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By Kubayi DavidPublished 6 months ago 4 min read

Renal Aplasia is a medical condition in which the affected individual doesn’t have developed kidneys as they should in their downright primitive form. The medical disorder is congenital and affects the child in its developmental year. The leading cause of the issue is gene mutation. The side effects of gene mutation can be observed in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In simple words, renal aplasia is a congenital condition in which one or both kidneys fail to develop properly during foetal development. It results in the absence of a functional kidney, leading to potential complications such as kidney failure. Treatment options may include dialysis or kidney transplantation in severe cases.

The genetic disorder leads to improper development of the kidneys, making it difficult for the organ to perform the necessary functions essential for the smooth functioning of the body. Hence, the affected individual may face issues while urinating, feel pain in the abdominal area, or observe traces of blood in the urine. In case of identification of symptoms, it is advised to avoid procrastination of treatment to avoid getting the symptoms severe.

Causes of Renal Aplasia

Renal Aplasia is a genetic disorder, making it a condition that can affect any individual. An individual is affected by a genetic disorder due to the passing of a set of mutated genes from the biological parents. If the mutated genes are passed from one parent, the chances of getting affected by the issue are lower. However, in the case of receiving mutated genes from both biological parents, the chances of getting affected by the issue increase.

The affected child may suffer from the symptoms in the first trimester of the pregnancy. The kidneys of the unborn may not develop the way they should. Hence, the kidneys may feel pressured for normal body functioning, making it difficult for the organ to handle the medical scenario.

Mentioned below are a few more possible causes of the genetic disorder that can increase the chances of an individual getting affected by it:

Gestational Diabetes: It is also one of the possible and rare causes of the genetic disorder, making it difficult for the kidneys to develop the way they should. Gestational diabetes is a medical condition in which a pregnant female experiences high blood sugar due to improper diet and other medical problems. The issue can hamper the health condition of the expecting mother and the foetus.

Infections or Exposures During Pregnancy: Infections or exposure to certain medications, chemicals, or toxins during pregnancy may disrupt normal foetal kidney development.

Vascular Problems: Issues with the blood vessels that supply the developing kidneys can interfere with their growth and function.

Chromosomal Abnormalities: Conditions like Potter syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities can be associated with renal aplasia.

Multiple Pregnancies: A medical scenario in which a female gives birth to more than one child, twins, triplets, or more. In such a situation, a female may experience different chances in health along with other issues. When a female is expecting more than one child at a time, a female may experience health scenarios such as tender breasts, vomiting, nausea, gestational diabetes, and even improper growth of the organs of the unborn children. Hence, it is also one of the rare but possible causes of Renal Aplasia.

Symptoms of Renal Aplasia

Respiratory Problems- One primary and identifiable symptom of kidney aplasia is respiratory problems. The affected child is unable to breathe comfortably. In the case of such conditions, consulting a doctor should be the prime step to getting proper medication and treatment at the right time. It happens due to improper development of the kidneys or other respiratory organs.

High Blood Pressure– The genetic disorder may also cause high blood pressure in children. The situation is also known as renal hypertension, in which the arteries carrying blood to the kidneys get narrow. Due to this, the kidneys cannot get a proper supply of blood for the smooth functioning of the organ. Hence, the children affected by the disorder observe the issue and may feel other health issues if not treated correctly.

Proteinuria– It is a medical condition in which an excess amount of protein accumulates in the body, making it difficult for different organs to function correctly. The kidneys are unable to filter the waste substances from the blood. The affected individual may experience symptoms such as swelling of the abdominal area, frequent urination, tiredness, vomiting, and other similar problems.

Growth and Development Issues- Poor growth and developmental delays may occur in infants and children with bilateral renal aplasia (both kidneys affected).

Complications in Pregnancy- Women with a single kidney due to unilateral renal aplasia may experience complications such as gestational hypertension during pregnancy.

Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)- Individuals with renal aplasia may be more susceptible to UTIs.

Treatment Options for Renal Aplasia

Medications- Different drugs, such as medications to lower high blood pressure, may be prescribed by doctors to reduce the condition’s symptoms. Pain relievers or NSAIDs are recommended to avoid. These medications help lessen the symptoms and allow one to recover as soon as possible.

Lifestyle Changes– Different and healthy lifestyle changes play a vital role in reversing the symptoms of the genetic disorder. The affected patient is advised to maintain a healthy body weight. It helps to lower the pressure on the kidneys and allows them to function smoothly. It is also recommended to have a proper and healthy diet as the nutritionist advises per the health requirements. Working out for at least half an hour a day also helps reverse the damaging symptoms of the disorder.


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