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White and Black are equal

By Surya AyrusPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Racism is a pervasive and insidious issue that continues to affect society today. It refers to the belief that one race is superior to another and is often accompanied by discriminatory attitudes, behaviors, and policies. Racism has had a long and complex history, and its effects are still felt in many aspects of society.

One reflection of racism in society is in the way that people are treated differently based on their race. In many cases, people of color are subject to unequal treatment in areas such as education, employment, housing, and criminal justice. For example, studies have shown that black Americans are more likely to be stopped, searched, and arrested by police than their white counterparts, even when they have not committed a crime. Similarly, people of color are often discriminated against in hiring and promotion, leading to unequal representation in many industries and professions.

Another reflection of racism is in the way that people of color are portrayed in the media. The media has historically perpetuated harmful stereotypes about people of color, portraying them as violent, lazy, or unintelligent. This has led to a culture of fear and mistrust towards people of color, as well as a lack of representation in media and entertainment.

In addition to these overt forms of racism, there are also more subtle and insidious forms of racism that are often overlooked. Microaggressions, for example, are small acts of discrimination that can have a cumulative effect on the mental health and well-being of people of color. These include things like racial slurs, insensitive comments, or assumptions based on someone's race.

Racism also has a profound impact on mental health. Studies have shown that experiences of racism can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. People of color may feel isolated or stigmatized, leading to a sense of hopelessness or despair. This can have serious consequences for individuals, families, and communities.

It is important to recognize that racism is not a problem that can be solved by simply changing individual attitudes or behaviors. Racism is deeply ingrained in our institutions and systems, and it requires systemic change to truly address. This means examining and dismantling policies and practices that perpetuate inequality and discrimination.

One example of this is in the criminal justice system. The war on drugs, for example, has been shown to disproportionately impact communities of color, leading to mass incarceration and a cycle of poverty and inequality. Reforming drug policy, as well as other policies that contribute to mass incarceration, is an important step towards addressing racism in the criminal justice system.

Another example is in education. School funding is often tied to property taxes, which means that schools in low-income neighborhoods, which are often predominantly people of color, receive less funding than schools in wealthier neighborhoods. This perpetuates a cycle of educational inequality, limiting opportunities for people of color and perpetuating systemic racism.

It is also important to address racism at the individual level. This means examining our own attitudes and biases and working to become more aware of the ways in which we may be contributing to systemic racism. It also means speaking out against racist attitudes and behaviors and working to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in our communities.

Racism continues to be a pervasive and damaging issue in society today. It manifests in many different ways, from overt acts of discrimination to more subtle forms of prejudice and bias. Addressing racism requires systemic change as well as individual action. By recognizing the ways in which racism affects us all and working towards a more equitable and just society, we can create a better future for everyone.

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Surya Ayrus

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