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Precocious Puberty for Children

scientific approach

By el hariti adilPublished 10 days ago 3 min read

There is a lot of types of precocious puberty and the central p.p is the most famous of the three types, and happens at a rate 5-10 times higher for girls.

In this type, puberty is caused by the early secretion of some special sex hormones (gonadotropins) from the pituitary gland. These hormones are the resaon why the ovaries or testicles (sex glands) grow and bceome bigger size. Once the sex glands grow, they start to secrete other sex hormones, such as estrogen or Testosterone, and that causes puberty. The physical changes are exactly the sams as those that typically occur during normal puberty in a kid of the same sex, but they occur at an early stage.

This kind of precocious puberty is not so popular. In peripheral precocious puberty, the secretion of estrogen or testosterone (and testosterone-like hormones called androgens) is not caused by gonadotropins secreted by the pituitary gland. but as the opposite of that, high levels of androgens or estrogens are causedby a tumor Or abnormalities in the pituitary gland. These hormones do not cause the testicles to be grown, but they do improve the development of secondary sexual specifities.

Based on to that, abnormalities that are responsible for the production of the hormone estrogen cause the breast to get bigger, but at the same time tumors that generate androgens improve the growth of pubic hair under the armpit, acne in males and females, and increased the size of the penis for Males.

Some kids may show little signs that indicate early puberty. This usually includes early development of breasts or hair, with no other signs of puberty, like the growth of the size of the testicles , or a growth spurt.

For the female breasts may start to grow in their first two years, but without increasing their hormone levels . The early appearance of pubic hair ( 6 and 8 years) is often in presence with the appearance of acne and adult body odor.

If there is precocious puberty for kids, accelerated puberty, or a pubertal disorder, the doctor must take an x-ray photo to the hands of the kid and try to know the boned maturity (bone age x-ray).

If X-rays diagnosis indicate that the child's bones appear to be more mature than they should for a child in the same category of age, ther has to be an evaluation of the child's condition. The tests of his blood are made in order to determine levels of production of the hormones.

The treatments for precocious puberty are not necessary for children whose pubic and axillary hair grow at an early stage , but these kids should be examined once more frequently to determine any later signs of precocious puberty. Children whose breast size get bigger before the age of two shouldtake ana exam to know whether The increase in breast size would continue beyond the age of two.

If no evident cause of early puberty is found in central precocious puberty, medicine is necesary to slow the progression of puberty. The decision to give medications is made for a lot of reasons, like the age of the child, the speed of the progression of puberty, the speed rate of growth, and the height expected by doctors for the child. Pharmacological diagnosis treatment give the child the capacity to grow to normal adult height, and reduce all form of anxiety he feels because he is growing faster than his peers.

If the child shows signs of precocious puberty, greatly accelerated puberty, or a pubertal disorder, the doctor will take an x-ray of the child's hand and wrist to estimate bone maturity (bone age x-ray).

If X-rays show that the child's bones appear more mature than they should for a child of the same age, a comprehensive evaluation of the child's condition is usually ordered. Blood tests are done to determine hormone levels.


About the Creator

el hariti adil

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