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It ends with us: Book Review

“In the future... if by some miracle you ever find yourself in the position to fall in love again... fall in love with me.” ― Colleen Hoover

By Mahima SinghPublished about a year ago 3 min read

It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover is a captivating, heart-wrenching novel about the power of love, forgiveness, and the strength to move on from the past. The story follows Lily Bloom, who is trying to keep herself afloat after a traumatic past relationship. Through her journey of self-discovery and growth, she learns the importance of loving and forgiving herself, as well as the importance of letting go of the things that she cannot change.

The novel begins with Lily's story in the present day, as she is trying to move on with her life after a difficult breakup. She is still struggling to find her footing and make sense of her life, so she throws herself into her work as a florist. While at work, she meets Atlas Corrigan, who is immediately attracted to Lily. Despite her initial hesitation, Lily eventually falls into a passionate, whirlwind romance with Atlas.

At first, everything between them is perfect. Atlas is charming and attentive, and he is determined to prove to Lily that she is worthy of love. But as Lily begins to learn more about Atlas's past, she discovers a dark and tumultuous history that threatens to tear their relationship apart. When Lily finds out that Atlas was previously in an abusive relationship, she is forced to confront her own fears and insecurities about the past.

Despite the challenges that they face, Lily and Atlas stay together. In the process, Lily discovers that love can be a powerful force for healing and growth. She learns that it is possible to forgive and to move on from the past, and to accept the love that is offered to her. As their relationship progresses, Lily and Atlas learn to rely on each other for strength and encouragement.

The novel culminates with a powerful, hopeful message about the power of love and forgiveness. Through her journey, Lily discovers that love is a choice and that it can be a force for good in the world. She learns that it is possible to move on from the past, and to find peace in the present. In the end, Lily finds the courage to love again and to trust in the power of love and forgiveness.

It Ends with Us is an emotionally powerful and inspiring novel. The story is full of heartache and hope, and it conveys an important message about the power of love and forgiveness. With its captivating characters and thoughtful exploration of difficult themes, It Ends with Us is an unforgettable read.

The novel's central theme is one of forgiveness. Lily is forced to confront her past and the decisions she has made. As she struggles to come to terms with her own actions, she is forced to confront those of her family, her friends, and her lover, Atlas. Through this process, she learns about the power of forgiveness and how it can help to heal.

It Ends With Us is an emotional and thought-provoking read. It is a story about love, loss, and the power of forgiveness. Hoover has crafted a powerful, compelling novel that will leave readers feeling both touched and inspired. It is a book that will stay with you long after you have finished it.

Throughout the story, Lily and Ryle learn to trust and rely on each other. They also learn the importance of understanding, communication, and forgiveness. In the end, the message of the story is that love can help us heal and move on from our pasts. It’s a powerful reminder that no matter what pain we’ve experienced in life, we can still find love and happiness if we’re willing to open our hearts.

The message of It Ends With Us is that love can overcome even the deepest of pain. It’s a reminder that no matter what has happened in our pasts, we can still find love and healing if we’re willing to open our hearts. It’s a story of hope and understanding, and it’s one that will stay with you long after you’ve finished the book.

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