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Method of psychology

Method and Scopes of psychology

By Harendra GoudPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Methods of Psychology

• Introspection

• Observation

• Experimentation

• Survey methods

• Clinical methods

• Case study


Introspection means examining the inner behaviour by oneself. It looking

intoone’s own mind and recording what he finds there. In this method the

individual is both the subject and the observer. It is self observation. This is

the oldest method of educational psychology.


Observation literally means looking outside oneself. It is very important

methods collecting data in almost all types of research studies.

Observation basically of two types

• Natural observation

• Participant observation


Experimentation is the description and analysis of what will occur under

carefully controlled conditions. The experimental method usesa systematic

procedure called experimentaldesign.

Experimental design provides important guide lines to the researcher to

carry out his research systematically.


survey is a way of getting information about a specific type of behaviour,

experience or events. when using this method, researchers give people

questionnaires or interview them to obtain information.

Clinical Method

Clinical Method It is the method that deal with the behavioural problems

of the individuals in order to facilitate their better social adjustment. It

collects detailed information of and makes in-depth study on the

behavioural problems of the individuals and diagnoses their specific

problems and suggests remedial measures.

Case study Method

Case study is a minute study of a particular individual case. It is the in-depth

analysis of a person, group or phenomenon.

This method is applied to

• study special behavioural problems of an individual by specially trained

teachers, psychologists and psychiatrists.

• The main objective of this method is to help the individual adjust better

with the environment and gain self confidence to attain higher levels of


Scopes of psychology

• Experimental Psychology

• Biopsychology

• Developmental Psychology

• Social Psychology

• Industrial / Organizational Psychology

• Educational Psychology &Clinical Psychologists

• Counselling Psychologist

• Cross-cultural psychology &Forensic Psychology

• Environmental psychology & Psychiatry

Experimental Psychology

Psychology is scientific study of behaviour and mental processes.

Experimental Psychology: a general title applied to a variety of

psychologists who are trained in designing and conducting research in

specific basic areas like learning, sensation and perception, human

performance, and motivation and emotion. A research oriented doctoral

degree (Ph.D.) is usually needed


• Biopsychology: Take a comparative and ontogenetic perspective in the

experimental analysis of basic psychological processes as they relate to the

many ways in which animal species adapt, survive, reproduce and evolve.

Developmental Psychology

Concerned with growth and development

from conception till death. All aspects of the animal or human organism

(physiological, biological, physical, cognitive, emotional, social, cultural)

may be studied.

Social Psychology.

• Social Psychology study the ways in which the social context affects the

behaviour of the individual and groups in the real world and the

laboratory. Social psychologists focus on topics such as

• social roles,

• attitude

• formation and change,

• affiliation,

• interpersonal attraction and interaction,

• conformity,

• group processes.

Industrial / Organizational Psychologists.

Industrial / Organizational Psychologists are concerned with the relation

between individuals and work. They are employed in business and industry,

in, and in colleges and universities, and may perform a variety of jobs. An

industrial/organizational psychologist working in industry may study how

work is organized; suggest changes to improve the satisfaction of

employees, the quality of the organization's services, and productivity;

consult with management on the development of effective training programs

for employees; design programs for the early identification of management

potential; administer career counselling and pre retirement counselling

programs; develop affirmative action programs; recommend changes in job

definition; design a system of performance evaluation.

Educational Psychologists: are concerned with a range of activities from

initial design through development and evaluation of both materials and

procedures for education and training. Such positions exist in public schools,

in the military, in private research and development companies, and in

industrial concerns. They may deal with analyzing education and training

needs, with developing materials for instruction in various media, with

designing the best conditions for instruction, and with evaluating the

effectiveness of instructional programs

Clinical Psychologists. are concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of

psychological disturbances. After graduate preparation in an accredited

university or school of professional psychology, supervised postdoctoral

experience, and licensure or certification by the state, some clinical

psychologists enter independent practice/consulting roles Counselling Psychologist

Counselling Psychologists are concerned with

counselling, teaching consulting research, and/or administration. In their

work, they are particularly concerned with the role of education and work

in an individual's functioning, between live. Typically, counselling

psychologists work with normal or moderately maladjusted persons,

individually or in groups. This work includes use of traditional counseling

interview methods, interest, ability and personality tests, and

educational and occupational information.


Cross-cultural psychology Is a branch of psychology that looks at how

cultural factors influence human behaviour. Learn more about what cross-

cultural psychology is and who should study it.

Forensic Psychology:

Forensic Psychology: It is defined as an intersection between psychology

and the criminal justice system. It is applied to the criminal justice system

to evaluate the psychology of the defendants.

Environmental psychology

Environment psychology is an interdisciplinary field focused on the interplay between humans and their surroundings. The field defines the term environment very broadly

including all that natural on the planet as well as social settings, built



Psychiatry is a medical specialty devoted

to the treatment, study and prevention of

mental disorder. They can prescribe

medicines. They are MBBS Doctors.


high school

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    HGWritten by Harendra Goud

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