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Texas School Postpones Graduation

Because Every Senior Has Not Met the Requirements

By Janay EaleyPublished about a year ago 3 min read

A news article popped up on my feed about a day ago that said Texas School Postpones Graduation After Only Five Seniors Meet Basics Academic Requirements. When I saw this, my mouth dropped.

I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing. I have never seen something like this in my years of school where more than a percentage of students who didn’t meet the standards of graduation because I remember our ceremony being packed. I will be honest: I wasn’t the best student.

The grades that I got were from A to C but I wasn’t a student that slacked off. I wasn’t a student that skipped class. I wasn’t a student that never listened to what the teacher said. I wasn’t a student who never showed up. A student that does well in school is not about intelligence.

I don’t why people have this misconception that if a child or teenager has all As and Bs, they are considered to be Albert Einstein. It’s about work ethic. When you complete a assignment, homework, essay or a project, your work reflects who you are. That’s why I believe that if you are not doing well in school, you are just lazy. There is no point for you to sit in a classroom, just for you to do nothing.

When you do nothing, you can’t expect something. I knew a boy in middle school who had Fs straight down on his report card. I don’t know where he is today. In high school, I knew the Ellis brothers. Their skin was like caramel and you would think they were twins.

Their names were Matthew and Josiah. I knew them since middle school but saw more of the youngest. Matthew graduated along with me but his older brother couldn’t complete high school to save his life. It was until 12th grade that I found out Josiah was locked up. One piece of information that stood out to me was how the parents are angry because they were told their children were on track for graduation.

Are you sure you weren’t getting phone calls from teachers about your children? Are you sure you weren’t receiving progress reports and report cards from your kids? It looks like these parents were clueless about their child’s education because this isn’t making sense. I’ve heard that schools aren’t always honest with parents about their children. I don’t think that it is right for the school to discourage the five students who came to school, kept their head in the books in order for them to succeed.

They came out on top and it’s not their fault while the others were sinking to the bottom. Some of the struggling seniors said that they were not aware of their failure to complete their requirements for graduation. I understand that people learn differently like just because Person A can learn by reading, Person B can only learn by seeing.

Let’s be honest, the rest of them were clearly not doing what needed to be done. We have people on the other side of the coin, who are more worried about teaching children about sexuality and gender. The two components that are not relevant to education and basic learning skills. I feel like those are things that should be learned on your own because if that’s the case, why not teach them how about paying taxes and financial struggles that they might come across when they become an adult? Teaching them about adulthood. Oh, I forgot! You’re supposed to learn that on your own.

No one can help once you enter the real-world. We have children who aren’t reading with profiency in the school system. We have children who have developed learning issues and reading disabilities. The article that I read on yesterday was unacceptable. I wasn’t that excited about graduating because I was more relieved to be done with high school. If you don’t value your academics, then why are you in school?

John Dewey once said that education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

See you next time!


high schoolstudent

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Janay Ealey

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    Janay EaleyWritten by Janay Ealey

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