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OpenAI ChatGPT: A New Wave of AI Chatbot

OpenAI ChatGPT: Know The Future of AI Technology & its Applications

By Sneha MehtaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Since its release, OpenAI ChatGPT has always been in the news for its trending and extraordinary innovations. Many individuals learn of its numerous uses every day and are surprised by its smart responses.

ChatGPT gained much traction within a week of its launch and gained more than a million users in November 2022. Many believe that ChatGPT has the potential to take over lower-end jobs that could be easily automated. AI and its future effects became a serious concern among the online community. The audience is eagerly waiting for OpenAI’s upcoming move.

Before diving into the depth of ChatGPT, Let’s learn what OpenAI ChatGPT is.

What is OpenAI ChatGPT?

OpenAI ChatGPT is an open-source AI chatbot created by OpenAI, a research lab based in San Fransico; it generates human-like responses using Natural Language Processing (NLP) system for the user prompts. Here, GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer.

ChatGPT runs on GPT-3.5 Large Language Model (LLM) and is trained on massive datasets from the open internet, books, blogs, articles, research papers, and many more.

Various Applications of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an amazing AI chatbot if used in a proper way; it can write emails, blogs, poems, text messages, customer support chat, personal assistant, etc. It is very user-friendly. On a bigger note, ChatGPT has other major uses;

Coding and Debugging - ChatGPT can write valid code for simple projects and debug coding errors further this can be expanded to provide a detailed report of coding errors. This is very helpful for programmers to be productive and efficient. For beginners, this can be a helpful daily practice of writing code.

Solving Maths Problems - Sometimes solving math problems might get hectic or involve lengthy calculations; this could be easily done by chatGPT. Many university students are using ChatGPT to solve their math assignments. This can help let students know where they might go wrong while solving equations.

Write Excel formulas - writing formulas in Excel might be challenging while handling data with many no rows and columns; ChatGPT can make this easier if you input the problem key and ask to deliver an Excel formula. This will reduce the time spent on spreadsheets.

Writing Resume - A clear and attractive resume is as important as anything when getting any job. When you explain the job role you are applying for to ChatGPT, it can deliver a perfect resume. This will obviously help many jobless applicants to format a standard resume.

There are many endless uses of ChatGPT to be explored, and time again, ChatGPT has proved that innovation in AI technology has no limit.

Limitations of ChatGPT

Like every coin has two sides, ChatGPT too has some disadvantages. OpenAI is continuously working on these shortcomings to provide a better user experience.

Sometimes ChatGPT might not understand a user prompt unless entered in a specific way. ChatGPT has a very robotic tone which doesn’t render human-like conversation.

The answers generated might be biased and lack context of the topic as it is drawn from various online sources.

It can deliver misinformation and wrong guidance to users. The responses might not handle sensitive and harmful topics.

ChatGPT has no access to real-time internet, which means it cannot generate responses drawing information from the internet.

While generating long text responses, ChatGPT-generated content raises plagiarism issues. The poor content will be detected by the Google search engine and lead to a lower ranking of the concerned website.

Final Thoughts

With the release of OpenAI ChatGPT, many competitors are in the race to take over AI technology. Google Bard and Microsoft Bing are acing towards developing advanced AI chatbots than ChatGPT. From this blog, we have understood some of the applications and limitations of ChatGPT. The future of AI chatbots is beyond our imagination.

The AI chatbots are developed using advanced machine learning algorithms and NLPs. Learning machine learning algorithms makes you stay ahead in your technological career. If you want to learn about machine learning and AI technology, you should definitely check out Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning course to have a better learning experience.


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