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Simplifying Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode Debugging with VS Code

Debugging Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode with VS Code: A Simplified Approach

By Spydra Published about a year ago 4 min read

Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source blockchain framework that enables the creation of enterprise-grade distributed ledger applications. One of the key components of Hyperledger Fabric is chaincode, which is the smart contract that runs on the blockchain network. Developing and debugging chaincode can be a challenging task, especially for developers who are new to blockchain development. However, with the help of Visual Studio Code (VS Code), debugging Hyperledger Fabric chaincode can be simplified and made more efficient.

In this blog, we will explore how VS Code can be used to simplify Hyperledger Fabric chaincode debugging.

What is VS Code?

Visual Studio Code is a free and open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is a lightweight and highly customizable editor that supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. VS Code provides a rich set of features, including code navigation, debugging, and source control integration, making it an ideal choice for blockchain developers.

Debugging Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode with VS Code

Debugging chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric can be a complex process. However, with the help of VS Code, developers can simplify the process and identify and fix bugs more efficiently.

Here are the steps to set up VS Code for Hyperledger Fabric chaincode debugging:

Install the Hyperledger Fabric Extension for VS Code: The Hyperledger Fabric extension provides a set of tools and features for Hyperledger Fabric development. To install the extension, launch VS Code and navigate to the extensions marketplace. Search for "Hyperledger Fabric" and click on the "Install" button.

Set Up the Debug Configuration: To debug the chaincode with VS Code, you need to set up the debug configuration. To do this, navigate to the debug panel in VS Code and click on the gear icon to open the launch.json file. Add a new configuration by clicking on the "Add Configuration" button and selecting "Go".

Set Up the Chaincode Environment: To debug the chaincode, you need to set up the environment in which the chaincode is running. This includes the Hyperledger Fabric network, the peer nodes, and the chaincode container. You can do this by using the Hyperledger Fabric extension for VS Code. Navigate to the extension panel and select "Fabric Environments". Click on the "+" icon to create a new environment and follow the prompts to configure the environment.

Attach the Debugger: Once the environment is set up, you can attach the debugger to the chaincode container. To do this, open the debug panel in VS Code and select the "Go" configuration that you set up earlier. Click on the "Start Debugging" button to attach the debugger to the chaincode container.

Debug the Chaincode: Once the debugger is attached, you can start debugging the chaincode. You can set breakpoints, step through the code, and inspect variables and objects to identify and fix bugs. You can also view the logs generated by the chaincode container to gain insight into the chaincode's behavior.

Benefits of Debugging Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode with VS Code

Debugging chaincode with VS Code offers several benefits, including:

Simplified Debugging Process: Debugging the chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric can be a complex and time-consuming process. However, with the help of VS Code, developers can simplify the process and identify and fix bugs more efficiently.

Improved Productivity: Debugging chaincode with VS Code can save developers a significant amount of time, allowing them to be more productive and focus on other critical tasks.

Better Code Quality: Debugging chaincode with VS Code can help developers identify and fix bugs before they are deployed to the production network. This can result in better code quality and fewer issues in the production environment.


Hyperledger Fabric is a powerful blockchain framework that enables the development of enterprise-grade distributed ledger applications. However, debugging chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric can be a complex and time-consuming process. With the help of Visual Studio Code, developers can simplify the process and identify and fix bugs more efficiently. VS Code provides a rich set of features, including code navigation, debugging, and source control integration, making it an ideal choice for blockchain developers. Debugging chaincode with VS Code offers several benefits, including a simplified debugging process, improved productivity, and better code quality. By following the steps outlined in this blog, developers can easily set up VS Code for Hyperledger Fabric chaincode debugging and take advantage of its many benefits.

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