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How To Find Instagram Follow Requests

Step-by-step guide to help you out to find Instagram follow requests

By siraPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Step-by-step guide to help you out to find Instagram follow requests

Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos, connect with friends and followers, and discover new accounts to follow. If you're new to Instagram or just want to know how to find and manage your follow requests, here's a step-by-step guide to help you out.

Open the Instagram app on your phone or tablet.

Tap on the "Profile" icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. This will take you to your profile page.

Tap on the "Options" icon in the top right corner of the screen. This looks like a gear or three horizontal lines.

Scroll down and tap on "Discover People." This will take you to a page with suggested accounts to follow.

At the top of the page, tap on "Follow Requests." This will show you a list of accounts that have requested to follow you.

To accept or ignore a follow request, tap on the account's name or profile picture. This will take you to their profile page.

To accept the following request, tap on the "Confirm" button. To ignore the following request, tap on the "Ignore" button.

If you want to view your list of follow requests again, just go back to the "Discover People" page and tap on "Follow Requests."

If you're not sure whether you want to accept a follow request, you can always take a look at the account's profile page before making a decision. This will give you a better idea of what kind of content they post and whether you're interested in following them.

If you're worried about getting too many follow requests, you can change your account's privacy settings to "Private." This will only allow people you approve to follow your account and see your posts.

If you get a lot of follow requests from accounts you're not interested in, you can use the "Ignore" button to quickly and easily remove them from your list.

If you accidentally ignore a follow request from an account you do want to follow, you can always go back and request to follow them again. Just visit their profile page and tap the "Follow" button.

Keep in mind that Instagram has limits on how many people you can follow and how many follow requests you can send. If you hit these limits, you'll need to wait until your account is eligible to follow more people or send more follow requests.

If you're having trouble finding or managing your follow requests, try checking the Instagram Help Center or reaching out to the Instagram support team for assistance.

Here are more details and explanations that may help clarify the process of finding and managing follow requests on Instagram:

When someone requests to follow your account, you'll receive a notification in the "Activity" section of your profile page. You can also find follow requests by going to the "Discover People" page and tapping on "Follow Requests."

The "Discover People" page is where you can find suggested accounts to follow based on your interests and connections on Instagram. It's a great way to discover new and interesting accounts to follow.

To access the "Options" menu, you'll need to tap on the icon in the top right corner of your profile page. This looks like a gear or three horizontal lines. From here, you can access a variety of settings and tools, including the "Discover People" page.

When you tap on an account's name or profile picture in the list of follow requests, you'll be taken to their profile page. From here, you can view their posts, bio, and other information to decide whether you want to accept or ignore their follow request.

If you accept a follow request, the account will be able to see your posts and interact with your content. If you ignore a follow request, the account will not be able to follow you or see your posts.

If you have a private account, only people you approve will be able to follow you and see your posts. If you receive a follow request from someone you don't know or aren't interested in, you can simply ignore the request.

You now know how to find and manage your follow requests on Instagram.

I hope this additional information helps clarify the process of finding and managing follow requests on Instagram.

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