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Inspration quotes of chanakya

important life lesson

By PRABHA STORY WRITESPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Chanakya, also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta, was born in Taxila, a city that is now in Pakistan, in 370 BC. He was raised by Brahmin scholars, and from a young age, he shown a strong interest in study and learning.

A complete set of teeth at birth was said to be a fortunate omen in ancient India, and Chanakya is said to have been born with a full set of teeth. His father, Chanak, who was also a scholar, reared him when his mother passed away when he was a young child.

Chanakya obtained a rigorous education covering topics like politics, economics, philosophy, and warfare. He was educated by some of the greatest thinkers of his day and at an early age decided to enter the teaching profession.

Chanakya's genius andChanakya's past

An ancient Indian political operative, philosopher, and economist under the names of Chanakya, Kautilya, and Vishnugupta. He was born in Taxila, which is today in Pakistan, in the year 370 BC.

The Arthashastra, a book on politics, economics, and statecraft, was written by the highly educated scholar and educator Chanakya. He was also a dependable counsellor to Chandragupta Maurya, the Indian monarch who, with his assistance, overthrew the Nanda dynasty in 322 BC and founded the Maurya Empire.

The teachings of Chanakya, who was renowned for his cunning, cleverness, and strategic thinking, have had a significant influence on Indian history and culture. He was an advocate for an effective and powerful government.


"A man becomes great by his works, not by birth."

"Too much honesty is not a good thing. Honest individuals are swindled first and straight trees are cut first."

"The most important guru mantra is to never reveal your secrets to anyone. You'll be ruined by it."

"Attack and obliterate the dread as soon as it comes close."

"A person who is still hungry finds it difficult to focus on their work. Similar to this, a person who is too much in love with someone finds it difficult to focus on their profession."

"The best friend is knowledge. Somebody who is educated is valued everywhere. Knowledge triumphs over youth and beauty."

"Every friendship is motivated by some degree of self-interest. Without self-interests, friendship is impossible. This is an unpleasant fact."

"IThe 87-year-old Chanakya, also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta, passed away in 283 BC. There are numerous reports of the events leading up to his passing.

According to a narrative, Chanakya's adversaries, including the main queen of Emperor Bindusara, plotted to have him killed and his meals poisoned. Nevertheless, Chanakya detected the scheme in time and administered an antidote, but his digestive tract had already been harmed, causing his death.

According to another story, Chanakya resigned from public life and lived in seclusion till his tranquil death.

Whatever the circumstances, Chanakya's demise signalled a turning point in Indian history. His substantial contributions to politics, economics, and statecraft have had a long-lasting impact on Indian society and governance.

CThe 87-year-old Chanakya, also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta, passed away in 283 BC. He died in a variety of ways, but one of the most well-known versions is that he self-immolated.

According to this myth, Chanakya and Chandragupta Maurya, the emperor he had assisted in installing, had a falling out. According to legend, Chanakya's treatment of the emperor's queen, whom he suspected of having an affair with a courtier, is what caused the conflict.

Chanakya was severely hurt when Chandragupta supported his queen, and he made the decision to leave the city and live as an austere life in the jungle. He is claimed to have cursed the emperor's dynasty before departing, predicting that it would only continue forhanakya'sdols do not contain God. Your emotions serve as your god.

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