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Clean Code: Best Practices for Writing Readable and Maintainable Code

Mastering the Art of Software Development with Principles and Techniques for Clear, Concise, and Consistent Code

By Alex CadencePublished about a year ago 5 min read
Clean Code: Best Practices for Writing Readable and Maintainable Code
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

As software developers, writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code is an essential part of our job. We strive to write code that is easy to understand, modify, and extend. However, in practice, writing clean code can be challenging, especially when working on complex projects with multiple team members.

In his book Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, Robert C. Martin provides a set of best practices and principles that can help developers write clean, readable, and maintainable code. These practices can help us write better code, reduce technical debt, and improve our ability to collaborate with other team members.

Best Practices for Writing Clean Code

Here are some of the best practices for writing clean code according to Robert C. Martin:

1. Code should be readable for any programmer - understandable variable, class, and function names.

One of the most important aspects of writing clean code is making it readable and understandable. To achieve this, developers should use clear, descriptive variable, class, and function names that reflect the purpose and intent of the code.

2. Code should be as simple as possible

Complex code is often difficult to understand and maintain. Therefore, developers should strive to write code that is as simple as possible. This means breaking down large functions and classes into smaller ones, each performing a single task.

3. The entire code should be covered by tests

Tests are an essential part of software development. They help ensure that the code works as intended, prevent regressions, and provide confidence when making changes. Therefore, developers should strive to cover the entire codebase with tests, using minimal tests to cover the code usage.

4. Use clear names for arguments, functions, and classes

Clear and descriptive names make code more readable and understandable. Therefore, developers should use names that clearly explain what information is stored in the argument and what the function or class is responsible for.

5. Each function should perform a single action at one level of abstraction

Functions should have a clear and specific purpose. They should perform a single action at one level of abstraction, which makes them easier to understand and maintain.

6. Strive to avoid or minimize the number of function arguments

Too many arguments can make a function difficult to understand and use. Therefore, developers should strive to minimize the number of function arguments and consider breaking down large functions into smaller ones.

7. Error handling blocks (try/catch) should be placed in separate functions

Error handling code can make code difficult to read and understand. Therefore, developers should place error handling blocks in separate functions to maintain code readability.

8. If comments are needed for the code (i.e., explanations), it means the code is unclear

Clear and understandable code should not require comments. However, in some cases, comments may be necessary to explain the code. In such cases, developers should strive to minimize the use of comments and use descriptive names instead.

9. If possible, replace tests with exception handling

Exception handling can be a more efficient way to test code than writing tests. Therefore, developers should consider using exception handling when appropriate.

10. Do not return null from a function or pass null as a function argument

Null values can cause errors and make code difficult to understand and maintain. Therefore, developers should strive to avoid returning null values from functions or passing null as a function argument.

11. Classes should be as compact as possible

Classes should have a clear and specific purpose. They should be as compact as possible, measured not by their length but by the number of their responsibilities.

12. Strive to make a function not return any arguments

If it needs to change the state of an argument, let it be the input argument. This helps to reduce the number of side effects, and it makes the code easier to read and understand.

13. If there are doubts about which class to declare a variable or describe a class, follow the principle of least surprise

Where would the reader be least surprised to see it? This helps to ensure that the code is easy to read and understand, even for those who are unfamiliar with the codebase.

14. The test package should test everything that can fail

If there are conditions or calculations in the system that are not tested, there are not enough tests. The goal is to have complete test coverage, so that any bugs or issues can be caught early on.

15. Try to minimize the number of checks per test

Checking one concept per test makes it easier to understand and maintain the tests. It also helps to catch any issues or bugs early on.

The Three Laws of TDD

Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on a cycle of writing failing tests, writing code to make those tests pass, and then refactoring the code. TDD helps ensure that code is thoroughly tested and that new features or changes do not break existing functionality. There are three fundamental laws of TDD:

  1. Do not write product code until you have written a failing unit test.
  2. Do not write more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail, and not compiling is failing.
  3. Do not write more product code than is sufficient to pass the currently failing test.

These laws ensure that the focus remains on writing code that meets the requirements of the test and avoids writing unnecessary code that may later need to be refactored or removed. By following these laws, developers can create high-quality, maintainable code that is easier to test and modify.

FIRST principles for writing tests

In addition to the three laws of TDD, there are also FIRST principles for writing effective tests. These principles are:

  1. Fast - tests should run quickly to provide immediate feedback on code changes.
  2. Independent - tests should not rely on each other and should be able to run in any order.
  3. Repeatable - tests should produce the same results each time they are run.
  4. Self-Validating - tests should have a clear pass/fail result and not require human interpretation.
  5. Timely - tests should be written at the same time as the code they test and should be maintained as the code evolves.

Following these principles helps ensure that tests are effective and can provide confidence in the quality of the code being developed.

Architecture is simple if...

Software architecture is the process of designing and organizing the structure of a software system. It is important to keep the architecture as simple as possible to ensure that the system is easy to understand, modify, and maintain. The simplicity of software architecture can be measured in several ways:

  1. It ensures the passage of all tests.
  2. It does not contain duplicated code.
  3. It expresses the programmer's intentions.
  4. It uses a minimum number of classes and methods.

These criteria help ensure that the architecture is focused on meeting the requirements of the system, is easy to understand and modify, and is maintainable over time.


Writing clean code is an essential aspect of software development. By following best practices and principles such as those outlined in Robert C. Martin's book Clean Code, developers can create code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain. The three laws of TDD and FIRST principles for writing tests help ensure that code is thoroughly tested and meets the requirements of the system, while the simplicity of software architecture helps ensure that the system is easy to understand and modify. Ultimately, clean code is critical to developing high-quality software that meets the needs of users and stakeholders.

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Alex Cadence

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