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On the right path


By Muhammad FarmanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

As the sun set on the small town of Millfield, Indiana, Sarah sat at her kitchen table feeling lost and defeated. It had been three months since she had been laid off from her job at the local factory, and despite her best efforts, she still hadn't been able to find a new job.

As she sat there staring at her resume, Sarah couldn't help but feel like she had somehow gone down the wrong path in life. She had always dreamed of going to college and getting a degree, but when she got pregnant at 18, those dreams were put on hold.

Now, at 32 years old and a single mother of two, Sarah felt like her life was never going to change. She had been working at the factory for the past ten years, and while it wasn't her dream job, it provided a steady income and benefits for her family.

But then, the factory announced that they were closing their doors and moving overseas. Sarah was one of the many workers who were laid off, and now she was struggling to make ends meet.

As she sat there, Sarah heard a knock at the door. She got up to answer it, and was surprised to see her old high school friend, Jake.

"Hey, Sarah," Jake said with a smile. "Long time no see. How have you been?"

Sarah felt a mix of emotions when she saw Jake. They had been good friends in high school, but had lost touch after graduation. Seeing him now brought back memories of a time when anything seemed possible.

"I've been better," Sarah said, trying to keep her tone light. "Just trying to find a job and make ends meet."

Jake nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, times are tough. Listen, I know this might sound crazy, but have you ever thought about going back to school?"

Sarah scoffed. "With two kids to take care of? And how am I supposed to pay for it?"

Jake smiled. "There are grants and scholarships available for single mothers, you know. And as for the kids, there are plenty of daycare options on campus."

Sarah hesitated. Going back to school had always been a dream of hers, but it seemed like an impossible goal now.

But as Jake talked more about his own experience going back to school and how it had changed his life, Sarah started to feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe it wasn't too late for her to pursue her dreams after all.

Over the next few weeks, Sarah researched her options and talked to counselors at the local community college. She found out that she was eligible for several grants and scholarships, and even got a job working in the college bookstore to help pay for her expenses.

It wasn't easy balancing school, work, and being a single mother, but Sarah was determined to make it work. She spent long nights studying and doing homework, but she also made sure to spend quality time with her kids and not neglect her responsibilities as a mother.

As the months went by, Sarah found herself thriving in school. She discovered a love for learning that she never knew she had, and even made the Dean's List her first semester.

But more than that, going back to school gave Sarah a sense of purpose and direction that she had been lacking for years. She felt like she was finally on the right pathway in life, and that anything was possible if she worked hard enough.

Years later, Sarah graduated with honors from the community college and went on to get her bachelor's degree in education. She became a teacher, inspiring her students to pursue their own dreams and passions.

Looking back on her journey, Sarah knew that going back to school had been the best decision

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About the Creator

Muhammad Farman

..Hey. I'm Muhammad Farman and I upload my ideas on vocal media my ideas are based on stories, biography, Health diseases, education

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