. You should not say "I'll try" or "I'll do everything I can," etc. The person asking the question must understand exactly whether they will have a ready product on that day or not and then act accordingly. By being honest about your capabilities, you can avoid overpromising and underdelivering.

5. The State of "Flow"

Many programmers believe that achieving a state of "flow" during work is the ideal. However, Robert C. Martin argues that this is actually undesirable. The reason is that it is achieved by reducing brain activity and, consequently, speeding up work. Yes, the work will be done faster, but not as thoroughly and not as thoughtfully, and you will have to come back to it again. Therefore, when someone distracts you during work, you should not get angry. Instead, take a break and then return to work. By taking breaks and maintaining a clear head, programmers can ensure that their work is of the highest quality.

6. Building Your Reputation

Finally, Chad Fowler suggests that building your reputation is essential for success in the software development industry. This can be achieved by showcasing your work, such as the products you have developed, your authorship of books or articles, and your expertise in a particular field. To do this, you can work on building your name and brand, such as by writing a blog or articles. By building a strong reputation, you can increase your chances of success in the industry.


By following these codes of conduct, professional programmers can ensure that their work is of the highest quality and that they are well-respected in the industry. From TDD to saying "no" to building your reputation, there are many aspects of software development that must be taken seriously to ensure success. By incorporating these codes of conduct into your work, you can become a better programmer and build a successful career in the industry.

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Alex Cadence

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