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Personal Development !

What Makes A Person Unique?

By Rajendran ArumugamPublished about a year ago 6 min read

What Makes A Person Unique?

A unique person is someone who has a few specific characteristics. This person is probably:

memorable (you just can’t forget this person easily);

authentic (he or she will never go against their beliefs);

positive (focuses on positive things instead of negative ones).

You might think: “Well, that’s totally not me. I’m the complete opposite of these things”.

That’s just a negative mindset! What if told you that:

You can develop your personality just like any other skill;

It doesn’t matter who you are now, how old you are, or what you do – you can change and improve your personality at any time;

Personality development doesn’t require any significant investments and if you wonder why you should focus on personal development at all, here’s a great personal development explanation.

So How Do You Improve Your Personality To Become A Memorable, Authentic, And Positive Person? How Do You Become Unique?

It’s all about daily personality development and gently challenging yourself to do the things that may not always feel comfortable. Today, I want to talk about the best personality development tips that I’ve received or given in my entire life.


What Is Personality After All?

“At its most basic, personality is the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique.”, defines VeryWellMind.

So all of your memories, your learned responses to situations, the way you act to control yourself, and your environment, even the place and time you live in are what makes you YOU.

What Is Personality Development?

Most people would rather avoid changing themselves because they feel too comfortable the way they are. Or they don’t want to invest their time, effort, and willpower… Even in something they really want. This is why a lot of people never change. They avoid the struggle.

But if you do the opposite and give your effort, invest your time and willpower, you can achieve one thing after another because you will be reaping the results of your work. This is how your personality improves – with every step you take to enhance your persona, you start to stand out in the crowd. Personality development is the whole process and steps you need to take to achieve the personality you want (or even rebuild your personality from zero!).

If you’ve been dreaming of being better, harder, and stronger in your life, your own persona is a place to start. After all, it’s you who is able to make all those changes you need and achieve the personality traits you want. Here are my best personality development tips you must try. Let’s go!


PART 1 – Personality Development Tips FOR ADMIRABLE MINDSET

These are the most important personality development tips for people who want to change their mindset into something productive, helpful, and focused on the positive rather than the negative. By learning to do these things, you can build an inspiring, growth-focused mindset that helps you to:

Move forward in your life, no matter what;

Spend less time contemplating on what happened in the past;

Make better decisions;

Live every day with a smile and perseverance.

Here’s How To Build A Personality That Is Fueled By A Progressive Mindset, Positive Ideas, And A Wish To Prosper!

1. Work on keeping a positive mindset no matter what happens in your life. Practicing gratitude is one way of learning this, and building your resilience is also important.

2. Decide on your mission in this life and stay on your track. Try to not lose yourself, your values, and your core beliefs, unless you see a positive reason to do that.

3. Smile more – as much as you can, every day. This may be hard at first, but if you practice smiling (even when there’s no obvious reason to do that), your brain will learn to do this by default.

4. Stop making excuses and change them with actions. There’s nothing worse than just complaining, making excuses, or blaming everyone around for your problems. It’s totally unproductive.

5. Exercise your willpower by doing the things you don’t like. This is one of the best personality tips you will ever find! By doing one thing that you don’t like daily, you can build an unimaginable, stoic personality. After a while, no task will be too big for you, and no discomfort will be too much.

6. Take 100% responsibility for your life and the people that depend on you. You can’t afford to gamble on your future or the future of your loved ones. Whenever and wherever you need to be responsible, do that, whether it’s a healthy lifestyle you need to adopt, take care of your financial situation, or simply get rid of bad habits. Only you can make the changes you need (but it’s okay to ask for help if needed).

7. Surround yourself with positive things, peers, and people. Because the people you’re talking to, the things you consume, your surroundings, and the places you go are like building blocks of your personality. The brighter the blocks, the shinier the building.

8. Believe that you can make it. Set smart personal goals and persevere even when you don’t get instant gratification.

9. Stop always assuming the worst. Let the events unfold before judging them, or making immediate predictions.

10. Whatever you do, give it your 100%. If you make a decision to do something, then make a decision to do whatever it takes too. Deciding and skimping will lead you to nowhere. And remember – it’s natural for our motivation to go up and down, you don’t have to achieve things on the first try.

11. Try to listen to your gut. And if it works a few times, it means your intuition is trustable and can be helpful in life. If it doesn’t work (your gut keeps giving you the wrong answers), then it’s best to make decisions based on logic.

12. Stop trying to control everything and everyone – it’s impossible. Nobody is ever in control, and you should come to peace with the fact that everyone has different lifestyles, and that’s okay.

13. Exercise your sense of humor (here’s a fantastic course that teaches that!). Because hey, what’s the purpose of living and memorizing all of these personality development tips if you forget to have fun in life?

14. Always be open to possibilities. It’s always easier to resist change, and change is scary, uncomfortable. But you should always remember that change is almost always a new possibility too.

15. Before judging others, try to put yourself in their shoes. Sometimes other people and their lives seem to be way off, or way too good, even enviable. However, before making judgments, try to turn your empathy on and see yourself in their position. Sometimes people do certain things not because they want to, but because they have to.

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