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Know About the Types of Letters

In this article, we will delve into the world of letters, exploring types of letter, and the significance of letter writing, and provide a comprehensive guide on how to write a letter effectively.

By BollyxzPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Types of Letters

You might have read or seen a letter at some point in your life, but in today's online era, where children are proficient in using social media platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram, many people are unfamiliar with the art of letter writing. In this article, we will delve into the world of letters, exploring types of letter, and the significance of letter writing, and provide a comprehensive guide on how to write a letter effectively.

What Exactly is a Letter?

A letter is a written form of communication that is traditionally crafted on paper using a pen or a typewriter. While it is not mandatory, letters are commonly enclosed in envelopes and delivered to the intended recipient through mail or postal services. In essence, a letter is a written conversation between two individuals, harking back to a time before the prevalence of contemporary technologies.

In the present digital age, letter writing has lost some of its allure. However, letters still hold importance in modern communication, particularly in official contexts. Whether it's drafting job cover letters, bank reminders, or college acceptance letters, the art of letter writing remains a powerful tool. Therefore, it is crucial for us to understand the intricacies of composing a well-crafted letter.

Types of Letter

Now, let's explore the various types of letters that exist. While letters can be broadly categorized as formal and informal, there are specific types based on their formalities, purposes, and content. Let's take a closer look at some of these different letter types:

Formal Letters: These letters adhere to a specific format and maintain a high level of formality. They are primarily used in professional and business settings, involving communication with authorities such as banks, railways, or government offices.

Informal Letters: In contrast, informal letters are personal in nature and do not require strict adherence to formalities. They typically involve casual conversations or the exchange of personal information. Informal letters are often sent to friends, acquaintances, or family members.

Business Letters: Business letters are specifically used for professional communication between colleagues and typically encompass quotations, orders, complaints, payment requests, and other business-related matters. These letters are always written following formal protocols.

Official Letters: Official letters are utilized to transmit important information within an organization, including instructions, protocols, announcements, and similar content. They maintain a formal tone and follow established official protocols.

Social Letters: Social letters are personal letters written on notable occasions. They encompass greetings, condolences, invitation letters, and other social interactions.

Circular Letters: Circular letters serve the purpose of disseminating information to a large group of people. They are sent to convey important announcements such as address changes, management updates, retirements, and similar matters.

How to Write a Letter?

Now that we have explored the different types of letters, let's delve into the process of writing a letter effectively. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Begin by writing the address and date at the top right or left corner of the letter.
  • Clearly state the subject of the letter in a concise manner, enabling the recipient to grasp the main purpose or topic of discussion.
  • Compose the body of the letter, maintaining a formal language and ensuring that the content is structured and coherent. Use appropriate language and aim to make it visually appealing to evoke the desired emotions in the reader.
  • Conclude the letter by summarizing the key points discussed and expressing any necessary closing remarks. Sign the letter using your name or a suitable closing phrase, such as "Yours sincerely" or "Best regards."
  • Remember that whether you are writing a formal or informal letter, it is essential to maintain an appropriate writing style, paying attention to grammar, punctuation, and overall clarity of expression.


This article has provided an overview of what constitutes a letter, explored the different types of letters, and offered guidance on how to write a letter effectively. Despite the prevalence of digital communication, the art of letter writing continues to hold significance in various contexts. By understanding the nuances of letter writing, we can leverage this timeless form of communication to convey our thoughts and emotions with grace and clarity.

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