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How to Properly Set Up a Badminton Court

Expert Tips and Guidelines for Creating the Perfect Badminton Playing Environment

By Zach BarnesPublished about a year ago 4 min read

As a Sports writer, I understand the importance of having a well-structured and adequately set-up badminton court for a successful game. This guide will provide a step-by-step process for setting up a badminton court. I have carefully crafted this guide to ensure you have all the information you need to create a high-quality court meeting all the required standards.

Step 1: Choose the Right Location

The first step in setting up a badminton court is choosing the correct location. A flat surface with the smooth and level ground is essential to ensure the court is stable and safe for players. The area you select should also have adequate space for players to move around freely and hit the shuttlecock without any hindrance. A rectangular space with dimensions of 44 feet by 20 feet is recommended for a singles game, while 44 feet by 22 feet is required for a doubles game.

Step 2: Mark the Court

The next step is to mark the boundaries of the court. You can use chalk, tape, or paint to mark the court's lines. The court should be marked with white lines that are two inches wide, and the lines should be visible. The court is divided into two halves by a net hung from the posts at the center of each sideline. The net's height should be 5 feet at the center and 5 feet 1 inch at the posts.

Step 3: Install the Net

The next step is to install the net. The net should be placed in the center of the court, with the top edge at 5 feet in the center and 5 feet 1 inch at the posts. The net should be tensioned, so it is taut and does not sag in the middle. The net posts should be firmly planted in the ground and at least 1.55 meters tall.

Step 4: Install the Posts

After installing the net, it's time to install the posts. The posts should be installed at the center of each sideline and at least 1.55 meters tall. The posts should be firmly planted in the ground and able to withstand any wind or player impact.

Step 5: Set Up Lighting

If you are playing indoors or in an area with low light, you must set up lighting to ensure the court is well-lit. The lighting should be placed at least 12 feet and directed toward the court to prevent shadows from obstructing players' view.

Step 6: Final Touches

Once you have completed all the previous steps, you can add the final touches to your badminton court. Add boundary markings, sponsor logos, and other decorations to make your court more attractive.


What is the standard size of a badminton court?

The standard size of a badminton court for the singles game is 44 feet by 20 feet, while for a doubles game, the dimensions are 44 feet by 22 feet.

What is the height of a badminton net?

The height of a badminton net should be 5 feet at the center and 5 feet 1 inch at the posts.

What type of surface is best for a badminton court?

A flat, smooth, and level surface is best for a badminton court. Concrete, asphalt, or wooden surfaces are ideal if they are correctly maintained and debris-free.

How do I maintain my badminton court?

To maintain your badminton court, regularly clean the surface and remove any debris or leaves that may have accumulated. Ensure that the net and posts are securely fixed and not damaged. Consider using a pressure washer to deep-clean the surface and remove stubborn stains.

Can I play badminton indoors?

Yes, you can play badminton indoors as long as there is adequate space and lighting. Indoor courts are ideal as they provide a controlled environment unaffected by weather conditions.

How high should the lighting be for a badminton court?

The lighting should be placed at least 12 feet and directed toward the court to prevent shadows from obstructing players' view.

If you sill have any confusion about How to Set Up a Badminton Court, watch this video:


Setting up a badminton court requires attention to detail and adherence to specific standards. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a high-quality badminton court that meets all the required standards for a safe and enjoyable game.

Additionally, it is important to note that maintaining the court's quality is equally essential for the longevity of the playing surface. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the court surface, net, and posts are critical to ensuring that the court remains safe and enjoyable to play on.

This comprehensive guide has been helpful to you in setting up your badminton court. Remember, a well-maintained, adequately set-up court can improve your game and make your playing experience more enjoyable. So, gather your badminton rackets and shuttlecocks and prepare for a great game!

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About the Creator

Zach Barnes

I'm Zach Barnes, a sports enthusiast and column writer. I love indoor games. I always want to learn more and share my knowledge with other passionate players.

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