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How to Setup Windows 10 on a New Computer Without an Operating System?

In this article i have explained in detail How to Setup Windows 10 on a New Computer Without an Operating System?

By Guides ArenaPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

A new computer will run more effectively once Windows is installed on it. A regular user couldn't make the most of a computer without an OS.

The easiest way to install Windows 10 on laptops that don't already have an operating system is to download the Windows installation media to a USB drive and connect the USB drive to the new PC. Let's examine how to install Windows 10 on a fresh PC without an operating system.

Why Is a Computer's Operating System Required?

An operating system is comparable to a computerized brain. To make the system more user-friendly, it communicates with all hardware and software. It manages computer hardware and serves as the framework for application software. Since each OS contains the Program Manager, Memory Manager, File Manager, and Device Manager, it is advised to install Windows on a new computer.

The OS monitors the proper operation of every manager. OS is also responsible for ensuring the security of the system. Only an operating system makes harmonious multitasking possible. As a result, running a computer requires an operating system.

How Can Windows 10 Be Installed On A New Computer Without An Operating System? Detailed Instructions

It's crucial to make sure that a new PC meets all the requirements before installing Windows 10. These prerequisites are: A CPU with a minimum speed of 1 GHz.

For Windows 10's 32-bit UEFI and 64-bit Legacy editions, the system's minimum RAM requirements are 1GB and 2GB, respectively.

32GB or more should be the minimum amount of storage needed.

The WDDM driver is DirectX9 compatible with Graphics Processing Unit.

Displays that have a minimum resolution of 800x600 pixels.

The Windows 10 media file is necessary in order to install Windows 10 on a new computer. The following steps must be followed in order to create the Windows installation media file:

For the purpose of downloading Windows installation media, we need a working Windows 10 computer connected to the internet, as well as a USB flash drive with at least 8GB of storage.

 Access the Microsoft website using a computer.

On the website, search for the download icon.

For installation, click the image. It is the media creation tool for Windows 10.

 Plug the downloaded file into your system's USB flash drive after it has finished downloading.

Verify that a proper backup has been made of the data on the USB. These data files will therefore be removed.

After creating your media using the tool, click the "Accept" icon.

Another window will be in front of you. Simply click "Create Installation media to a different PC."

Please select "Next." Windows will have no trouble identifying your USB flash drive. If not, choose the proper USB so that the download can take place.

 It's possible that it will download the Windows 10 media file inside of it.

 The Windows 10 media file to set up Windows 10 on a new computer is currently accessible.

Detailed Instructions for Installing Windows on a New Computer

In a USB port on your new computer, insert the USB that is running Windows 10.

Start your laptop by turning it on or restarting it.

Continue pressing the boot menu button to bring up the boot menu while the system is still in the process of booting up.

The buttons for the boot menu on the vast majority of desktop computers are F2, F10, Esc, or F12.

Use the BIOS (Basic input and output system) to start your computer if the boot menu is not visible.

The most typical way to open BIOS is typically F1, F2, or Escape.

Select your USB drive to start Windows booting from it if it contains all of the installation media for Windows.

 Click any button to launch your Windows installation once the system has been booted from the USB flash drive.

 If you choose these options in accordance with your preferences and then click on the next icon, the installed language, time and currency format, keyboard, and input method will be displayed on the first page.

Install Now is written in a small box in the center of the screen. The process will start once you click on it.

Windows 10 requires an activation key to be used in order to be activated.

If not, use "I don't have a key" to request one when setting up Windows on a new computer.

On the following screen, select the Windows 10 edition you prefer, or, if you bought one, the edition you bought.

When you click "I agree to the terms of the license," Windows 10 will ask you what kind of installation you want. Select Custom: Windows only (advanced) because it is a new computer.

The disk should be chosen in the Windows Boot Manager. Choose the most recent option if a partition is required. The computer can then be set to start up while Windows 10 installation is completed.

To avoid being booted again, remove your USB flash drive from the computer.

The procedure for installing Windows on a fresh PC is finished.

Considerations You Should Make

Windows 10 will carry out the majority of driver installations automatically after installation. It is preferable to manually download the drivers for laptops. Installing the sound, internet LAN, and other drivers manually is especially necessary for laptops powered by AMD or featuring ATI Radeon Graphics.

You might need a USB mouse for the most recent Asus devices as the trackpad might not work after the installation. The official website run by the PC or laptop manufacturer is where you can do this. The drivers can be downloaded using this USB or another method.

The boot menus on various laptops from various brands vary. On a Dell laptop, for instance, F12 can be selected as the default boot option. F9 is the key for HP laptops. For example, with Acer, Esc, or F12 and F9. Some laptops might demand that you press and hold the "Fn" button while pressing the boot menu button.


A user who wants to use computers cannot be satisfied by a laptop or computer that lacks an operating system. To get the most out of Windows 10, it is therefore recommended to learn how to install it on a new computer that doesn't already have an operating system.

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Guides Arena

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