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Power and Protection: Software Engineering vs Cybersecurity

Engineering Innovation, Securing Networks: The Intersection of Software Engineering vs Cybersecurity

By Naglaa SalehPublished 12 months ago 20 min read
software engineering vs cybersecurity

Unsure about the right career path? Our in-depth analysis of software engineering vs cybersecurity offers key insights, helping you make informed decisions.

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, both software engineering vs cybersecurity serve as absolute cornerstones in building and protecting our digital realm. Each discipline boasts its own merits and presents unique career opportunities, leading many tech enthusiasts to compare software engineering vs cybersecurity.

Even when considering pay scales, the software engineer vs cyber security salary comparison frequently arises. The field of cybersecurity focuses on protecting valuable data from threats, while software development employs strategies to design, build, and implement functional software.

In a professional showdown such as cybersecurity vs software engineering, each has its own appeal and challenges. As we dive deeper into this comparison of cyber security vs software engineering, factors such as the nature of work, required skills, and salary prospects become the center of discourse.

Moreover, the predicaments of a software developer vs cyber security professional further intensifies the broad discussion.

Understanding Software Engineering

Definition and basis of Software Engineering

Software engineering is a discipline that encompasses the systematic development of software solutions. Software engineering corresponds to the process in which engineering principles and methodologies are employed to conceptualize, build, and uphold software systems.

With a focus on efficiency and reliability, software engineering aims to produce high-quality software products. In contrast, cybersecurity focuses on protecting computer systems and networks from unauthorized access and ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

While software engineering and cybersecurity share common goals, they differ in their approaches and areas of expertise.

Roles and responsibilities of a Software Engineer

As a software engineer, the tasks and obligations you shoulder may shift depending on the particular project at hand and the structure of the organization you are part of. However, here are some common roles and responsibilities for a software engineer:

Software Design and Development: You will be responsible for designing and developing software solutions based on the requirements provided by stakeholders. This includes understanding the problem domain, identifying the software requirements, and creating a design that meets those requirements.

Coding and Testing: As a software engineer, you will write code to implement the software design. This involves selecting appropriate programming languages, frameworks, and tools and following coding best practices. You will also be responsible for testing the software to ensure that it functions correctly and meets the specified requirements.

Documentation: You will need to document the software design, code, and any other relevant information to help other team members understand and maintain the software. This includes creating technical documentation, user manuals, and diagrams.

Collaboration: Software engineers often work in teams, so you will need to collaborate with other team members, such as project managers, software architects, and quality assurance engineers. This involves participating in meetings, providing input, and coordinating efforts to ensure the successful completion of the project.

Maintenance and Support: After the software is deployed, you may be responsible for maintaining and supporting it. This includes troubleshooting issues, fixing bugs, and making enhancements or updates based on user feedback or changing requirements.

Continuous Learning: Software engineering is a dynamic field, and new technologies and methodologies emerge regularly. As a software engineer, you will need to stay updated with the latest trends and continuously improve your skills to adapt to changing industry demands.

In essence, a software engineer holds a significant job in the formulation and regulation of software products, ensuring their effectiveness and dependability and fulfilling the expectations of those who utilize them.

Key skills required in Software Engineering

Key Skills Required for a Software Engineer:

Programming Languages: Proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, C++, or JavaScript is essential for software engineers. A deep understanding of syntax, data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming is crucial for developing efficient and effective software solutions.

Problem-Solving Abilities: Software engineers must possess strong problem-solving skills to identify and resolve complex technical issues. The ability to analyze problems, think critically, and devise innovative solutions is invaluable in the ever-evolving field of software engineering.

System Design and Architecture: A solid understanding of system design and architecture is essential for software engineers. Having the competency to architect software systems that are not only scalable and sturdy but also take into account significant elements such as how they perform, their security, and their ease of maintenance is a fundamental key to the favorable outcome of any software project. This includes leveraging proven solutions, using reusable design patterns, and following guidelines for secure, scalable, and reliable software as mentioned in the resources found on the internet.

Collaboration and communication: Software development is rarely a solo pursuit. Effective collaboration and communication skills are vital for working in teams and coordinating with various stakeholders, including clients, project managers, and other developers. Clear and concise communication helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.

Continuous Learning: The world of software engineering is constantly evolving, with new programming languages, frameworks, and technologies emerging regularly. A passion for learning and staying up-to-date with the latest advancements is crucial for software engineers to remain competitive and deliver cutting-edge solutions.

Attention to Detail: In software engineering, even small errors or oversights can have significant consequences. Paying attention to detail is essential for writing clean and error-free code, conducting thorough testing, and ensuring the overall quality of the software product.

Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing requirements, technologies, and project dynamics is essential for software engineers. They should be open to learning new tools and techniques, embracing agile methodologies, and adjusting their approach as needed to meet project objectives.

Analytical Thinking: Software engineers need to be analytical thinkers who can break down complex problems into smaller, manageable components. Analytical thinking helps in identifying patterns, understanding system behavior, and making informed decisions to optimize software performance.

Time Management: With multiple tasks and deadlines to juggle, software engineers must possess excellent time management skills. The ability to prioritize tasks, estimate effort accurately, and manage time effectively is crucial for meeting project milestones and delivering software on schedule.

Quality Assurance: Ensuring software quality is a critical responsibility of software engineers. They should be familiar with various testing methodologies, tools, and techniques to identify.

Individual and business implications of Software Engineering

Software engineering and network security are crucial aspects of software development with significant individual and business implications. Understanding the differences between software engineering vs cybersecurity is vital for organizations and individuals to protect their digital assets and ensure data privacy.

By adopting robust software engineering practices and implementing effective network security measures, businesses can safeguard their systems from potential threats and enhance their overall security posture.

Understanding Cybersecurity

Definition and basis of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity, a critical aspect of software development, encompasses the protection of computer systems and networks from unauthorized access and potential threats. It involves a multidisciplinary approach, combining elements of software engineering, network security, and risk management.

Differentiating it from software engineering, cybersecurity focuses specifically on safeguarding against malicious activities and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information.

Roles and responsibilities of a Cybersecurity Expert

A cybersecurity expert is responsible for protecting computer systems and networks from potential cyber threats. Their roles and responsibilities may include:

Risk Assessment: Conducting risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats to computer systems and networks. They analyze the impact and likelihood of different threats and determine the level of risk associated with each.

Security Planning and Implementation: Security strategies and procedures for computer systems and networks involve formulating and executing protective measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and defensive measures to prevent unauthorized breaches and cyber threats.

Incident Response: Developing and implementing incident response plans to handle and mitigate cybersecurity incidents They are responsible for investigating security breaches, analyzing the root cause, and taking appropriate actions to limit the issue and prevent future harm.

Security Monitoring and Testing: Continuously monitoring computer systems and networks for potential security breaches and anomalies. They may use various tools and techniques to detect and respond to security threats in real-time. They also conduct regular security testing and vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential weaknesses.

Security Awareness and Training: Educating employees and users about cybersecurity best practices and raising awareness about potential threats. They may conduct training sessions, create educational materials, and provide guidance on safe browsing habits, password management, and other security-related topics.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Ensuring compliance with relevant cybersecurity standards, regulations, and industry best practices. They stay updated with the latest legal and regulatory requirements and work towards aligning the organization's security practices accordingly.

Security Incident Reporting and Documentation: Maintaining accurate and detailed records of security incidents, including their impact, response actions, and lessons learned. They may be responsible for reporting security incidents to relevant stakeholders, such as management, legal authorities, or regulatory bodies.

Security Audits and Assessments: Participating in security audits and assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of security controls and identify areas for improvement. They collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to address any identified vulnerabilities or weaknesses.

Research and Development: Staying updated with the latest cybersecurity threats, trends, and technologies. They conduct research to identify emerging threats and develop strategies to mitigate them. They may also contribute to the development of new security tools and techniques.

Collaboration and Communication: Collaborating with other IT teams, stakeholders, and external partners to ensure an integrated approach to cybersecurity. They communicate effectively with technical and non-technical stakeholders, providing updates on security incidents, risks, and mitigation strategies.

Key skills required in Cybersecurity Expert

Key Skills Required for a Cybersecurity Expert:

Technical Proficiency: A cybersecurity expert must possess a solid foundation in technical skills, including knowledge of programming languages, operating systems, network protocols, and encryption techniques. This expertise enables them to understand the intricacies of cybersecurity systems and effectively protect against potential threats.

Analytical Thinking: Cybersecurity experts must be highly analytical, capable of dissecting complex problems and identifying vulnerabilities in systems. They employ critical thinking to assess risks, evaluate potential consequences, and develop proactive strategies to mitigate threats effectively.

Continuous Learning: In the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity, staying updated with the latest technologies, threats, and countermeasures is crucial. A cybersecurity expert should have a strong commitment to continuous learning, regularly engaging in professional development activities, attending conferences, and keeping up with industry trends.

Ethical Hacking Skills: Understanding how hackers operate is a valuable asset for a cybersecurity expert. Proficiency in ethical hacking techniques allows them to identify vulnerabilities before malicious hackers exploit them. This skill helps strengthen security measures and enhances the ability to detect and respond to potential threats.

Communication and Collaboration: A cybersecurity specialist must be able to communicate difficult technical knowledge to both technical and non-technical parties. They must be able to articulate risks, suggest appropriate security measures, and collaborate with teams across different departments to implement comprehensive security protocols.

Problem-Solving Abilities: Cybersecurity experts encounter diverse and complex challenges regularly. They must possess excellent problem-solving abilities to identify the root causes of security breaches, develop innovative solutions, and implement preventive measures to safeguard systems effectively.

Attention to Detail: In the realm of cybersecurity, even the smallest oversight can have significant consequences. Paying meticulous attention to detail allows a cybersecurity expert to identify minute security gaps, apply necessary patches, and maintain a high level of vigilance to protect against potential threats.

Ethical and Professional Behavior: Trust is paramount in the field of cybersecurity. Experts must adhere to strict ethical standards and demonstrate professionalism in handling sensitive information. Upholding confidentiality, integrity, and accountability are essential qualities for a cybersecurity expert.

Remember, mastering these key skills is an ongoing process, and a successful cybersecurity expert continuously hones their abilities to keep up with the dynamic nature of the field.

Individual and business implications of Cybersecurity

The field of Cybersecurity is of utmost importance in today’s digital world. With the rapid advancements in technology, the individual and business implications of Cybersecurity cannot be overlooked. From software development to network security, every aspect of our lives is interconnected and vulnerable to cyber threats.

Therefore, it is crucial to understand the differences between software engineering vs cybersecurity to effectively protect ourselves and our businesses from potential cyberattacks.

Pros and Cons of Software Engineering

Advantages of pursuing a career in Software Engineering

High demand: With the digital revolution, software engineers are in high demand across industries, ensuring a steady and secure job market.

Lucrative salaries: Software engineers often enjoy competitive salaries and attractive compensation packages due to their specialized skills and expertise.

Flexibility and remote work opportunities: Many software engineering roles offer the flexibility to work remotely or have flexible schedules, allowing for a better work-life balance.

Continuous learning: The field of software engineering is constantly evolving, offering ample opportunities for professionals to learn and upgrade their skills, ensuring career growth and development.

Problem-solving and creativity: Software engineering is a field that thrives on creativity and problem-solving. As a software engineer, you get to tackle complex challenges and find innovative solutions, making every day at work exciting and fulfilling.

Collaboration and teamwork: Software engineers often work in collaborative environments, fostering teamwork and camaraderie. This allows for great networking opportunities and the chance to learn from experienced professionals in the field.

Global impact: Software engineers contribute to the creation of products and technologies that have a global impact, shaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world.

Versatile career options: Software engineering opens doors to a wide range of career paths, including roles in web development, mobile app development, data science, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and more. This versatility allows professionals to explore various areas of interest within the field.

Job satisfaction: Seeing your ideas come to life through coding and witnessing the positive impact of your work can bring immense job satisfaction, making software engineering a fulfilling and rewarding career choice.

Entrepreneurial opportunities: Software engineering skills provide a solid foundation for aspiring entrepreneurs, enabling them to create their own startups or develop innovative products and services that disrupt industries.

Potential downsides of a career in Software Engineering

High levels of competition: The field of software engineering is highly competitive, with a large number of skilled professionals vying for limited job opportunities. This can make it challenging to stand out and secure desirable positions.

Constantly evolving technology: The realm of software engineering is continually undergoing transformation, indicating that practitioners must perpetually refine their abilities and understanding to stay abreast of cutting-edge trends and progress. This perpetual learning curve can be demanding and time-consuming.

High-pressure environments: The nature of software engineering often involves tight deadlines and high-pressure situations, especially when working on complex projects or for demanding clients. This can lead to stress and burnout if it is not managed effectively.

Long hours and tight schedules: Software engineering projects often require long hours and tight schedules to meet deadlines. This can result in a poor work-life balance, leaving little time for personal pursuits and leisure activities.

Limited human interaction: Software engineering work often involves spending long hours in front of a computer screen, working independently or in small teams. This limited human interaction may not suit individuals who thrive in social or collaborative environments.

Potential for isolation: Due to the nature of the work, software engineers may sometimes feel isolated, especially when working remotely or in roles that require extensive focus and concentration. This isolation can affect motivation and overall job satisfaction.

High expectations and accountability: Software engineers are responsible for creating reliable and efficient software solutions. This level of responsibility can lead to high expectations and accountability, with little room for error. Dealing with the pressure to deliver flawless results can be mentally and emotionally taxing.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that, though these disadvantages are present, they differ from individual to individual and are not applicable to everyone. Many software engineers find immense fulfillment and success in their careers despite these challenges.

Pros and Cons of Cybersecurity

Advantages of pursuing a career in Cybersecurity

High demand: With the ever-increasing reliance on technology, the demand for cybersecurity professionals is at an all-time high. Organizations across industries are actively seeking skilled individuals to protect their sensitive data and prevent cyber threats.

Lucrative salaries: The shortage of qualified cybersecurity experts has resulted in highly competitive salaries and attractive compensation packages. As a cybersecurity professional, you can expect to earn a significant income and enjoy excellent job stability.

Constant learning opportunities: Cybersecurity is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field. This means you will never stop learning and growing in your career. The ever-changing nature of cyber threats and the need to stay ahead of hackers will keep you engaged and continually expand your skill set.

Global career prospects: Cybersecurity professionals are in demand worldwide. Whether you choose to work for a government agency, a multinational corporation, or a cybersecurity consulting firm, your expertise will be sought after in various international settings.

Variety of roles: Cybersecurity offers a wide range of career options. From ethical hacking and vulnerability assessment to digital forensics and incident response, you can find a niche that aligns with your interests and strengths. This diversity allows you to explore different areas and continually challenge yourself.

Making a difference: In the digital age, cyber threats pose a significant risk to individuals, organizations, and even nations. By pursuing a career in cybersecurity, you have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact by protecting critical information, preventing data breaches, and safeguarding against cyberattacks.

Job security: As long as technology continues to advance, the need for cybersecurity professionals will remain strong. This provides a sense of job security and stability, knowing that your skills will continue to be in demand for the foreseeable future.

Advancement opportunities: With experience and expertise, you can advance in your cybersecurity career. From becoming a team leader or manager to specializing in a specific area of cybersecurity, there are ample opportunities for growth and professional development.

Remember, a career in cybersecurity requires continuous learning and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies. By embracing this fast-paced environment, you can enjoy a rewarding and fulfilling career in this exciting field.

Potential downsides of a career in Cybersecurity

Constant pressure and stress: A career in cybersecurity can be highly demanding, as professionals are tasked with protecting sensitive information and systems from cyber threats. The pressure to stay vigilant, constantly update knowledge, and respond swiftly to potential breaches can lead to high levels of stress.

Long working hours: Cybersecurity incidents can happen at any time, requiring professionals to be available around the clock. This often translates into long working hours, including evenings, weekends, and even holidays, as they need to monitor systems, investigate incidents, and implement security measures.

Rapidly evolving landscape: The world of cybersecurity is ever-changing, with new threats and attack techniques emerging regularly. Professionals must keep up with the rapidly evolving landscape by continuously updating their skills and knowledge, attending training programs, and staying informed about the latest trends. This constant learning can be overwhelming and time-consuming.

Ethical dilemmas: In some instances, cybersecurity professionals may face ethical dilemmas. For example, they may discover vulnerabilities in systems or applications but struggle with the decision of whether to disclose them to the organization or exploit them for personal gain. Making ethical choices can be challenging and potentially affect one’s professional reputation and integrity.

High level of responsibility: With the increasing reliance on technology and the potential consequences of a cyberattack, cybersecurity professionals carry a significant burden of responsibility. They are accountable for safeguarding critical information, protecting infrastructure, and ensuring the privacy and trust of customers. The weight of this responsibility can be daunting and may lead to added pressure and accountability concerns.

A career in cybersecurity can also be immensely rewarding, offering exciting challenges, job security, and the opportunity to make a difference in the digital world. It is essential to consider both the upsides and downsides before pursuing this career path.

Making the Right Choice: Software Engineering vs Cybersecurity

Making the Right Choice: Software Engineering vs Cybersecurity

Factors to consider when deciding between the two fields

Personal interests and skills: Consider your strengths, interests, and aptitudes. Are you more inclined towards coding, software development, and problem-solving? If so, software engineering may be a better fit. On the other hand, if you enjoy analyzing systems, identifying vulnerabilities, and protecting against cyber threats, cybersecurity may be the right choice.

Long-term job prospects: Both software engineering and cybersecurity offer good job prospects, but it’s essential to consider the long-term outlook. Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing field with a high demand for skilled professionals, driven by the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks. Software engineering also offers strong prospects, but it may face more competition due to the larger pool of software engineers.

Career growth and advancement opportunities: Both fields offer opportunities for career growth and advancement. In software engineering, you can progress from a junior developer to a senior developer, a team lead, or even a technical manager. In cybersecurity, you can specialize in areas such as penetration testing, incident response, or security architecture and advance to leadership roles like security analyst or chief information security officer (CISO).

Work-life balance: Consider the work-life balance in each field. Software engineering may offer more flexibility in terms of working hours and remote work options. In contrast, cybersecurity professionals often work long hours, including evenings and weekends, especially during incidents or when security breaches occur.

Continuous learning and skill development: Both fields require continuous learning to stay updated with the latest technologies and trends. However, cybersecurity professionals may need to invest more time and effort in staying abreast of evolving threats and attack techniques. If you enjoy the challenge of constantly learning and adapting, cybersecurity may be a better fit.

Salary and compensation: While salary should not be the sole determining factor, it is essential to consider the earning potential in each field. Both software engineering and cybersecurity offer competitive salaries, but cybersecurity professionals may command higher salaries due to their specialized skills and high demand.

Ultimately, the right choice depends on your interests, skills, and long-term goals. Consider the factors mentioned above and research further to gain a better understanding of each field’s day-to-day responsibilities, growth opportunities, and work environment. Networking with professionals in the field and seeking internships or entry-level positions can also provide valuable insights into the daily realities of each career path.

Matching individual skills and interests to the right career

Matching individual skills and interests to the right career is crucial in the field of software development, particularly when it comes to network security. Understanding the distinction between software engineering and cybersecurity is vital in order to select the most suitable path.

It is imperative to evaluate personal strengths and inclinations to ensure a successful and fulfilling career in this rapidly evolving industry.

The role of education and work experience in Software Engineering and Cybersecurity

Education and work experience play crucial roles in both software engineering and cybersecurity. In the rapidly evolving field of software development, acquiring a strong educational foundation is essential for understanding the intricacies of network security.

Additionally, gaining practical experience through work exposes professionals to real-world challenges, allowing them to apply their theoretical knowledge effectively. Ultimately, a combination of education and work experience equips individuals with the necessary skills to succeed in either software engineering or cybersecurity.

The Future Scope of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity

Emerging trends in Software Engineering

Emerging trends in software engineering encompass a wide range of technological advancements, including network security and the ever-growing field of cybersecurity. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the need for robust software development practices is more critical than ever.

This has led to a surge in demand for professionals who possess the skills and expertise to navigate the complex landscape of software engineering vs cybersecurity. Stay ahead of the curve and explore these exciting new trends shaping the future of software engineering.

Emerging trends in Cybersecurity

Emerging trends in cybersecurity are transforming the landscape of software development and network security. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, the need for experts in both software engineering and cybersecurity is becoming more critical.

Organizations must stay ahead of the curve by understanding the differences between software engineering and cybersecurity and implementing robust strategies to protect their valuable data and systems from cyber threats.

Predictions for job growth in both fields

When it comes to the ever-evolving world of technology, predictions for job growth in the fields of software development and network security are both intriguing and essential. As software engineers continue to push the boundaries of innovation, the demand for skilled professionals in this field is expected to skyrocket.

However, with the rise in cyber threats, the need for cybersecurity experts is also on the rise, making it a highly sought-after career path. In the coming years, job opportunities in both fields are expected to surge, offering promising prospects for those interested in the intersection of software engineering and cybersecurity.


Recap of the major topics raised in the article

In the article, we explored the crucial aspects of software development and network security, shedding light on the distinctions between software engineering and cybersecurity.

We delved into the intricacies of these domains, highlighting the importance of robust security measures and the need for skilled professionals to safeguard sensitive data.

This recap aims to consolidate the key points discussed, serving as a reminder of the critical considerations in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

Final thoughts on choosing a career path between Software Engineering and Cybersecurity

Consider your passion: While both software engineering and cybersecurity offer promising career paths, it’s crucial to consider your passion for the subject matter. If you find yourself more intrigued by coding and building software applications, software engineering may be a better fit. On the other hand, if you have a keen interest in protecting digital systems from potential threats and enjoy problem-solving, cybersecurity might be the path to pursue.

Job market demand: Take into account the current and projected job market demand for software engineers and cybersecurity professionals. Both fields are experiencing growth, but it’s worth researching the specific demand in your area or desired location. This information can help you make an informed decision about the availability of job opportunities and potential career growth.

Skillset alignment: Evaluate your skills and strengths to determine which career path aligns better with your abilities. Software engineering requires proficiency in programming languages, problem-solving, and software development processes. On the other hand, cybersecurity demands a solid understanding of network security, vulnerability assessment, and risk management. Assessing your existing skillset can provide valuable insights into which path you may excel in and enjoy more.

Long-term prospects: Consider the long-term prospects and potential advancements within each field. Software engineering offers opportunities to work on various projects, collaborate with teams, and potentially move into leadership roles. Cybersecurity, on the other hand, provides a chance to specialize in specific areas such as ethical hacking, digital forensics, or security consulting. Understanding the growth potential and future prospects of each field can help you make a decision that aligns with your career goals.

Continuous learning: Both software engineering vs cybersecurity require a commitment to continuous learning. Technology advances rapidly, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments is crucial. Evaluate your appetite for ongoing learning and professional development. If you enjoy constantly expanding your knowledge and skills, both fields can offer exciting opportunities for growth and lifelong learning.

Remember, choosing a career path is a personal decision that should consider your interests, skills, and aspirations. Take the time to reflect on these factors, and don’t hesitate to seek advice from professionals in the field or explore internships and entry-level positions to gain practical experience before committing to a specific career path.


Citing references to authoritative sources used in the blog

1. Information or guidelines from the CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team).

2. Data or frameworks from the NCCIC (National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center).

3. The Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF), possibly referring to NIST’s Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF).

4. DoD Directive (DoDD) 8500.01E, which pertains to the protection and defense of DoD information as part of its cybersecurity program.

5. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework, Version 1.1.

6. The NIST Privacy Framework, Version 1.0.

7. General knowledge or data about computer security, cyber security, digital security, and information technology security.

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Naglaa Saleh

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    Naglaa SalehWritten by Naglaa Saleh

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