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Rich Dad Poor Dad

book review

By CosmoclubPublished about a year ago 3 min read

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a personal finance book written by Robert Kiyosaki that challenges traditional notions of wealth and success. The book is written as a memoir and tells the story of Kiyosaki's two fathers - his biological father, who was highly educated but struggled financially, and his friend's father, who was a successful businessman despite having minimal formal education.

The central message of the book is that financial education is the key to building wealth, and that traditional education often fails to provide the necessary tools for financial success. Kiyosaki argues that many people are stuck in a "rat race" of working hard to pay off debt and living paycheck to paycheck, while the wealthy have learned to make their money work for them through smart investments and financial education.

One of the most impactful concepts in the book is the idea of differentiating between assets and liabilities. Kiyosaki defines an asset as something that generates income, while a liability is something that costs money. He emphasizes the importance of building a portfolio of assets, such as stocks, real estate, or a small business, in order to achieve financial independence.

Kiyosaki also emphasizes the importance of developing a strong mindset towards money. He argues that many people have limiting beliefs about money that hold them back from achieving financial success. By developing a mindset of abundance and a willingness to take calculated risks, Kiyosaki argues that anyone can achieve financial freedom.

One of the most compelling aspects of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is the personal anecdotes and stories that Kiyosaki shares throughout the book. He uses these stories to illustrate key concepts and to provide inspiration and motivation to readers. For example, Kiyosaki shares the story of his friend's father, who built a successful business despite having minimal formal education, to emphasize the importance of practical, real-world knowledge in achieving financial success.

While "Rich Dad Poor Dad" has received widespread acclaim, it has also faced criticism from some readers who have questioned the accuracy of Kiyosaki's claims and the practicality of some of his advice. For example, some critics have pointed out that Kiyosaki's definition of an asset is overly broad and could lead to poor investment decisions.

Another key concept in the book is the idea of passive income. Kiyosaki argues that traditional employment, where one exchanges time for money, is a limiting way to build wealth. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of generating passive income streams, such as rental income from real estate or dividends from stocks. This allows for income to be generated without the need for constant work or effort, freeing up time for other pursuits.

Kiyosaki also stresses the importance of financial literacy and the ability to read and understand financial statements. He argues that many people lack even basic financial literacy skills, which can hold them back from making smart financial decisions. By learning how to read financial statements and understand the basics of accounting, Kiyosaki argues that individuals can make better investment decisions and achieve greater financial success.

Throughout the book, Kiyosaki challenges the notion that the path to success is simply to get a good job and work hard. He argues that while education is important, it is not the only factor in achieving financial success. Instead, Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of taking calculated risks, developing a mindset of abundance, and learning to think like an investor in order to build wealth.

While "Rich Dad Poor Dad" has faced criticism from some quarters for its unconventional advice and controversial claims, it has also been widely praised for its inspiring message and practical strategies for building wealth. The book has sold millions of copies worldwide and has inspired countless readers to take control of their financial future.

Overall, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that challenges traditional ideas about money and success. While not all of Kiyosaki's advice may be practical or applicable to everyone, his emphasis on financial education and building a mindset of abundance and risk-taking can provide valuable insights for anyone looking to achieve financial independence. For anyone looking to challenge their beliefs about money and learn practical strategies for building wealth, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a must-read

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About the Creator


Science writer with a passion for exploring the natural world, from the tiniest microorganisms to the vast expanse of space. Fascinated by pets, nature, and the mysteries of the universe.

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