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Suffering From The Decline In Your Children's Academic Level?

Mostly because of smoking cigarettes in front of them!

By Macy BrooklynPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Suffering From The Decline In Your Children's Academic Level?
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

If you suffer from a decline in the state of your child’s concentration and the constant need to explain the study materials to him more than once and in different ways without benefit, instead of getting nervous and angry with him and accusing him of stupidity and lack of focus, try to review the toxic substances that your child is exposed to daily, the most important of which is the fumes of smoke caused by smoking Cigarettes by parents!

It is true that some children need a certain method of explanation and interpretation to be able to absorb information, some prefer pictures or models, and some succeed in comprehension by hearing or writing, but an important study has shown that even very normal children drop their grades in tests if they are exposed Regular cigarette smoke, in addition to other behavioural problems, often caused by academic failure and child abuse.

What are the effects of cigarette smoking by parents on children's academic comprehension?

There are various pathways in which smoking by one or both parents affects the child, his mental state, mood and health, and consequently his behavior in general and test scores. These pathways are:

Impact on health

Smoking affects the child even before he is born, and complications rise, of course, if the mother is the smoker. The mother’s smoking directly affects the child’s brain development and weight at birth, thus lowering his growth indicators, as well as poor general health and frequent exposure to recurrent bouts of disease.

The ill health of the child severely affects his comprehension and even his regular attendance at school. In addition, illness reduces the feeling of general well-being and makes everyone focus on the state of health, which is more important at the time than academic achievement.

Despite the low rates of smoking among women in the Arab world, there is a good percentage of female smokers, and exposure to passive smoking during pregnancy and at birth also has a similar effect on the fetus and newborn child.

Decreased ability to spend on education and food

In many studies, children’s cognitive decline has been associated with a decrease in family income, and if one of the parents smokes as well, spending on tobacco may replace spending on good nutrition for children and even on giving them good schools or interest in acquiring books and various educational aids.

It is true that smoking is also prevalent in the wealthy classes, and its effect on children is also similar in terms of health and mentality, but the effect of smoking on the lower income classes is greatly increased, and the ability of parents to provide regular health care as well as to treat the effect of smoking on children is reduced.

The effect of smoking on children's nutrition

Many smokers notice that their appetite is constantly declining, and the same applies to children who suffer from passive smoking for parents, their appetite generally declines and their interest in healthy nutrition, which has a key role in developing the mind, abilities and various cognitive skills.

Also, poor nutrition and a decrease in appetite increases the exposure to various immune diseases, which generally affects the mental and intellectual development of the child.

The effect of passive smoking on a child's behavior

The behavioral problems experienced by children aged 4-9 years, and one or both parents were smokers, were observed in children with hyperactivity or hyperactivity, attention deficit and various problems with peers.

This is all very self-evident given the negative impact of smoking on the mental development of the child, and thus the negative impact on his acquisition of various social skills, and his academic decline exposes him to continuous violence if not at home, then certainly at school, and with his being ridiculed by his friends and colleagues as a result of his continuous failure to launch With the correct answers, he becomes more aggressive towards everyone, starting with his peers, passing through the teachers at school, and ending with family members.

The ill health of smoking parents and its effect on the child's comprehension and behavior

In fact, the direct effect of passive smoking is no more dangerous than the indirect effect, as the association of smoking with the decline in the health and mental state of the parents or one of them prevents the child from developing various social skills, as well as the inability of these parents to follow up the child’s studies well and rely only on the school .

While home monitoring is not less important in any way than what the child gets in school, the result is a sharp decline in the educational attainment of children and their suffering from various social and psychological problems, whether for the disease of parents or the effect of tobacco on the child himself.

Can the effects of cigarette smoking be reversed on children's academic comprehension?

If your child has already been exposed to an excessive dose of secondhand smoke and you want treatment, it is not too late, and in simple steps you can improve the child's mental and health status in a variety of ways, including:

Complete cessation of exposure to secondhand smoke, even one cigarette a day, and no smoking in the house at all, even in the absence of children.

Starting an intensive diet for the child to rid the body of toxins, provided that it is rich in various vitamins, minerals and various tonics. You can consult a doctor and conduct the necessary tests for the child to identify the deficiencies in minerals and support his body with them.

Start a slow and deep study plan with the child, whether through the use of a private teacher or through a psychologist, with no hurry results at all and focus on improving the matter without any comparison between him and his peers, this comparison will increase academic problems and take you years back.

Is smoking e-cigarettes harmful, too?

If you decide to become pregnant and have children, smoking must be completely banned in all its forms. If the mother herself is a smoker, it is necessary to resort to the help of various nicotine substitutes such as patches, chewing gum or an inhaler.

As for electronic cigarettes or VAPING, it is certainly safer for the health of the smoker and the child than regular cigarettes, but there are no reliable studies regarding its effect during pregnancy, so it is preferable for the expectant mother to completely abstain from smoking in all its forms.

As for smoking e-cigarettes in the same place where children are, it is safer of course, but it will not reduce the risk of their addiction to smoking in early periods of life, at least to imitate parents.

In the end, it must be emphasised that there are no differences in the results of the various studies that confirmed the link between parents’ smoking and the academic excellence of their children, no matter how different the rate of cigarette consumption is. Children double its effect on adults, which requires complete attention to smoking next to children of all ages.

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Macy Brooklyn

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